Feb 2·edited Feb 2

Mechanical kitchen timers of the type shown in the photo are usually one hour devices. Planting the night before makes little sense unless the bomber planned to come back the following morning. This seems pretty unlikely for all but the stupidest bombers.

Alternatively, the timer had long expired and the bomb was now in a didn't-quite-make-electrical-contact state, likely to explode with the slightest touch. Where's the explanation for that? Ordinarily that would have brought major bomb disposal tools and teams into play - robotics, containment vessels, etc. Surely that would have made even the most out of touch newscasts.

The third option is that the bomb was a complete - albeit poorly configured for plausibility - fake.

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Great breakdown of this crucial story. I had initially seen it on the Revolver site , but appreciate your clarity.

The “bombs” were perhaps a backup to be used to prevent the congressional review of the electoral college results if all else failed.

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At least the bomber was wearing a covid mask. Wouldn't want to make anyone sick!

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Feb 2·edited Feb 2

A letter from Jim Jordan to FBI Director Wray states the FBI knows a lot more than they've admitted publicly: http://tinyurl.com/yvsa4brv

"According to at least one report from a former FBI agent who worked on the investigation, the FBI linked the suspected pipe bomber to a MetroRail SmarTrip Card that the subject used to travel through the Washington Metro system to a stop in Northern Virginia. The FBI used security camera footage from the Northern Virginia Metro stop to identify the license plate of a car that the individual entered. Still, the FBI has not identified the subject. One former FBI assistant director observed, '[i]t just doesn’t add up . . . [t]here’s just too much to work with to not know who this guy is.'"

The anonymous FBI whistleblower wanted to question the "former government official" connected to the tag # of the car, but his supervisor forbid it, instead assigning him to chasing down low-value make-work leads. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/01/report-j6-pipe-bomber-was-former-government-official/

The FBI refuses to brief Congress on the status of the pipe bomber investigation. They hide behind the usual "ongoing investigation" excuse- the excuse they use when revealing the truth is embarrassing to the government.

The claim the FBI tracked the bomber to a car where the license tag is identifiable is certainly newsworthy, even explosive (no pun intended). AFAIK, it hasn't been reported by any State Media.

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These fake bombs were the backup plan if the 'melee' didn't work to stop motions to delay the certification of vote by two states. Those motions go through the courts would then have had 'standing' to adjudicate. This is the reason further camera footage will never be released by the Blob when every single square foot of the Capitol is under surveillance.


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As more and more puzzling information emerges regarding J6, what struck me is how effective and accomplished, perhaps even professional, the conspirators were in fabricating this massive conspiracy to eliminate former (and future?) President Trump. Of course, it isn't a surprise that PR Department, also known as the Mainstream Media, had and has no interest in delving into this hoax. Because what would you expect them to do...accuse their fellow travelers? Additionally, don't expect anyone in Congress with an "R" next to their name, the infamous Inside-the-Beltway-Establishment-Statists-RINO's, to do anything about this new development. After all, we certainly wouldn't want them to aggravate M. McConnell in the Senate, would we? And the RINO's might miss out on those fabulous CD cocktail parties if they reared-up on the hind legs like attack Yorkies and began to make a spectacle of themselves. One word suffices to refer to them and it's despicable.

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J6 FEDSURRECTIONISTS must be exposed, charged and prosecuted. The role of Piglosi, the Capitol Hill security wonks, Chris Wray, Milley, etc.. must be revealed for the DoIjustice/FBI CRIME against We the People, that it is. Justice is coming.

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It would certainly be nice to see some justice. Honest people running the show. And this whole thing falls on Insider Trader Nancy because she didn't have the national guard there. Question is: Why?

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Julie, have you written on the identity of the person who planted the pipe bombs? I’ve been reading some articles pointing to an FBI team that tracked what appears to be an Air Force Master sergeant as a person who planted the bombs. I was wondering if you think this is a legit story, and if you have written on it.if you have, can you provide the link?

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Is the photograph an actual picture of the pipe bomb under discussion?

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Yes. That is a picture of the 'device' which was 'found' at the DNC.

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The photo then shows the as found location and Cranky Franky is correct - the pipe was only a photo op - not meant for damage. The “someone” needs be found and dealt with.

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I still think the 'bombs' were inert training devices.

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My working theory is that the January 6 backpack guy planted the fake bomb at the DNC. That would explain why the bad actors will not release the video from the other camera the night before, which was pointed right at the spot. That also explains why the Secret Service found no bomb when they did their sweep.

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The security fences are going back up for Trump's trial. Expect another Reichstag fire-type disturbance along that perimeter at some point, to underscore FJB's narrative that "MAGA Extremists" were and still are looking to overthrow the government.

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Why was Harris at the DNC at the time? Maybe, given that they knew they planned to allow large numbers of Trump supporters inside the building, they wanted Harris safely away from the frey. Or perhaps she herself thought it would be safer. Just a theory.

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she herself thought.

She's never had a thought in her head.

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You should take a look at how the USCP special analysis assessment structure changed in particular between Dec 16 2020 to Dec 23 2020

Compare the 4 assessments in terms of structure. I think it would be enlightening.

Dec 16 2020

bottom line up front

Event Summary

Members attending

Threat Analysis


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I’m not really surprised Pittman focused on the January 3 assessment after I looked at the change in structure plus noticing “individuals” (more than one?) [who wrote the reports]

June 8, 2021

“I cannot go into detail without having further discussions with those individuals [who wrote the reports]. I think that [at] U.S. Capitol Police, my focus was always on the Jan. 3 and final assessment,” Pittman told the committees. “However, … we know that there are several lessons to be learned for making sure that there is not conflicting information, regardless of which version of the assessment is distributed.”


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I think the best thing would have been to return to the Dec 16 2020 report structure for their January 3 2021 assessment. I think that would have corrected the ship.


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Besides different individuals as writers, the format of the report changed between the December 16 2020 report & the December 23 2020 report.

You have to have a cover letter of report format changes so people downstream who use the product in their reporting can update their procedures or know to ask their supervisors for assistance in procedural changes.

In my opinion 🤷‍♀️


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USCP IG statement

The threat analysis in the CDU Operational Plan for January 6, 2021, dated January 5, 2021, states, “At this time there are no specific known threats related to the Joint Session of Congress – Electoral College Vote Certification.” While a prior version of Special Event Assessment 21-A-0468, dated December 16, 2020, contains the exact same statement and updated versions of the assessment published later that month contain similar language, the final version dated January 3, 2021, does not contain that statement. The IICD Director stated that IICD periodically revised the assessment as it received more information, and IICD updated the final version based on concerns communicated by the Department’s law enforcement partners. An OSB official responsible for preparing the CDU Operational Plan dated January 5, 2021, admitted it was most likely an error on their part that the Department did not update the threat analysis in the plan. However, multiple Department officials with intelligence dissemination responsibilities stated they had never even seen the threat analysis included in the CDU Operational Plan dated January 5, 2021.


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Secret Service + the Capitol Police + the FBI =Keystone Cops!

They can't find the bomber. They can't figure out who left cocaine in the White House. But they can spot a J6er hundreds of miles away.

And the FBI wants a new building.

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