Julie; Your reporting has been excellent. I am very concerned at the apparent perversion of our justice system simply because of political considerations. This case and the Willis matter in Georgia both show on the record meetings of politicos from the Biden administration. Some of the meetings were even in the White House. Also, I understand that Biden's DOJ has inserted one of their high level officials into the Alvin Bragg prosecution team in NY. It has become obvious that the team working with Biden is actively conspiring to jail DJT. If not jail, then possibly hang a felony on him before the election. Either way, definitely "election interference". Every American should be alarmed at the recent turn of events.

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I completely agree. Suppose instead of Judge Cannon Trump's trial had drawn a Judge Chutkan clone. She would have rubber-stamped whatever the prosecutor wanted.

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Cannon is the one trial judge involved in these political trials that isn't a Democrat stooge. It should be fun to watch her rake Jack Smith & Co over the coals. Smith & Co cut so many corners on this prosecution, I very much hope they get their teeth handed to them on this one.

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It would be the ultimate irony that the appeals court ruling that went in favor of Lisa Monaco and the DoJ ( she is the one running this S-show, Jack Smith is just the terrifying face they out out there to scare little children. " Obey the government or that evil man will come and rip you out of bed one night."). Had the court ruled otherwise, the special master would have been more judicious in the handling of the material and everything would be documented correctly. Instead, the clown show that is our Department of Justice shipped the boxes all over the Eastern seaboard with the entirely predictable disastrous results, at least for the government. The chain of custody hasn't merely been broken, it's been evaporated. There is no way this case ever sees a courtroom. As I have said numerous times, thank God the deep state is as incompetent as it is corrupt. Otherwise, we would be in far greater danger.

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I agree with your opinion about Lisa Monaco. You can bet she is directly in touch with Obama all the time.

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Obama, Susan Rice, and Valerie Jarrett plot strategy all day and all night. They consult with the usual suspects. When the execute, they run the plays through Perkins Coie law firm as the cut out. The talking points go out to media about 3 AM to producers of all the usual shows, CNN, MSNBC, WAPO, NYT. Others amplify it. Like CSPAN, PBS, NPR etc. And yes, Lisa Monaco is running the DOJ. Has been since day one.

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The hardest working journalist in America - Julie Kelly!

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Pardon the expression, Julie, but it's about damned time that someone, anyone, with a modicum of ethics and honor in the federal judiciary challenges that weasel Jack Smith. Of course, those sentient beings who have paid attention to the unconstitutional persecution/prosecution of not only former (and future) President Trump but, also, those poor souls who made the mistake of legally protesting the rigged/stolen Presidential election of 2020 at the US Capitol on J6/2021, know that the only way to remove President Trump from consideration is to convict him of bogus crimes and put him in prison. Maybe, just maybe, those Marxists-wearing-black-robes who have presided over the Soviet-Show-Trials, which have occurred inside Moscow-on-the-Potomac during the previous three years will receive a massive smack-down once SCOTUS releases it decision regarding Presidential immunity. One can only be hopeful and prayerful that this will happen.

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Finally some good news.

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It is about time that SOMEONE pushes back against this lawless administration. I just heard the video from Tucker about Tara Reade being kept out of US because of fear of being arrested when she returns to the US! All of this is horrendous! Thank you Julie!

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I would say more than fear of being arrested. I think Tara Reade is afraid for her life. Evidently, sniffing her hair wasn't enough for the guy who showers with his own daughter.

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Julie, excellent work.

Judge Cannon needs our prayers for her safety and wisdom. She us single-handedly staring down the face of Evil.

See my latest article at the Anerican athinjer:


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Exciting times ahead this summer and Julie keeps us well informed!

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Julie, surely you will be the hero journalist we are all searching for. Thank you for staying laser focused on these cases.

I wish we could have cameras in Judge Cannon’s courtroom throughout these hearings. The American public deserves to see these prosecutors be accountable to the rule of law. They also deserve to witness a Judge who conducts her courtroom and herself according to established ethical rules and regulations.

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All I can say is Outstanding! You are one of very few covering and making sense of Jack Smith's activities and the involvement of the DOJ and Whitehouse conspiracy with NARA. God bless you. Between your work on this and January 6th defendents you deserve multiple pullitzers. Keep up the excellent work.

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A demand for Judge Cannon's recusal? For what?

Being appointed to a federal judgeship is not the basis for the demand for a recusal. If that were the case, then changing one circumstance would also be a valid reason, and that change would be the appointment by the current President and chief political rival of the defendant.

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Oh my...and how ' VEHWY INTERESTING'.

I find it so amusing that the "Smith's media allies" keep asking for Judge Aileen Cannon to recuse herself. And yet, blatantly obvious judges like Arthur Engoron or Tanya Chutkan OR JUAN MERCHAN who not only in themselves were and are TDS disciples but their family members (in Merchan's obvious case) are even more biased and compromising WHO AREN'T BEING FORCED TO RECUSE THEMSELF!

It's been a fun week to watch the tooth dissolve in the glass of coca cola with these clown show lawfare cases against Pres. Donald Trump! And how many previously left/lib/progressive/democrat media outlets are now reporting the broken nose on the l/l/p/d Biden total BullS lie factory on every really stupid thing that Biden has said (uncle eaten by cannibals, economy is best it's ever been, Biden stands for Israel and will help them, the Hunter Biden Laptop is Russian disinformation, 51 retired intelligence jack offs openly lie that the laptop was Russian dis---well you know, food/rent/gas/electricity/whatever doesn't cost American's any more than before, the Borders are secure, Afghanistan was not Biden's fault, $85 Billion worth of State of the Art Military equipment was not left on the Afghani tarmacs, Biden didn't look at his watch during that dignified return of American Soldier ceremony, inflation was 9% [uh no, it was 1.4%], Biden didn't order the bombing of that family in Afghanistan)! Holy Crap...there is no end to that list!

WOW! It is a Democrat Sht Show on Steroids! And this is just the beginning of the unraveling of that gunny sack.

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Thank you Julie. So nice to get some good news 🙂

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