As much as I would greatly enjoy seeing Cheney and many others behind bars, I will still take great satisfaction that all of them will be forced to spend thousands on attorneys.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander. That's the rules the Dems put in play. Tough nougies.

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Yes, Mike - another article in WSJ yesterday about prosecutors including Jack Smith lawyering up! Even if they're never convicted, the thought of them enduring the same torment they've inflicted on others is gratifying indeed.

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I gotta tell ya. As much as I appreciate your efforts, every time I see a new posting, my stomach starts churning. I can only imagine the heartburn you must suffer. So if you ever need supplementing for your Tums needs, please let me know. I'll be glad to contribute.

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Everyone is into HCL blockers and proton pump inhibitors. I doubt Julie is an exception. The object is to make the other side beg for pharmaceutical help.

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And if they get pardons, that doesn't mean they can't be tried and convicted for wrong doing. Even if they don't have to serve time the truth will be out there. I'm not an attorney so maybe I'm wrong.

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Liz Cheney is the most guilty of the guilty. She is flagrantly guilty. No amount of money should get her off the hook. She deserves to remain untouchable the way Charles Manson did. They are both monsters and if Liz could have done to Donald Trump what Manson did to Sharon Tate, I honesty believe she would using the prison system.

The American people deserve justice. Cheney committed every crime designed to undermine what America stands for and in that context alone the system demands that the world understands and sees that America is back to be the way it was designed to be based on thousands of years of jurisprudence from Aristotle through the Magna Carta that led right up to our Founders who were influenced by Locke, Hume, Burke and many others; they deliberated for months to make America great and fair. Let Lady Justice put on a double blindfold if she must and let real law, as opposed to Lawfare, do the job that Pam Bondi and Kash Patel are constitutional compelled to do. If Liz survives a real jury trial, associated with all the elements of constitutional due process, then so be it. If not then, also, so be it!

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Of course we deserve justice, but reality will get in the way. Getting a DC jury to find her or the others guilty is an extremely long shot at best. So hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

But truly the most guilty party is Franzia Pelosi. She purposely (with agreement from McConnell) left the grounds woefully unprotected. It's probably why she won't retire so she wouldn't have to be brought before a congressional panel to be sworn under oath.

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I will say, Cheney is probably the only one the COULD see jail time since she's an alleged Republican. But I have zero doubt that the DC judge will allow certain testimony to occur to taint her trial, if there is one.

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If it's a trial in D.C., those jurors will hold Cheney on high for her dastardly dealings with Cassidy, etc.!

It will be just like the Sussmann case and the C will get escorted with a scepter in her arms. She had better be careful with it though. Because some frustrated conservative just may steal it and trip the small minded despicable "cheney" just for the fun of it.

Do I look like the "Coppertone" girl, right about now?

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(I'm still laughing, haven't heard that in quite a bit of time, thank you!)

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What Cheney characterized as “delay tactics” used to be considered due process. Cheney and her colleagues on the J6 committee claimed to be working to protect “our democracy,” but that claim is demolished by their disregard for Trump’s constitutional rights and the constitutional rights of so many of his supporters, from the rank and file Trump supporters who were present at the Capitol on J6 to Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro. Cheney is in favor of railroading defendants into unjust convictions that can be used to further her political goals. The rights, lives and human dignity of the individuals caught in the crossfire and the credibility of “our democracy” be damned. Because she cares only about herself and is willing to destroy anyone or anything (such as due process) to get her way, lying and hypocrisy are easy for her. She has earned the disgust of the American people and deserves whatever she will get.

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I wanted to get more into the timeline about the so-called delays but didn't want the article to run too long.

There was no delay. Smith indicted Trump on August 1, 2023. His lawyers filed motion to dismiss based on immunity on Oct 8 and less than two months later, Judge Chutkan issued her landmark order denying ALL forms of presidential immunity. Smith asked SCOTUS to bypass the appellate court and grant cert immediately. SCOTUS denied but it didn't matter because the appellate court panel held oral arguments in early Jan 2024 and issued unanimous ruling upholding Chutkan FIVE WEEKS LATER. SCOTUS held oral arguments on April 25 and issued its opinion on July 1.

Less than one year in an unprecedented and historical matter and Liz Cheney complains the process was being "delayed." Can't wait to see how she tries to drag out her own investigation and production of records!

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This for the Cheneys is just another ‘friendly fire’ term of art. They would like everyone to believe there is some profoundly important feature of what Actually IS a ‘color revolution coup’, but passed off in the narrative of the carefully classified seditionists as ‘protection of democracy.’

On multiple fronts Trump, his agenda, and supporters have been viciously attacked by lawfare and militarized police actions as open intimidations of citizens presumed by their definitions to be the new ‘terrorists’ and therefore unquestionably, enemies.

The DNC and all PACs behind these outrages should be financially responsible for every dollar spent by these citizens because of the cruel and unusual punishments they have been subjected to, and the basic human rights including due process denied them, prior to the final proof of wrongdoing by Trump or his true supporters, which never materialized. And those who were provoked into apparent breaking of the law around the Capitol were not afforded unbiased protection or distinction from the antagonists, many of whom were clearly Antifa agitators, as well as ‘off the chain’ Capitol Police. The loss of control by security on J6 became the rallying rant for Trump’s enemies to profile every person in the vicinity, and especially those who found themselves being escorted into and through the Capitol that day, as ‘insurrectionists’ — fabricated out of the ‘whole cloth of color revolution’ coup making. Every person who lost their life that day died as a direct consequence of security failure — certifiable from top to bottom.

The murder of Ashli Babbitt at the hands of a cowardly and incompetent officer is the Perfect Example of Failure. This coward should never been allowed more than docent status, guiding visitors to a given location. Instead, against all odds and regulations, surrounded by other ‘guards’ as well as other armed officers IN THE FIELD OF FIRE, opened fire on a diminutive woman who he had to have seen vigorously opposing the actions of a known Antifa member Breaking the Glass on the door at the top of the staircase. But NO, rather than going after the guy hammering on the glass, he draws a bead on the little woman trying to prevent the vandalism. All swept under the rug covering the corruption, never to be addressed as the outrage that it is until the two-tier piracy is replaced with justice under law deserving of respect — Constitutional law governing rights, basic, divine rights.

Does anyone with the authority and resources to know, (obviously not any well established ‘journalist’) — rather, the person privy to such inside information ’Know’ how much time that vandal got for breaking the window, then leaving, evading arrest at the scene, and for scaring the Byrdshit out of the trigger happy coward that day?

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What is more likely? Thousands of concerned citizens who don’t know each other, Donald Trump or the Capitol, without weapons or a plan to somehow force Congress to certify Trump as the winner, were at the Capitol to “overthrow” the government or that the Democrats and our government, that we pay for, hatched a plan to setup well-meaning American citizens blindsided by an inexplicable series of events including being targeted by provocateurs and aggressive police tactics deployed against them on the one hand while other police ushered them into the Capitol on the other?

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The courts have treated Trump, the J6ers, Bannon as if they are garbage, but I suspect that they will afford Cheney, a duplicitous liar, as an important person entitled to the full protection afforded to criminal defendants under the Constitution.

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Liz Cheney deserves whatever she is going to endure. My sense is that she will wiggle out of any direct consequences. What may be completely humiliating for her would be for the Justice Department to bring charges against Cassidy Hutchinson for perjury and whatever else fits, with the intent of a very detailed public trial to expose just how evil Cheney is. I have no sympathy for a tool like Hutchinson and she has no where near the political assets Cheney can bring to bear.

I am not being mean. They conspired to destroy the Presidency. Deal with your actions.

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Hutchinson was young and gullible and enamored with power and afraid she'd go broke. Those are her only defenses. She may flip on Cheney and the rest of the committee, which would be outstanding. If she is threatened with perjury and obstruction, she very well may become a cooperator and spill the goods on everyone.

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Age has nothing to do with right and wrong. I'd rather be broke and honest than rich and crooked. Been there.

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That seems to me exactly the way to go after all these miscreants. Go after the lowest ones in the hierarchy, offer them a deal and follow it all up the ladder to the top. Who will we find? Will it qualify as a RICO case or a conspiracy? The top of the pyramid will be occupied by a few IMHO.

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Not just the Presidency. The rule of law was flushed leaving our Country and her long-established, necessary institutions (e.g. our "Legal System") were demolished and scattered to the four winds as collateral damage. The Rosenbergs were executed for less than the crimes every member of Team O'Barry committed.

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100! Formal immunity will not protect Cheney from public opprobrium. The MSM can squawk all day long about "misinformation." They have lost their power. We learned that on Nov. 5.

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More like attempting to be 'FAIR'.

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Julie — Isn’t the path forward for Bondi’s people to indict Cassidy Hutchinson right away for her oft-refuted fairy tale about Trump wrestling with his driver on J6? She is made to understand she will either face a long jail term for perjury, conspiracy, obstruction etc or face a less severe sentence if she agrees to testify about Liz inducing her to change her testimony. Liz, in turn, can be offered a similar deal - long prison term for illegally conspiring with Hutchinson, suborning perjury etc or Liz gives up a bigger fish like Pelosi or Joe Biden or whoever was directing the whole rotten lawfare/impeachment horror show.

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Bingo. Hutchinson already been used and discarded. Her lawyers could face consequences, too. So the only path forward is for her to become a cooperating witness for the government and give up all of them including Cheney, Thompson, maybe Pelosi, and committee staff.

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I think and believe that a Snoopy Dance would be in order by millions of us WHEN Pelosi gets her clock cleaned in every form and fashion of soaping the bint down with particularly nasty lye soap.

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And lose their retirements. 😂

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And be exiled from the USA or returning the USA, plus attach and take all accounts on shore and off shore, plus remove pensions, real estate, etc.. THEN GIVE ALL OF THOSE PROCEEDS TO EVERY J6er in order to attempt to amend (it can only be an attempt for what they've all suffered) all wrongs done to every single person that has been in any way negatively treated by every human being that even thought badly (let alone prosecuted) for our J6er Patriots AND THEIR FAMILIES!

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And just like the attorneys who represented Trump or his associates, the lawyers who represent these traitors must be shamed and blacklisted and face bar complaints.

Those are the new rules!

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Judgment day is coming for all of them.

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Julie, you are the best. The obviousness of her guilt is overwhelming as any objective observer can see. Keep moving on!

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Thank you, David. I am not giving up on this story. More to come.

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So, in this Michael Sussmann sort of way, all of these mouthy, arrogant, self puffing stoat (weasel cousin) like punks of the deep state will continue to prove to the USA citizens that there is no place like lying their butts off to all of us in a D.C. court of law!

I think that each and every mud sucking grub that concocted and subsequently comprised the J6 Committee including all finger pointers for extended J6 incarceration (with no viable proof of action by THESE J6er victims) should be jailed and imprisoned RIGHT NOW for their part in treating our citizens with NO DEGREE OF RESPECT AT ALL!

Pelosi, Raskin, Cheney, Schumer, Nadler, Waters, Goldman, Chutkan, Engoron, Merchan, Willis, Bragg AND of course James plus so many other Demo (NOW) whiners should be given their personal opportunity to know the delights of incarceration for an extended number of years FOR THEIR PART IN HURTING OUR CITIZENS WITH INORDINATELY CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT!

Make Lying Wrong Again!

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I forgot someone's that have to be mentioned...Muriel Bowser, Mayor of D.C. AND Matthew Graves the US Attorney of Washington D.C.! Both of these mongrels share particularly grotesquely ugly parts in ALL OF OUR J6er PATRIOTS BEING UNJUSTLY PROSECUTED!

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I am hearing that the DC US attorney's office is bleeding prosecutors. The problem (in a good way) is there aren't enough law firms to absorb all of the corrupt asst. US attorneys. So let's hope they remain unemployed for a very long time.

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Maybe they should relocate to Biden's favorite country Ukraine!

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You might add to your excellent list of convicts-to-be Federal District Judge Lewis A. Kalam who presided over the E. Jean Carroll civil litigation in NY against Trump that resulted in nearly $90 million damages by jury verdicts orchestrated by Kaplan..

Even more farcical than Cassidy Hutchinson’s tale of Trump grappling with his J6 chauffeur is Carroll’s story that Trump raped her in a glamorous Manhattan department store within ear shot of customers, sales people, and, logically, neat a flock of paparazzi who would have surely shadowed Trump as he was browsing lingerie (so she claimed) with a woman not his wife.

Plaintiff found it impossible to remember the year the violent encounter with DJT occurred, just the decade, the 1990s.

She had no witnesses, no credible proof, no health card visit, nothing beyond her vivid imagination and, of course, a fanatic partisan Democratic judge who was perfectly willing to buy whatever Carroll was selling if it served to smear Trump as a rapist. (The totally confusing nonsensical jury verdict led to George Stephanopoulos and ABC having to settle for $16 million damages for defaming Trump.).

Any judge in his right mind would and should have tossed the case out on Day1 as an obvious hoax; it was financed by Reid Hoffman, leading tech mogul and Dem donor.

Kaplan must be severely punished for making our judiciary look like Stalin show trial judges.

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And what was that about the ‘Change’, for a limited time, of the Statute of Limitation law for this special purpose?

If anyone has the balls to root out these M1s for the abortion of justice Americans have suffered, (with no given time or taste for this vile sausage feeding frenzy) — give him the solid gold Medal of Honor for prevailing over the most despicable coup, chapter and verse, in American history, since the founding of our great Republic. And make him honorary Speaker of the House for the duration of the Administration, serving at the pleasure of America’s ‘Man of the Century’, President Donald J Trump. By all means secure the Presidency for our next master of populist greatness, JD Vance. This mission will require continuity.

We can rightly pray that God will guide the vision and legacy of the MAGA movement. Light and Truth overcome darkness. Our believers and our enemies alike must make us better at our task and purpose.

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Sure like the way you write.

It darely rivals Ms. Julie Kelly!!!

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Thank you so much Sir (I had to say Sir because, now, every time I even think Buzz, its followed by Lightyear)!

In my next tirade rant(s), I will endeavor to include Kalam. Hoffman and Kaplan in my listing of gutter rats extraordinaire that are sick and devastatingly rude cur dogs.

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It may be satisfying to eat Cheney eats her words but I’d like to see someway, somehow the legal action take place outside of DC and cram it all down her throat. I know, not likely.

What I’d really like I see is the DC Court be under review. Didn’t I hear at some point it’s gotten bigger than intended, has sucked up other powers like the black hole.

I’d love to see the DC court get squeezed and all of those old husks.

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Mark, this is a real problem not just related to a prosecution of Cheney but anyone opposed to Trump. The judges and grand juries in DC will not fall in line like they have on J6 and all Trump related matters. Just look at what happened to Michael Sussmann--one charge and acquitted.

DOJ must request venue changes outside of DC.

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Julie, completely agree. I remember a Mark Levin discussion and you possibly following up on the following or a variation thereof: something about the DC circuit that it has gotten too powerful more than any other circuit or it’s not properly authorized….. (shrug) I’d love to have someone like Mike Davis comment on this.

I never want to be one of those (I’ll tell you what to write) subscribers but in this case…it would be interesting to learn about the DC powers, black hole, authorization, etc… what can be done damnit! 😏

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She should be subject to prosecution in Wyoming, the state hose people she represented in the House of Representatives.

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Good idea.

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*”see” Cheney

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Liz Cheney deserves every second of anxiety and turmoil coming her way as Rep. Loudermilk digs deeper and deeper into her deviant role in dragging good innocent people for public humiliation before her sham committee. She has turned so many lives upside down with her vendetta to get Trump. I recently listened to Tucker Carlson’s interview with Stefan Passantino who represented Cassidy Hutchinson before the J6 committee. A fine lawyer with an upstanding reputation until Cheney decided to intervene without his knowledge and persuade Hutchinson to alter her testimony and turn on him. Ultimately, he of course was cleared by the ethics committee, but not until he was publicly smeared. Cheney had better be subpoenaed and face a public hearing to testify under oath for her violations of law or ethics. I hope she sleeps not a wink from now til then.

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spot on, Elizabeth. According to Stefan--who I also interviewed--Cheney tried to lure him into an obstruction trap during Hutchinson's 3rd interview. Then yes, she orchestrated bar complaints against him. This was a conspiracy to destroy an innocent man for no other reason than he worked with Donald Trump. That sort of treachery cannot go unanswered.

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Cheney is a demon possessed evil excuse of a human. I hope the new administration has the intestinal fortitude to take action against the corrupt politicians who have almost destroyed our country.

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I believe a Trump DOJ will have the fortitude to proceed, especially an FBI led by Kash Patel. We have to keep making the public case, however, because to your point, plenty of cowardly Republicans (Lindsey Graham for example) will want to "move on." Nope!

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I am completely disgusted in some of our so called republican politicians. We need representatives who have a backbone and stand together.

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I'm getting sick in my stomach every time I hear Lying Lizzie Cheney claims that no one's above the law except her and her hack cronies. she, the spawn of Darth Vader, thinks that her sordid reputation will protect her, even in the Swamp.

Then there's the case of the rascally Jamie Raskin, who thinks that Lying Lizzie was simply seeking a witness to a (supposed) insurrection. Well, actually, she was attempting to have the witness lie to the committee they were both members of. I'll explain this in simple terms, so that he may understand: You can only find something that exists; otherwise, you are creating. Incidentally, that is the same statement that applies with regards to then-President Trump's infamous call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger.

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Mu hunch is Raskin was in on it, too. He and Cheney are big buddies--he's running cover for her now but perhaps for himself as well.

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I agree completely. He's now trying to keep Trump from becoming President again, simply by invoking the Insurrection clause.

I find it surprising that this was considered a useless clause in the 1880's in Congress, yet they didn't want to eliminate it from the 14th Amendment.

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Not so kind hearted as some. I want the full weight of the law laid upon her. She and her dad both deserve prison. With him it is treason and rumors of trafficking. Follow the money. Reopen the duck hunting shooting "accident" in Louisiana. Cheney both of them need to be totally exposed. All their dirty linen turned inside out.

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I agree, Carolyn. I want investigations, public hearings, charges, and prison.

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Howz about, Old Man Cheney get cited on violating the Mann Act like Hunter Biden should be facing as well?!!?

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"But watching Cheney—one of the most insufferable, self-aggrandizing, and thin-skinned politicians around—eat her own words will be a satisfying spectacle on its own."


A great day for the nation when Cheney's chickens come home to roost.

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Nope...I want that worm to suffer...handily SUFFER!

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As Cheney thumbs her pet judges and above the law status in the face of public scrutiny of suborning perjury, literally thousands of J6ers suffer in jail and otherwise, crushed under the heel of a corrupt Judiciary. Maybe Princess Halliburton will get away with it. However, at some point in time, someone will lose patience with their in your face, eeleat tomfoolery and bypass the legal Justice system. To paraphrase Schumer....Cheney...you've released the whirlwind.

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Step one was electing Trump. Step 2 needs to be running the House and Senate with MAGA. We have less than 2 years to make that happen. I like how Fetterman is appreciating MAGA, which can be bipartisan.

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Oh, What A Tangled Web We Weave ,When First We Practice to Deceive - Sir Walter Scott said it much more succinctly than I ever could

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Thanks again Julie for doing such in depth work on Cheney and other Never Trumpers. We need Justice not revenge.

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Thank you David--I want both. Too many lives destroyed.

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And NOTHING can bring back their victims that committed suicide. Nor make it better for their loved ones. I want both, and dare I say (although it's anathema to admit it) I want Rosenberg-style justice. It's only "fair" in a "Democrazy!"

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