Thanks, Julie, for this update on the ridiculous shenanigans of the remarkably corrupt Department of Justice (DOJ) as well as the corrupt behavior of the courts in New York State. Anyone who believes that all of these indictments and subsequent trials were legitimate shouldn't be allowed outside without a chaperone. Regrettably, the antics of this incredibly corrupt administration, controlled by M. Hussein Osama, won't end until President Trump is inaugurated on January 20th and his DOJ begins to exact accountability (notice I didn't use the word "revenge?") from the perpetrators of this unconstitutional lawfare. However, I'm really hopeful that the majority of these Marxists will be forced to endure the same type of indictments, trials and are forced to pony-up large sums of money to defend themselves. Then, and only then, will we see the end of this unconstitutional lawfare. One can only be hopeful.

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Last night's SCOTUS announcement and this morning's farce of a hearing in New York demonstrate why Americans' trust in the judiciary is at an all time low.

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When we restore a legitimate government “a hard rain is gonna fall”.

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And may that rain fall as grapefruit sized hail. The law means nothing to these characters, they persist in bad faith, and the public interest be damned. Since Biden’s release of terrorists there is ample space at GITMO for all the miscreants. They are traitors to our nation- if not in law at least in spirit. We need Nuremberg style trials to force these evil lawbreakers to answer for all they’ve done. No more talk of “ Well, let’s just go forward, forgive and forget.” Consequences are required. Why is no one talking about this?

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Hope you’re writing the history book on this…

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As always thank you Julie. Let’s see how the Supreme Court decides and will keep praying for the release of all incarcerated J6 defendants.

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ACB and Roberts continue to disappoint. Roberts authored a ridiculous report at the end of the year denouncing "disinformation" and the harm it causes to the reputation of the judiciary. By refusing to end this morning's farce, Roberts once again helps politicize the courts. And ACB is just an utter disgrace

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I tried to explain to my left wing friends that the Court wasn't conservative. In my opinion, there are three sections. There is a conservative section consisting Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch. A left wing section consisting of Jackson, Kagan, and Sotomayor. And, finally, a section whose opinions depend on which way the wind blows consisting of Barrett, Roberts, and Kavanaugh.

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Sotomayor on point. What are the odds???/

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Keep praying! FYI: they hold her up as the first Latino supreme court justice. She is an embarrassment. Nothing to be proud of. Let’s see how she prepares and interprets this to her colleagues. PRAY!THIS S*** SHOW MUST STOP!

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Please start with "The War on Truth" or better yet the 4 part series that gives more detail and provides more coverage.

The people that deserved to be jailed, made it out the back door or were let go immediately. There may have been some police that did their job. The one that stands out is former Lt Tarik Johnson was the MVP of the Capitol Police on J6. The Officers inside that were not threatening were good at their jobs. The officers on the roof shooting into the crowd created chaos, deaths, and injuries. The officers outside that did nothing to stop window breaking they were nothing but spectators for whatever the reasons. The officer in the west tunnel who sprayed and beat on the crowd created more chaos, death and injuries and they got caught on film breaking their oath.

All J6er's need to be pardoned for really obvious reasons. MVP Lt Tarik Johnson alleges 21-TD-159 would have prevented the chaos, mayhem of j6 the Guard and Barriers would have been there and in place and an entrapment plan would have been impossible if 21-TD-159 was enacted.

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I, for one, would like to see all the medical reports supporting the "140 officers injured" especially the medical reports of Ofc Gonell, who lied under oath, and Mike Fanone.

And those who engaged in lethal force (Byrd, Morris) and excessive force (many including whiny little bitch Daniel Hodges) should face investigations and punishment.

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Let us not forget a couple of other points, among many. Who was the guy standing atop the media tower wearing a red MAGA hat and shouting through a blowhorn, encouraging people to enter the Capitol? Who were the Capitol policemen who opened the huge, heavy doors to allow people in? Who gave the order to said policemen?

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I recieve many email allerts and usually don't open them, but I always read the ones from Julie because they supply real information.

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David, thank you for not left-swiping my emails!

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Thank you as always Julie, for once I have no words to describe this despicable act. I hope President Trump after he is sworn in launches a thorough investigation into these low life criminals. 🙏🙏

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He has to. As I posted today on X, the behavior of Jack Smith, Bragg, Merchan, Graves, etc indicates to me they do not fear reprisals. That simply cannot be the case.

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As Trump once said……they will have HELL to pay….

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The left cannot help but continue to do the same thing over and over, demonstrating the definition of insanity.

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While the DOJ and Biden himself ( or whoever is behind the curtain pulling his strings) may be the most obvious bad faith actors in this administration, much of the bureaucracy and some of the Dems in Congress are clearly exhibiting their distress at and in fact their disbelief over the fact that the voters ( and the Chevron and executive immunity decisions by the Supremes) have left them powerless in the coming administration. They are figuratively yelling and stomping their feet in frustration just as disciplined brats often do as they scheme and childishly grin in glee “ We’ll exact as much revenge as possible on Trump’s team and those idiot voters “

Where I disagree with others is in their wish to continue and escalate the cycle of spiteful revenge . The revenge and focus of this administration, should be pardoning the J6er’s and others convicted as part of the DOJ lawfare regime, deporting all illegals with any criminal or arrest records or gang connections, and pursing the MAGA agenda so the the Dem’s remain a minority party for at least the next decade or longer until they can get rid of all their woke and / or incompetent leadership and become a true common sense opposition party of the people.

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We must remove for cause any federal employee involved in lawfare against Trump, Sarbanes Oxley prosecution of J6 defendants, censorship "suggestions" to private companies or obstruction of justice to delay prosecution of Hunter Biden cases. If these illegal and corrupt acts go completely unpunished, and the perpetrators remain in government, the next Democrat president will resume tyranny where Biden left off and increase it from there. We don't necessarily have to prosecute, but we do have to remove the malfactors from their phoney baloney jobs.

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Jack Smith and his prosecutors and Matthew Graves and his prosecutors must face consequences. Pardons would not be necessary but for Graves' systematic denial of the due process rights of J6ers. I would throw in the judges too but have faint hope anything will happen to them.

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It is not REVENGE. They are not above the LAW. Pure petty BS. If they have broke the law so be it. Sentence them for the maximum law requires if found guilty. We can NEVER move forward tell that happens. If you don't stop it now it will never stop. Just like a BULLY in school he won't stop tell you stand up to them. I know for fact they won't stop tell you kick there ass!

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Spiteful revenge is for those who have committed real crimes against humanity J6 persons or political rivals. They have killed innocent people and destroyed many lives. The undermining of our country’s institutions and bring down our government has been front and center of everything they have done in the last decade plus! JUSTICE IS NOT REVENGE OR GETTING EVEN! JUSTICE FOR CRIMES AGAINST OUR GOVERNMENT MUST CARRIED OUT.

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"JUSTICE FOR CRIMES AGAINST OUR GOVERNMENT MUST CARRIED OUT." Crimes by evil traitors in the federal government. Trump and the rest of us who want to preserve this republic as founded will have more power in this cold civil war at 12:01 p.m. on January 20.

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Definitely strings being pulled. Good ole Joe (the consummate axxhole) beyond gone.

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Release of this report seems to me to be an effort to insulate DOJ underlings from being fired for participating in participating in partisan lawfare. At the very least, any federal employee involved in lawfare against Trump, Sarbanes Oxley prosecution of J6 defendants, censorship "suggestions" to private companies or obstruction of justice to delay prosecution of Hunter Biden cases should be fired for cause.

Beyond that, any federal judge or attorney that exercised office without a valid signed oath of office should be prosecuted for the felony that action is. If obstruction in Hunter's cases is as obviously illegal as it looks, it should be prosecuted also. Nobody is above the law, saith Democrats.

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Also, Jan 20, 2025 can't come soon enough where the memories of all these bad actors with enter the big black hole!!

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We need to keep up the pressure on Congress and a Trump DOJ. We are certain to hear lots of National Review-style "let's move on" BS but that cannot be tolerated.

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As the Inauguration of President Trump gets closer, we learn from Julie that federal judge , Aileen Cannon rejected Jack Smith's request to release his report on the Election in 2020 to the public. And, as usual, all the long held rules for the Justice Department to hold any and all information that impacts the incoming President is to be held so that it does not interfere or disparage an incoming President. But so typical when it comes to Garland and his lap dog, creep in a Dracula cape, Jack Smith, who have broken every rule and law in the book, even an order from a federal judge holds no weight. The fact that Smith is not even legitimate as a Special Counsel leaves such a bad taste that revenge against both Garland and Smith is something I'd like to witness.

The damage Garland, Smith, and the entire Democrat party and especially the current President have done to the privileges of the Presidency itself is staggering. From the Presidential Records Act, to free speech, and they would have brought down the entire Constitution given another 4 years.

Now, Biden is on a rampage, and his vengeance against America is palpable. From banning millions of acres of federal waters from oil and gas exploration, to releasing Guantanamo terrorists. So, it will not be surprising before January 20, 2025, that he will do the "preemptive" blanket pardons that will include Garland, Smith, the perjurers and prosecutors who caused the devastating destruction of over 1700 lives of the American citizens who they hunted down and imprisoned for being in and around the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Biden started with 1300 of the worst offenders in the federal prison system who did unspeakable things that juries found them so horrific they no longer were entitled to life, yet Biden wipes out their death sentences. Now, he'll end with pardons to the notorious and despicable members of the January 6 bullshit committee and the others who lied and colluded to deliver Trump to jail, and embroiled 1,700+ people into their conspiracy of the weaponless coup for 3 hours on January 6. Then Biden will shuffle out the door or fall down the stairs of the WH as he finally exits as the worst President in U.S. history.

And, we can only hope that the defendants who will soon be pardoned by President Trump will have justice themselves. Perhaps they'll have the strength left, after such an ordeal, some will be ready to fight back! And if they do, Julie keeps us posted as subpoenas for damages in the hundreds of millions that will be headed to the residences of all the villains who believed they got away with the vengeance they extracted from the citizens of this country who believed they were exercising their rights as Americans on January 6. It won't bring back their lives completely, but it is a start and we will stand with them since the time has come.

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Well said! Not much I can add to that...

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Garland has shown his true colors the last four years. Thank God he was not appointed to the SC. All of these people can resign but that does not protect them from being prosecuted for civil rights violations. Let us hope this happens!

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John, I think it's fair to consider the notion that Garland did more damage as AG than he could have as a justice. The DOJ may never recover from the institutional damage he, Monaco., Olsen, Graves, and others inflicted with serious consequences such as destroying innocent Americans and redirecting resources away from real crimes including terrorism, drugs, immigration, and trafficking.

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they continue w bs charges against Trump but never notice tthe junk joe is doing to avoid the peaceful transfer of power

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Jan 9Edited

So now Americans are expected to continue to pay for the adventuresome, scandalous travels of the mortally damaged Pequod (Political Ship of Fools) so Captain Ahab (aka Smith) can continue to wound Moby Dick (Donald Trump). That ship is barely afloat and the great whale, once wounded, is now growing stronger and has every intent of using his tail to splinter what's left of the Ship to smithereens along with every other similar vessel in Nantucket (Washington DC).

I might suggest to the Captain, if his ear were functional, that he maintain the lifeboats and lifejackets - the waters are about to get extremely rough and there is no indication that those who will soon run the Seaport have any intention to send out rescuers.

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Thanks Julie! In the NY case when can the appeal process begin to shine a light on all the shenanigans that Bragg and Merchan performed??? I haven’t heard anything about an appeal on that corrupt case.

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Dan, the appeal is ongoing related to presidential immunity. I believe some briefs are due next week. The real outrage here is that appeals related to immunity trigger an automatic stay of the proceedings--like what happened in the J6 case in DC. Merchan should never have been allowed to hold the hearing today but the NY courts enabled him as did SCOTUS. So what happens when SCOTUS overturns a likely NY appellate court order upholding the conviction? A total shitshow and unavoidable had Roberts and ACB demonstrated any courage.

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Roberts continues to try to appease instead of interpreting the law. A disappointment for sure!!!

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The scores of millions of our taxes blown by these activists will not be recovered. Putting them in jail will simply exacerbate the sum. I can think of a dis-incentive for the next bunch, but it is not printable.........

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I feel ya...

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