Pardon my cynicism but I have no faith whatsoever in the integrity of SCOTUS. James Madison’s hope that an independent judiciary would be the last bulwark against tyranny has been dashed. Sad times near the end of the American experiment.

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Dec 30, 2023·edited Dec 31, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

I personally believe Brett Kavanaugh may suffer from post traumatic stress disorder and perhaps an element of Stockholm Syndrome. The wisdom of putting Amy Coney Barrett on the Supreme Court could be questioned due to legitimate concerns over the safety of her many children. We all know about Roberts. The biggest problem is that if SCOTUS fails to subordinate a belligerent, megalomaniacal Democratic Party, what then? Lawfare is their MO to render the will of the people irrelevant. They control the federal bureaucracy, the justice system, the military, the universities and the media. They learned from J6 they can turn any protest into a sting operation and punish dissent. They can activate their shock troops in a nanosecond to reproduce the state sanctioned chaos and violence they perpetrated during the 2020 “summer of love”. A feckless Republican Party may either be glad to be rid of Trump or too craven to act. A despotic Biden regime can then stare an angry public in the face and say with impunity “what are you going to do about it?”

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While I agree with your assessment of the recent behavior by both Justice Kavanaugh and Barrett, the single Justice whom I don't trust is that unreliable Chief Justice. My question is this--will he rear-up on his hind legs and impersonate the "attack Yorkie" he always seem to be? Or will he meekly go along with the four Marxists Justices? Only time will tell. All we can do is pray that the entire Court uses its considerable brain power and makes the right decisions to reign-in Chi-Com Joe's (or is it Obama's) DOJ.

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Dec 31, 2023·edited Dec 31, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

The DOJ has already both made the threat of not protecting the Justices' homes from demonstrations and actually allowed protests, ignoring federal law. It wouldn't be surprising to see the Supremes intimidated into ignoring obvious federal law on the 14th Amendment, 1512c and everything else important to the left. It will mean the end of the Constitution as we knew it, and a possible 2nd Civil War. However, the left believes in getting its way by any means necessary.

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Well....that was a chilling end to a great re-cap of all the legal proceedings. To think that the Supreme Court would be intimidated and try to appear impartial instead of looking to the Constitution and law is something I had not thought of.

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“It is hard to imagine a scenario where SCOTUS does not significantly correct or outright reverse the appellate court’s judgment on obstruction.”

It’s also hard to imagine a scenario where our country has open borders, dumbed down schools that poison children with race and gender ideology, surging crime in cities like Chicago as cops abandon police work, the demonization of “Whiteness!” by our ruling class elites and a war on meritocracy due to it having a “disparate impact” on blacks and is therefore “racist” and must be replaced with “Equity” aka Equal Outcomes, yet here we are.

I live in Chicago. Here’s an excerpt from an article I read today: “Fully one-third of Chicago’s projected $538 million budget deficit for 2024 flows from its flood of illegal aliens.” This is insane. Happy New Year.

“California becomes first state to offer health insurance to all undocumented immigrants.”

Yahoo News. ABC News. Dec 29, 2023


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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

I was just listening to Sebastian Gorka's program where he had Vivek Ramaswamy on the show. Vivek is raising statements that are actually not surprising but he's saying the stuff out loud that most other people are just trying to keep to a whisper. And that is that the Left and Right are adamant to not let Trump get anywhere near the POTUS position, again. And, that filthy rich mouths like Larry Fink (Blackrock) and Reid Hoffman (Linkedin) will do anything to achieve that "No More Trump" goal. Not surprising news. Just like George Soros is so hot to push his takeover agenda(s).

So, what do we do when we have Courts all over the nation, playing ping pong with our freedoms? Just like you said Julie, for the 2020 election massive fraud complex that took root way back well before 2016 and in real time, NOW, a circus tight rope with no net, that is just aching to see this nation disemboweled by numerous huge rotating fans that will liquify this Constitutional Republic And the "powerful Rich players" will have their rigged court systems make their wishes materialize, as we are continuously perceived as dummy peons who will summarily fall off that tight rope en masse.

The fix is in, In spite, of the current POTUS imbecile who can't deny that his admin. is ushering in the mechanisms to do multiple Hamasian attack squad tactical actions, from various nations (who want and need our USA resources), we, the citizens of this nation are all facing a full court press to end this country. And that, of course, is from a wide open southern border that a couple of days ago had 15,000 illegals cross that border.

On how many different fronts is this political gamesmanship panel going to subject US and the USA to such a full frontal attack and so many edges at one time? Is there any real plan in somebody's/anybody's collective mindset to attempt to thwart this onslaught (other than Donald Trump) while we are staring back at those "massive machines" with our tiny little pea shooter pop guns?

Sheesh...we need some real action plans clutched into gear!

The education is nice, but when the in our face forceful bone breaking roundhouse slap is in process, do we just take it, do we run (who knows where) or do we just hope that it will die down sometime soon like useless idiots (not useful idiots) who just disregard with dumb ass blind abandon?!?

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Thank you for your courage in championing the non-violent j6 prisoners. I'm so saddened not only by the cruelty and corruption of the Democrat machine, but also the silence of powerful conservatives and Republican leadership. Chutkan makes no effort to hide her bias and unprofessionalism.

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

I believe a SCOTUS majority will perform its duty with loyalty to the Constitution and remind everyone that we must adhere to the rule of law. However there will be a minority dissent. Surely, this court wants a legacy of blind justice. If it fails to assert the power it derives from the constitution, it would be a “suicide of sorts” for that branch of government. If that happens, the people know that our constitutional republic is null and void. Then would come the reckoning no one wants to imagine.

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

For sure Julie...I have no confidence in SCOTUS after 2020...political decision all the way due to the correct decision of 2000..and the lunatic lefts constant intimidation of constitutional conservative justices since then. Another reason people love Trump..he continually shows himself to not be afraid or intimidated by anyone. The future of our great country now depends on the courage..or not..of SCOTUS...please continue your great reporting Julie...you are a great female role model!!

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

See John Roberts' supervision of the FISA judges for a CLUE.

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

Why dig through the minutiae of legal theory and precedent when the question to ask is whether or not this issue is big enough for the blackmail cards to be utilized?

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Dec 31, 2023·edited Dec 31, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

There was never an insurrection. Furthermore, that is why J6 defendants and D. Trump have neither been charged or convicted of such a crime and, instead, have been incarcerated, illegally, using an Enron statute violation. Even Jack Smith, who knows Jack S**t about the anti-slave Amendments, knows this. It was a protest that was deliberately coopted by the FBI and CIA who, then, with the help of the DOJ, deliberately fabricated a false crime (insurrection), as a ploy, so as to charge unarmed civilians with a crime, based upon perception, and not the law, that fits a narrative that does not apply. This is nonsense designed to sway voters and not courts yet even lower courts, are shamelessly demonstrating their profound ignorance of history and the applicable law. They are now attempting to redefine what the third aspect of the Fourteenth Amendment means to, again, fit another narrative that would only enable the likes of a communist cabal, or the most ignorant and bold among the Democrats, to charge Donald Trump with a crime that cannot exist, because, at the time, the third aspect of Fourteenth Amendment was ratified, it applied only to Confederates. That was what it was designed to do and for only one time. They are all dead now and incapable of running for any office in 2024.

If a band of young, middle aged and old, unarmed American ex confederates, including civilian women, did the same thing in 1870 they would never be treated by the Andrew Johnson Administration this way. The current Courts are prejudiced and biased. They are the real Insurrectionists and are attempting to do what they have no power to do. Only the current Administration is so radicalized so as to attempt to fabricate such fiction. Of course in 1870 they would also not have been coopted by the FBI, CIA or DHS since, at that time, such bureaucracies never existed. The very creation, for their sole use by Washington DC, is now seen, by many, as a huge mistake. If anything, this would be the righteous time for states to secede, for severe violations of the Constitution by the Federal government, which, of course, now has nothing to do with slavery... those secessionists, the Confederates, who were responsible for a real Insurrection, based on abolition, are all dead and gone.

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

Thank you. An excellent summary of what awaits us. I will keep hope alive that the SCOTUS functions as it should.

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The fundamental issues underlying all of Trump and J6 cases are the abuses of the legal system and the civil rights of both ordinary Americans and a former president. If the Supreme Court fails to step in, it will be akin to institutionalizing the prosecution of political crimes and outlawing dissent. Say goodbye to the Bill of Rights.

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Say what you will about Trump; he has been pilloried almost as much as our Founding Fathers... Think about that. Nobody since Ronaldus has taken the 'risk' of battling the 'establishment'. As a person who has stood a post in a foreign land he has my utmost respect... And I hope the Fascist Bureau of Intimidation reads this(I work with some close to home...).

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