If the highest court determines the Department of Justice and judges misapplied a corporate fraud statute against hundreds of January 6 defendants, the repercussions will be felt for years to come.
Thanks Julie. This makes it so abundantly clear what kind of corruption we're dealing with. There is a clear bright line from 2016 to now, how mass hysteria filled the gaps to invent 'intent' based on their own delusions. Do you think SCOTUS will agree that they "abused the statute to criminalize political dissent"? Is intent the only thing that they believe distinguishes these cases from all the ways the Left have deliberately disrupted official proceedings to protest? How disgusting our government has become.
I am hopeful but not confident. We know a few judges are afraid to touch any matter that might benefit Trump or his voters. But the appellate ruling is so bad I don't see how they can avoid bringing some clarity to the issue. If they don't, Congress needs to step in an fix the language,
“If they don't, Congress needs to step in and fix the language.”
Ha, ha. Very funny. Fat chance of that ever happening. You need to rewatch Tucker’s interview with Marjorie Taylor Greene for her horrifying insider look at what a farce Congress is. I’m not all doom and gloom though. I’m a big believer in AI soon becoming advanced enough to save us since we sure can’t save ourselves. Elon and his work on AI with his new company “X.AI” is a good one to follow. It really is quite amazing how fast it’s advancing and will soon be a game changer for us all.
Tucker Carlson: Marjorie Taylor Greene elected republicans are craven frauds. (38 min)
It’s time to face the fact that we lack a common reality, have become incomprehensible to each other and can no longer communicate. Where is the common ground in such an infinitely wide divide? Doesn’t seem to be any. How can we function as a country like this? Perhaps this is why we no longer are functioning as a country.
Pre-trial Imprisonment, pre-trial punishment, pre-trial torture (massive solitary confinement) and judicial malfeasance is SHAMEFULLY THIRD WORD. All the previously listed trash in service to a FALSE FLAG FEDSURRECTION.
The DoInjustice and their thug-stooge subordinate, the FBI, will NEVER recover.
There is only one reality and it is revealed by the videos that were hidden from us by the January 6 Committee because these videos refuted this committee's claims.
Unfortunately, events this week indicate no slowing of this dangerous trajectory. Between the Colorado Supreme Court kicking Trump off the ballot to the 11th Circuit denying Mark Meadows' immunity claims to Judge Boasberg doing the same to Rep. Scott Perry, judges of both parties continue to demonstrate their willingness to overstep traditional boundaries to dismantle long-held protections. Those who cheer what's happening now won't be too pleased when (IF) the tables are turned.
You are a national hero Julie. The silence and complicity of the judicial/legal community, the feckless legislature, and the IZVESTIA/PRAVDA MSM must be avenged “constitutionally”. Thank you for all you are doing to shine a light on the J6 FEDSURRECTION filth. We the People owe you.
A ray of hope finally! Julie, you deserve at least this much for how long you have been trying to elevate this issue. Hopefully, the federal prosecutors are rattled enough to stop seeking new arrests after 3 years of abuse. Although, I do wish a peaceful holiday season for all, I’m hoping all souls (prosecutors, politicians, judges, federal agents etc...) who have been participating in this outrageous injustice of their fellow American citizens sleep restlessly throughout. You are the best Julie.
Thank you, Elizabeth. It was a very happy day...and as I wrote, if SCOTUS overturns DOJ's abuse of this statute, we must demand resignations and retirements. Then halt any new appointments to the DC bench. In fact, the DC Circuit should be dismantled and defunded entirely.
I'm not a lawyer, but these prosecutions really seem to violate the equal protection clause of the Constitution, (as others have said). The prosecutors are completely unconcerned with official proceedings repeatedly disrupted by the Left. But if a Trump supporter peacefully protests, watch out, now it's a huge Federal crime. Total crap. Swamp needs draining bad.
Again this week, pro-Palestinian protesters took over parts of the Capitol including the Rotunda--the same area where police used excessive force to attack J6ers. No such conduct against leftist demonstrators, of course.
the law in question actually reads "(c) Whoever corruptly - (1)alters, destroys, or conceals a record ... or (2) otherwise obstructs, influences ..."
It seems to me the operative word in the above should be "whoever". Whoever means whoever. Apparently they are reading "whoever" to mean "any Trump supporter who ...".
“And federal judges in Washington who willfully endorsed such intentional prosecutorial abuse will suffer a collective black eye, justifying calls for mass resignations and retirements.”
Not true. Our ruling class, their media, Academia, Hollywood, Big Tech and many in the general public strongly support these Woke “social justice” judges and consider white, working class, Trump supporters “a clear and present danger” which must be dealt with just the way these judges are doing.
We lack a common reality, have become incomprehensible to each other and can no longer communicate. Where is the common ground in such an infinitely wide divide? There obviously is none. We always just talk past each other. This can only get worse and is getting worse by the day. The same people who insist Jan 6 was an “Insurrection!” have no problem with Joe’s open southern border or his campaign to replace meritocracy wherever it can be found with Equity aka Equal Outcomes. This is just not working at all. Could it be that the reason why America is so rapidly unraveling externally is because it no longer exists as a country internally?
If the Supreme Court were in the business of dispensing justice, it should be a slam dunk the misapplication of this statute is overturned.
Unfortunately, Chief Justice Roberts has a lot of influence with the other justices, and he is consumed with the reputation of the court. What that really means is, he is worried about the New York Times and the rest of State Media saying mean things about his court.
A side note- some of his oddball written opinions lead me to wonder, what dirt does the Deep State have on him?
I estimate it as 50/50 The Supremes will do the right thing.
I agree. We really can’t predict what the outcome will be even though the facts couldn’t be more clear. So what does this say about our society? It says we have no common reality, no common truth or facts or common sense which means no common rule of law. Certainly a very unfortunate development for our society. Men like Putin and Xi understand what’s happening here quite well though since they’ve seen their own society’s collapse into insanity. Putin even gave a great speech a few years ago where he condemned Woke ideology in America and the West. Basically Putin said of it, “Been there. Done that. No thanks.”
50/50 is a good bet. My only question is if they don't act on Fischer, will they act on other appeals that don't involve the same elements as the Fischer/Lang/Miller cases which included assault on police. That I do not know.
Here we will see if the Roberts court is one of real constitutional justice or just another puppet institution of the ruling class establishment. Of course this obstruction statute has been abused for political purposes. But will the majority fold under the prospect of giving Trump this win? We have seen them fold before.
At least four justices agreed to grant cert, so that's a good sign. Doesn't guarantee a favorable outcome but indicates enough concern about the appellate court opinion to warrant review.
We have seen him fold before. But we currently have a different court. It is 5-4, so there is more than half a chance that the decision will rest on the elements of the law, and not the people it is being applied to. Who will it next be applied to as is?
The judiciary used to be comprised principled judges, both liberal and conservative, whose interpretations of the law differed at the margins, all of whom would throw creative, untried theories of the law like these 1512 prosecutions out of court as travesties in an instant.
Now, though, outcome determinative leftist judges continue percolating up through the ranks, a product of the DEI/ Marxist "long march" through the educational institutions, and they are slowly starting to outnumber traditional jurists.
So, the Supreme Court may save us this time. but our days of counting on the courts to save us from the deprivations of the Left are numbered.
I’ve read Sleepy Joe is putting as many Woke “Social Justice” judges as he can on the federal courts and this is only one of many areas of our society being destroyed by the democrats. They’ve pretty much already destroyed the whole country.
What a massive miscarriage of justice. And it should result in a blood letting of the DOJ and FBI and the Biden/Obama regime's bent to "pounce" and bite clean through all of the innocents of the J6 situation.
It was beyond stupid and rude to call Jan. 6th an insurrection. But, it sure is appropriate to call the reaction from the Dem/Lib/left/Prog Army of Ass biters a total eclipse of logic, common sense and rational reasonability not to mention a library of lies. And when this clearing of just plain stupid by the typical D/L/L/P DOJ, FBI, CIA and FULL complement of Biden/Obama's regime of dirty crusty rectums get handed their already bitten into lunch, you know what they will do, don't you?!?
That faction of jerkwadds will ignore it, walk away, turn their head and give a sniping look. And then as they turn back to the way they are walking, just before they hit that pole right in front of them, they will vow to get us the next time! And that's all while Hunter Biden is resting his lopsided head on a jail or prison pillow, Jim Biden is in those moments being prosecuted and "the Big Guy" is somewhere off with fake Dr. Jill scurrying away from their illegitimate granddaughter that Hunter (and the rest of the fambly) worked so hard to openly not recognize.
After all, it was Hunter's addictions that ralphed all over Joe Biden's scheme to cash in on the American Tax Payer's and every possible dictatorial government's bank accounts for his fambly's personal gain. So DAMN that "smartest person Joe knows" Hunter Biden. And thanks for the the GIFT, Hunter, for giving the world your come to Geezus laptop.
Congress should immediately launch an inquiry into both DOJ and DC circuit related to its collective abuse of the statute if SCOTUS acts appropriately. Merrick Garland, Lisa Monaco, Matthew Graves and 15 judges responsible for destroying lives over the intentional misapplication of 1512c2 must be held at least publicly accountable.
Initially I thought the same. Then the dirt bag was, I guess, perhaps saying that if Donald Trump gets re-elected, he (Hunter) was going to flee the country. Now, isn't that just typical of the "guilty"? They try to escape getting their justified responsibility heaved on them for the bucket load of provable illegal carrying on that they totally believe they will never have to be held accountable for in their lifetime!
I say, make all of the Biden scourge take their one way ticket leave of the USA to the CCP, burn their passports, confiscate all of their holdings of all sorts both on shore and off shore bank/real estate/pension accounts and make them stay their for the rest of their natural or unnatural life.
Certainly about a thousand+ others should get that same fate!
If Hunter gets off, then there are still a lot of people in the DOJ & FBI who can be prosecuted for obstruction of justice. The statute of limitations is 5 years, so we need a GOP president in 2025 to get it done. Even if all of them are acquitted by biased DC juries, trials and appeals take time and cost money.
If the Supreme Court slows the abusive use of this obstruction statute to stand, it will outlaw politics and political protests, which seek to influence official proceedings. For example, it should apply to Maxine Waters threatening the Derek Chauvin jury. However, what it would really accomplish would be to institutionalize lawfare against Trump supporters and, more broadly, anyone opposed to the woke social justice agenda. Like Michael Sussman and Igor Danchenko, leftists who commit actual crimes, let alone obstruction, are given a free pass. If the Supreme Court upholds these abusive prosecutions, free political expression on the right will be finished.
We are not “teetering on the brink.” I recently saw video of a man in Beirut being interviewed who said Lebanon is like a plane falling from the sky that hasn’t yet crashed. Same with America. We’ve already plunged into the abyss and are now in free fall. Only God knows what fate has in store for us. It is what it is. No point crying about it.
Probably not. They do as they please and what pleases them more than anything is grinding their enemies into the dirt. They really are totally lawless and quite deranged. The philosopher Kant said, “Out of the crooked timber of humanity, no straight thing was ever made.” I agree. Some excerpts below from a Quillette review of a book about the irrational side of human nature. The last one says: “One comes away with the sense that civilization operates on narrow margins and is always on the verge of collapsing into irrationality.” That sure is the truth.
“Mackay makes the case, often in gory detail, that episodes of collective mania seem to be an inevitable consequence of human nature. Humans in every time and place have cast aside their better judgment and allowed themselves to be caught up in all manner of irrational hoopla.“
“His chapters on the Swabian Peasants’ War and Anabaptist uprisings are terrifying depictions of the end-times frenzy that wreaked havoc on northern Europe throughout the 16th and 17th centuries. The distance between these events in the German-speaking world and, say, the Reign of Terror in France or the Chinese Cultural Revolution is not that great. And the speed with which apparently reasonable people moved from the embrace of a new theological idea to a willingness to torture those whose own theological ideas diverged even slightly is startling.“
“There is plenty to recommend about The Delusions of Crowds. It is laden with great anecdotes and the writing is always engaging. One comes away with the sense that civilization operates on narrow margins and is always on the verge of collapsing into irrationality.”
Quillette’s an excellent site. One of my favorites I follow. Here’s another one of my favorites from Quillette about human nature. I think the role of the irrational in history is generally greatly underrated. History is fascinating but it’s also distressing to see how often societies become possessed by the irrational and destroy themselves and others.
“Our condition is forever precarious; even basic human decency can shatter and vanish in an instant.”
“The everyday order of our lives may seem to us natural and permanent, but it is in fact as fragile and illusory as the cardboard props on a theatrical stage: It can collapse in a flash and turn at once into black horror. Our condition is forever precarious; even basic human decency can shatter and vanish in an instant.”
“History does not repeat itself, but ideas do.”
“Maoism had unique traits but Leys nonetheless always saw it as a member of what he called the “great totalitarian family”—ideologies produced by patterns of thought found across human societies, from tiny shipwrecked pre-Enlightenment microcosms to vast 20th century nations.”
“Analyst of Totalitarianism-Reading Simon Leys Today.”
Maybe, just maybe the SCOTUS sees the writing on the wall, that if this miscarriage of justice continues & isn’t reigned in, the damage & potential violence that could result from a Trump conviction. They may see a need to stop the circus. I do believe that there are many in the government & its agencies that want to see the violence & chaos, but I don’t believe the Justices do.
The problem is that the Federal court in DC is corrupt. Most of them are Obama appointees. Chutkin isn't even American, she's Jamaican. She came to the US as an adult and decided to go to law school. She doesn't understand the US Constitution. She and Howell have both made political statements showing they are political partisans. Elsie Stefanik just filed ethics charges against Howell. The DOJ and unscrupulous lawyers file charges in DC knowing the predominantly black Democrats who make up the jury pool will rule against anyone who is not a Democrat.
I'm doing a lot of reading now about the period before, during and after the War Between the States and I'm seeing a lot of parallels with the Democrats of today and the Radical Republicans of that day. Somewhere around the 1930s the two parties swapped sides.
PS - My wife and you share an alma mater. I think you were a year or two behind her.
EIU? What's her name? My maiden name is Copeland...I was a Sig Tau little sister!
And yes the parallels are very scary. More Americans recognize the situation and the bad behavior of the courts only serve to accelerate that trajectory.
Thanks Julie. This makes it so abundantly clear what kind of corruption we're dealing with. There is a clear bright line from 2016 to now, how mass hysteria filled the gaps to invent 'intent' based on their own delusions. Do you think SCOTUS will agree that they "abused the statute to criminalize political dissent"? Is intent the only thing that they believe distinguishes these cases from all the ways the Left have deliberately disrupted official proceedings to protest? How disgusting our government has become.
I am hopeful but not confident. We know a few judges are afraid to touch any matter that might benefit Trump or his voters. But the appellate ruling is so bad I don't see how they can avoid bringing some clarity to the issue. If they don't, Congress needs to step in an fix the language,
“If they don't, Congress needs to step in and fix the language.”
Ha, ha. Very funny. Fat chance of that ever happening. You need to rewatch Tucker’s interview with Marjorie Taylor Greene for her horrifying insider look at what a farce Congress is. I’m not all doom and gloom though. I’m a big believer in AI soon becoming advanced enough to save us since we sure can’t save ourselves. Elon and his work on AI with his new company “X.AI” is a good one to follow. It really is quite amazing how fast it’s advancing and will soon be a game changer for us all.
Tucker Carlson: Marjorie Taylor Greene elected republicans are craven frauds. (38 min)
Documentia. Nov 30, 2023
It’s time to end the judicial complicity AND judicial cowardice.
It’s time to face the fact that we lack a common reality, have become incomprehensible to each other and can no longer communicate. Where is the common ground in such an infinitely wide divide? Doesn’t seem to be any. How can we function as a country like this? Perhaps this is why we no longer are functioning as a country.
Pre-trial Imprisonment, pre-trial punishment, pre-trial torture (massive solitary confinement) and judicial malfeasance is SHAMEFULLY THIRD WORD. All the previously listed trash in service to a FALSE FLAG FEDSURRECTION.
The DoInjustice and their thug-stooge subordinate, the FBI, will NEVER recover.
There is only one reality and it is revealed by the videos that were hidden from us by the January 6 Committee because these videos refuted this committee's claims.
Unfortunately, events this week indicate no slowing of this dangerous trajectory. Between the Colorado Supreme Court kicking Trump off the ballot to the 11th Circuit denying Mark Meadows' immunity claims to Judge Boasberg doing the same to Rep. Scott Perry, judges of both parties continue to demonstrate their willingness to overstep traditional boundaries to dismantle long-held protections. Those who cheer what's happening now won't be too pleased when (IF) the tables are turned.
You are a national hero Julie. The silence and complicity of the judicial/legal community, the feckless legislature, and the IZVESTIA/PRAVDA MSM must be avenged “constitutionally”. Thank you for all you are doing to shine a light on the J6 FEDSURRECTION filth. We the People owe you.
A ray of hope finally! Julie, you deserve at least this much for how long you have been trying to elevate this issue. Hopefully, the federal prosecutors are rattled enough to stop seeking new arrests after 3 years of abuse. Although, I do wish a peaceful holiday season for all, I’m hoping all souls (prosecutors, politicians, judges, federal agents etc...) who have been participating in this outrageous injustice of their fellow American citizens sleep restlessly throughout. You are the best Julie.
Thank you, Elizabeth. It was a very happy day...and as I wrote, if SCOTUS overturns DOJ's abuse of this statute, we must demand resignations and retirements. Then halt any new appointments to the DC bench. In fact, the DC Circuit should be dismantled and defunded entirely.
What about Ray Epps and the “unequal” application of the law?
What about the destruction of Hillary’s emails, files, and cell phones, and the “unequal” application of the law?
Let's see if the First Son is treated like Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon. Bets, anyone?
He should be. Led off in shackles. The lesson needs to be driven home.
I'm not a lawyer, but these prosecutions really seem to violate the equal protection clause of the Constitution, (as others have said). The prosecutors are completely unconcerned with official proceedings repeatedly disrupted by the Left. But if a Trump supporter peacefully protests, watch out, now it's a huge Federal crime. Total crap. Swamp needs draining bad.
Again this week, pro-Palestinian protesters took over parts of the Capitol including the Rotunda--the same area where police used excessive force to attack J6ers. No such conduct against leftist demonstrators, of course.
the law in question actually reads "(c) Whoever corruptly - (1)alters, destroys, or conceals a record ... or (2) otherwise obstructs, influences ..."
It seems to me the operative word in the above should be "whoever". Whoever means whoever. Apparently they are reading "whoever" to mean "any Trump supporter who ...".
“And federal judges in Washington who willfully endorsed such intentional prosecutorial abuse will suffer a collective black eye, justifying calls for mass resignations and retirements.”
Not true. Our ruling class, their media, Academia, Hollywood, Big Tech and many in the general public strongly support these Woke “social justice” judges and consider white, working class, Trump supporters “a clear and present danger” which must be dealt with just the way these judges are doing.
We lack a common reality, have become incomprehensible to each other and can no longer communicate. Where is the common ground in such an infinitely wide divide? There obviously is none. We always just talk past each other. This can only get worse and is getting worse by the day. The same people who insist Jan 6 was an “Insurrection!” have no problem with Joe’s open southern border or his campaign to replace meritocracy wherever it can be found with Equity aka Equal Outcomes. This is just not working at all. Could it be that the reason why America is so rapidly unraveling externally is because it no longer exists as a country internally?
If the Supreme Court were in the business of dispensing justice, it should be a slam dunk the misapplication of this statute is overturned.
Unfortunately, Chief Justice Roberts has a lot of influence with the other justices, and he is consumed with the reputation of the court. What that really means is, he is worried about the New York Times and the rest of State Media saying mean things about his court.
A side note- some of his oddball written opinions lead me to wonder, what dirt does the Deep State have on him?
I estimate it as 50/50 The Supremes will do the right thing.
I agree. We really can’t predict what the outcome will be even though the facts couldn’t be more clear. So what does this say about our society? It says we have no common reality, no common truth or facts or common sense which means no common rule of law. Certainly a very unfortunate development for our society. Men like Putin and Xi understand what’s happening here quite well though since they’ve seen their own society’s collapse into insanity. Putin even gave a great speech a few years ago where he condemned Woke ideology in America and the West. Basically Putin said of it, “Been there. Done that. No thanks.”
50/50 is a good bet. My only question is if they don't act on Fischer, will they act on other appeals that don't involve the same elements as the Fischer/Lang/Miller cases which included assault on police. That I do not know.
Sad to say, but I think 50/50 is generous. 60/40 against maybe?
Here we will see if the Roberts court is one of real constitutional justice or just another puppet institution of the ruling class establishment. Of course this obstruction statute has been abused for political purposes. But will the majority fold under the prospect of giving Trump this win? We have seen them fold before.
We have seen them fold - but the Roe v Wade surprise ruling gives me hope on this.
At least four justices agreed to grant cert, so that's a good sign. Doesn't guarantee a favorable outcome but indicates enough concern about the appellate court opinion to warrant review.
We have seen him fold before. But we currently have a different court. It is 5-4, so there is more than half a chance that the decision will rest on the elements of the law, and not the people it is being applied to. Who will it next be applied to as is?
The judiciary used to be comprised principled judges, both liberal and conservative, whose interpretations of the law differed at the margins, all of whom would throw creative, untried theories of the law like these 1512 prosecutions out of court as travesties in an instant.
Now, though, outcome determinative leftist judges continue percolating up through the ranks, a product of the DEI/ Marxist "long march" through the educational institutions, and they are slowly starting to outnumber traditional jurists.
So, the Supreme Court may save us this time. but our days of counting on the courts to save us from the deprivations of the Left are numbered.
Really unfortunate that Judge Justin Walker muddied up the appellate ruling when he knew Judge Pan did not interpret "corruptly" the same way he did.
I’ve read Sleepy Joe is putting as many Woke “Social Justice” judges as he can on the federal courts and this is only one of many areas of our society being destroyed by the democrats. They’ve pretty much already destroyed the whole country.
What a massive miscarriage of justice. And it should result in a blood letting of the DOJ and FBI and the Biden/Obama regime's bent to "pounce" and bite clean through all of the innocents of the J6 situation.
It was beyond stupid and rude to call Jan. 6th an insurrection. But, it sure is appropriate to call the reaction from the Dem/Lib/left/Prog Army of Ass biters a total eclipse of logic, common sense and rational reasonability not to mention a library of lies. And when this clearing of just plain stupid by the typical D/L/L/P DOJ, FBI, CIA and FULL complement of Biden/Obama's regime of dirty crusty rectums get handed their already bitten into lunch, you know what they will do, don't you?!?
That faction of jerkwadds will ignore it, walk away, turn their head and give a sniping look. And then as they turn back to the way they are walking, just before they hit that pole right in front of them, they will vow to get us the next time! And that's all while Hunter Biden is resting his lopsided head on a jail or prison pillow, Jim Biden is in those moments being prosecuted and "the Big Guy" is somewhere off with fake Dr. Jill scurrying away from their illegitimate granddaughter that Hunter (and the rest of the fambly) worked so hard to openly not recognize.
After all, it was Hunter's addictions that ralphed all over Joe Biden's scheme to cash in on the American Tax Payer's and every possible dictatorial government's bank accounts for his fambly's personal gain. So DAMN that "smartest person Joe knows" Hunter Biden. And thanks for the the GIFT, Hunter, for giving the world your come to Geezus laptop.
Uh Joe, where's your Richard Nixon speech?
Congress should immediately launch an inquiry into both DOJ and DC circuit related to its collective abuse of the statute if SCOTUS acts appropriately. Merrick Garland, Lisa Monaco, Matthew Graves and 15 judges responsible for destroying lives over the intentional misapplication of 1512c2 must be held at least publicly accountable.
It ain't over yet with Hunter. Methinks he gets off.
Initially I thought the same. Then the dirt bag was, I guess, perhaps saying that if Donald Trump gets re-elected, he (Hunter) was going to flee the country. Now, isn't that just typical of the "guilty"? They try to escape getting their justified responsibility heaved on them for the bucket load of provable illegal carrying on that they totally believe they will never have to be held accountable for in their lifetime!
I say, make all of the Biden scourge take their one way ticket leave of the USA to the CCP, burn their passports, confiscate all of their holdings of all sorts both on shore and off shore bank/real estate/pension accounts and make them stay their for the rest of their natural or unnatural life.
Certainly about a thousand+ others should get that same fate!
If Hunter gets off, then there are still a lot of people in the DOJ & FBI who can be prosecuted for obstruction of justice. The statute of limitations is 5 years, so we need a GOP president in 2025 to get it done. Even if all of them are acquitted by biased DC juries, trials and appeals take time and cost money.
If you haven't already read it, it is very enlightening to read Kash Patel's book "Government Gangsters". A very good book.
Kash Patel is great. One of my favorites I follow.
If the Supreme Court slows the abusive use of this obstruction statute to stand, it will outlaw politics and political protests, which seek to influence official proceedings. For example, it should apply to Maxine Waters threatening the Derek Chauvin jury. However, what it would really accomplish would be to institutionalize lawfare against Trump supporters and, more broadly, anyone opposed to the woke social justice agenda. Like Michael Sussman and Igor Danchenko, leftists who commit actual crimes, let alone obstruction, are given a free pass. If the Supreme Court upholds these abusive prosecutions, free political expression on the right will be finished.
4 felonies a day. Don't stand up too tall or the government will strike you down. Nobody except this Presidents son is safe.
A thread you might be interested in Julie. Thx for honoring our service.
Will does amazing work. He has uncovered things many defense attorneys have missed. He knows this issue better than I do.
I hope and pray SCOTUS realizes We are teetering on the brink. Is it really going to take that long?
We are not “teetering on the brink.” I recently saw video of a man in Beirut being interviewed who said Lebanon is like a plane falling from the sky that hasn’t yet crashed. Same with America. We’ve already plunged into the abyss and are now in free fall. Only God knows what fate has in store for us. It is what it is. No point crying about it.
Agreed. Do you think now the Supreme Court announcing they will hear the J6 case will now prevent more arrests by Matthew Graves & DOJ ?
Probably not. They do as they please and what pleases them more than anything is grinding their enemies into the dirt. They really are totally lawless and quite deranged. The philosopher Kant said, “Out of the crooked timber of humanity, no straight thing was ever made.” I agree. Some excerpts below from a Quillette review of a book about the irrational side of human nature. The last one says: “One comes away with the sense that civilization operates on narrow margins and is always on the verge of collapsing into irrationality.” That sure is the truth.
“Mackay makes the case, often in gory detail, that episodes of collective mania seem to be an inevitable consequence of human nature. Humans in every time and place have cast aside their better judgment and allowed themselves to be caught up in all manner of irrational hoopla.“
“His chapters on the Swabian Peasants’ War and Anabaptist uprisings are terrifying depictions of the end-times frenzy that wreaked havoc on northern Europe throughout the 16th and 17th centuries. The distance between these events in the German-speaking world and, say, the Reign of Terror in France or the Chinese Cultural Revolution is not that great. And the speed with which apparently reasonable people moved from the embrace of a new theological idea to a willingness to torture those whose own theological ideas diverged even slightly is startling.“
“There is plenty to recommend about The Delusions of Crowds. It is laden with great anecdotes and the writing is always engaging. One comes away with the sense that civilization operates on narrow margins and is always on the verge of collapsing into irrationality.”
“The Delusions of Crowds-A Review.”
Quillette. Feb 8, 2021
Thank You, I am now subscribed to Quillette
Quillette’s an excellent site. One of my favorites I follow. Here’s another one of my favorites from Quillette about human nature. I think the role of the irrational in history is generally greatly underrated. History is fascinating but it’s also distressing to see how often societies become possessed by the irrational and destroy themselves and others.
“Our condition is forever precarious; even basic human decency can shatter and vanish in an instant.”
“The everyday order of our lives may seem to us natural and permanent, but it is in fact as fragile and illusory as the cardboard props on a theatrical stage: It can collapse in a flash and turn at once into black horror. Our condition is forever precarious; even basic human decency can shatter and vanish in an instant.”
“History does not repeat itself, but ideas do.”
“Maoism had unique traits but Leys nonetheless always saw it as a member of what he called the “great totalitarian family”—ideologies produced by patterns of thought found across human societies, from tiny shipwrecked pre-Enlightenment microcosms to vast 20th century nations.”
“Analyst of Totalitarianism-Reading Simon Leys Today.”
Quillette. Sept 28, 2020
Maybe, just maybe the SCOTUS sees the writing on the wall, that if this miscarriage of justice continues & isn’t reigned in, the damage & potential violence that could result from a Trump conviction. They may see a need to stop the circus. I do believe that there are many in the government & its agencies that want to see the violence & chaos, but I don’t believe the Justices do.
The problem is that the Federal court in DC is corrupt. Most of them are Obama appointees. Chutkin isn't even American, she's Jamaican. She came to the US as an adult and decided to go to law school. She doesn't understand the US Constitution. She and Howell have both made political statements showing they are political partisans. Elsie Stefanik just filed ethics charges against Howell. The DOJ and unscrupulous lawyers file charges in DC knowing the predominantly black Democrats who make up the jury pool will rule against anyone who is not a Democrat.
I'm doing a lot of reading now about the period before, during and after the War Between the States and I'm seeing a lot of parallels with the Democrats of today and the Radical Republicans of that day. Somewhere around the 1930s the two parties swapped sides.
PS - My wife and you share an alma mater. I think you were a year or two behind her.
EIU? What's her name? My maiden name is Copeland...I was a Sig Tau little sister!
And yes the parallels are very scary. More Americans recognize the situation and the bad behavior of the courts only serve to accelerate that trajectory.
Her name was Ronda McCauley. She grew up near Chicago.