The fake pipe bombs were the backup plan to disrupt the two states that were about to make motions to delay certification of electoral votes. Capitol police opened the doors of the Capitol inviting folks in while simultaneously initiating violence. If so called protesters didn't commiserate with the 'melee', then the pipe bombs were 'to be found' while the VP-elect was in the DNC.

The key point is that the 'melee' was used to close the current session and then reopen under different rules that didn't allow motions of any kind. Hence, JoeBama was seated. The timing of all of this was perfect. See "Regitiger" at the Last Refuge.

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The Parliamentary Motive Behind the J6 Fedsurrection

Long time CTH reader “Regitiger” has spent a great deal of time reviewing the entire process, looking at the granular timeline and then overlaying the bigger picture of the constitutional and parliamentary process itself. What follows below is a brilliant analysis of the federal government motive to create a J6 crisis that permitted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to trigger an emergency session and avoid the 2020 election certification challenges.


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Thanks for this link. This certainly explains certain questionable actions.

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Ditto that. It was a great - arguably game changing* - piece on CT that warrants MUCH more distribution and recognition.

*It provides a plausible rationale even more significant than developing the "insurrection" narrative for the Fedsurrection.

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That is precisely the article and the history I was referencing.

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How much fraud and deceit can overpaid, federal bureaucrat-criminals CRAM into the FEDSURRECTION?

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As much as it takes to destroy Trump and the America First MAGA Patriot movement.

This is WORLD WAR III.....


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It's like a Hefty bag that keeps stretching-and sadly, it isn't full yet!

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The problem now is who can we trust in the DOJ to properly investigate the FBI? No one is the obvious answer. That’s why the FBI is untouchable, they know it and therefore can do whatever they want whenever they want without consequence. The FBI truly has become a modern day Stasi, a state security service working hand in glove with the Democrat Party targeting anyone who is determined a “threat” and unleashing their limitless, unchecked powers on them.

That’s exactly what happened on January 6th, 2021 in Washington DC. It was planned, coordinated, and executed by truly despicable people in the highest levels of government to once and for all, end the political career of a sitting US president and take out as many of his supporters as possible sending a message loud and clear, any activity, even if constitutionally protected but considered inappropriate, triggers an avalanche of hell that ruins lives, destroys families, and makes examples of those found guilty of crimes against the state.

It continues to this day as J6ers are still being hunted, a former president faces years of imprisonment, and an election process that is rigged, corrupt, and impossible to monitor all but assuring the final outcome is “acceptable”. It’s a horrifying reality with no end in sight and that’s why these are some of the darkest days in America history. God help us because we need all the help we can get.

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"Lackadaisical response" to the bomb is the perfect description. Public also did some thorough reporting on this incredibly disturbing issue.

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Which leads me to theorize that the "pipe bombs" were covered or facilitated by some sort of in-house "training exercise", just as the events of 11 September were facilitated by the training exercise Vigilant Guardian.

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Vigilante Guardian:

8 Things You May Not Know About Our Air Defense on 9/11


Category: Exercise Vigilant Guardian

9-11: Chaos Theory; The Air Defense Response, Sensitive Dependence on Initial Conditions


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I read both your links. Unfortunately but not surprisingly, both presume that the official narrative is true and accurate, that 4 aircraft were hijacked by muslims with box cutters and subsequently flew them into the towers, crashed at Shanksville, and into the Pentagon. All of those elements are contradicted by the facts. There was no sign of airliners at either the Pentagon or Shanksville, and the aircraft that hit the towers were NOT AA11 and UA175.

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Agreed, but those were two sources on the 9/11 Vigilant Guardian training exercise that you mentioned above. What are your sources?

You might find the following info of interest:

Was WTC 1 & 2 & 7 taken down with a combination of Thermate and nuclear bombs?


The Teterboro airport’s security company, as of 9/11/2001, waived through illicit cargoes of all kinds.

The buildings destroyed at the World Trade Center were demolished using nuclear devices brought into the US through Teterboro Airport, according to the DOE report. Investigator’s statements say that “there were no customs-only passport forms to be filled out by the flight crews. There was never any physical inspection of baggage or aircraft. “

Able Danger investigators tracked the devices through the airport and maintained surveillance of all involved until the records were seized by the orders of Michael Chertoff.

VT specifically asked the real Able Danger team who owned the plane that delivered the nuclear weapons to the Teterboro Airport. Their answer:

Jeffrey Epstein…who “lent” his planes to the Mossad on a regular basis…


Nuclear 9/11 – The Pommer Report:


The Dancing Israelis


9/11 Anniversary - What happened?

Barbara Honegger – The Pentagon and 9/11

Behind the Smoke Curtain (Updated Youtube video link):


Behind the Smoke Curtain – 2nd Edition (2015)


Behind The Smoke Curtain: What Happened at the Pentagon on 9/11, and What Didn’t, and Why it Matters


PNAC Wanted a New Pearl Harbor:


9/11 Files: Dancing Israelis



I found this video showing the only two camera angles with video of what is supposed to be a 757 American Airlines FLT 77 going into the Pentagon.

The “aircraft” appears for a split second at 0:05/2:56 in the first camera and at 1:31/2:56 in the second camera.

What appears in both videos is much smaller than a 757 jetliner. Possibly a Global Hawk drone like Barbara shows.

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That would explain why he's now on the wrong side of the grass.

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Yes, Heinz Pommer came along 10 years later and confirmed the work of Jeff Prager regarding the evidence of nuclear fission events at WTC. No Boeing hit the Pentagon, certainly not AA77. It appears some sort of aircraft hit there, but it was not a Boeing.

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By the way, two of my Boeing coworkers were on AA 77 the morning of 9/11/2001. Ruben Ornedo and Chandler Keller were attending meetings in D.C. area and were going home for the weekend to visit their wives. Ruben’s wife was pregnant with their daughter. Chad was a young newlywed.

It would be nice to know what happened to Ruben and Chad......

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I found this video showing the only two camera angles with video of what is supposed to be a 757 American Airlines FLT 77 going into the Pentagon.

The “aircraft” appears for a split second at 0:05/2:56 in the first camera and at 1:31/2:56 in the second camera.

What appears in both videos is much smaller than a 757 jetliner. Possibly a Global Hawk drone like Barbara shows.


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The Deep State “False Flag”!

There’s no wonder why Washington is terrified of a Trump return.

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I don't want to be off point, but when will the truth about Mike Pence involvement or lack thereof ever be disclosed? He seem to disappear after the event. Why?

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A deep and thorough investigation into Mike Pence’s involvement screams out to be conducted. Mike Pence may not be who or what we were led to believe. Me thinks he may be a good little soldier for the deep staters.

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The FBI/MI5 and CIA/MI6 and NSA/GCHQ weren’t created to protect the citizens of the USA and subjects of the UK, they were created to protect the wealth, interests, and NWO agenda of the Anglo-American Globalist Fascist Oligarchy.

Are the British Plotting to Assassinate Trump?

A Police Dossier: It is the British Who Murder Our Presidents


The Anglo-American Pilgrims Society (1902)




The Pilgrim Society’s Empire Press Union created MI5, MI6 and GC&CS, now GCHQ in 1909

All the leading British and American newspapers were weaponized in 1909 by the British Government-led Pilgrims Society: Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, Times, Daily Mirror, Daily Express, Sunday Times, Observer, Financial Times, Washington Post, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Boston Globe, etc.

As radio and television emerged in the 1920s, the list of Pilgrim-weaponized intelligence propaganda media expanded to BBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CBC, CNN, CNBC, Comcast and now FOX.

The C.I.A., FBI, NSA and State Department are the step-children under Pilgrims Society (British) control today.


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Efrem Zimbalist Jr. would be rolling over in his grave if he knew how poorly the FBI is in reality. When he was on the TV show-The F.B.I. (1965–74 on ABC), he and others on the show made the FBI a place where all good Americans would love to work because they were the GOOD guys.

And the Secret Service doesn't appear to be as good as those who were in the S.S. in the past.

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Are you aware that network tv stations and the FBI have been controlled by the Anglo-American Globalist Fascist Oligarchy ever since 1909?

The FBI/MI5 and CIA/MI6 and NSA/GCHQ weren’t created to protect the citizens of the USA and subjects of the UK, they were created to protect the wealth, interests, and NWO agenda of the Anglo-American Globalist Fascist Oligarchy.

Are the British Plotting to Assassinate Trump?

A Police Dossier: It is the British Who Murder Our Presidents


The Anglo-American Pilgrims Society (1902)




The Pilgrim Society’s Empire Press Union created MI5, MI6 and GC&CS, now GCHQ in 1909

All the leading British and American newspapers were weaponized in 1909 by the British Government-led Pilgrims Society: Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, Times, Daily Mirror, Daily Express, Sunday Times, Observer, Financial Times, Washington Post, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Boston Globe, etc.

As radio and television emerged in the 1920s, the list of Pilgrim-weaponized intelligence propaganda media expanded to BBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CBC, CNN, CNBC, Comcast and now FOX.

The C.I.A., FBI, NSA and State Department are the step-children under Pilgrims Society (British) control today.


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Yep, Julie, you are so correct.

I watched the piece that Dan Bongino did on Darren Beattie's dedication to be on top of the "pipe bomb" cover-up.

I say cover-up because just like Bongino and y'all are saying, how is it that the FBI, DOJ, Capitol Police, D.C. Metro Police and that scum sucker Matthew Graves (along with his side kicks Tania Chutkan, Engoron AND Jack skeletor Smith) can pin-point at least a thousand face recognition strollers walking around the Capitol on Jan 6, 2021 but there's no followed-up camera surveillance footage on the "Federal Pipe Bomb patsy" that they conveniently let "slip-away" much like Ray Epps! Oh wait, ruh roh, MAYBE there's some crappy footage just released...and they had that surveillance for HOW LONG!?!?!?!

If it's Trump/MAGA the Fed's and Deep State Swamp road rash brain-fart contingent will pick out one teeny tiny little squirrel in a tree and hunt down that critter and then reveal that critter's toe nails on camera! But if it's anything to do with going against the Federal Gov't, Demo/Lib/Left/Progressive STORY, they do a Hillary Clinton/Susan Rice Hammer Job on any computer/camera/email/texting/written communications!!!!

Keep repeating this, if it talks like a Democrat and walks like a Democrat then it's a LIAR...6 to 1, half a dozen to another. Democrat and LIAR are completely interchangeable

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I think I read that in Webster's dictionary.

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Here's a link the January 8, 2021 story from the Daily Mail "FBI hunts MAGA mob pipe bomber: Feds offer $50,000 to catch suspect who left outside RNC and DNC headquarters less than half a mile from deadly Capitol riot"


If you scroll down in this article, you can see that as of that date Ray Epps was still shown as #16 on their most wanted list.

Scrolling further down at the bottom of this Jan 8 Daily Mail article is the now famous 1:41 minute video clip of the first breach of the Capitol fence, prominently featuring Mr. Epps. This video clip is perfectly framed and very steady, as if recorded by a professional. It wasn't something shot on someone's cell phone in the moment. And whoever recorded it, how convenient that the Daily Mail managed to get it so quickly for their MAGA hit piece.

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We are more likely to determine who was responsible for the cocaine left in the WH.

When the perpetuators of crimes and hoaxes are those we pay and trust to find such culprits it means is that we are now a country governed by those who are responsible for successfully pulling off a coup d'état, using election fraud in 2020, and who have now overplayed their hand in attempting to manage their poorly designed coverup.

There is no possible way the intel conspirators will be held to account unless Trump prevails this November. The stakes are enormous. The people in power who occupy the Department of Beltway Injustice are in bed with those who legally possess weapons and will have no problem using them illegally against Americans who see them for what they are... fascists and tyrants who have become a legal domestic terrorist organization operating in plain sight and in full view of the the American public. And where is the media? Thank God for Julie Kelly and other substacks, Musk's purchase of X (formerly Twitter) and Donald Trump's Truth Social. The internet is now becoming the Town Hall it was meant to be and the despicable, currently in power, are now so desperate to hold on to their ill gotten power that everyone must realize that 2024 will be a bellwether year like no other since our county's inception. Prepare for the worst while striving for the best. It's a real "Game of Thrones".

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A midday walk to the laundromat? Which laundromat? Has anyone mapped this? The only one I can find is a distance away from the RNC. Where did she live? Was she carrying clothes? Why not Uber? Let me guess - no one has asked.

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and do busy DC professionals typically pause to examine objects they see behind trash cans?

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And did anyone ask if she had her own washer and dryer at home?

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Don’t buy the laundromat story- not likely.

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My story of the Jan6 rally in DC:

I attended the rally in DC to support honest and fair elections in the US, NOT to overthrow the Capitol for Donald Trump. I have known about election fraud by machines that leave no paper trail and utilize fractionalized votes to shift votes election outcomes since it first began to be exposed by Bev Harris and Bennie Smith in 2003. (See BlackBoxVoting.org)

We stood for about 5 hours in the freezing cold at the early morning Elipse Rally with a gazillion friendly, happy people who sang, prayed, and visited together the entire time.


There was NO atmosphere of insurrection during this time, until…

… the single man pictured below started breaking out into screaming rants that to save the country we MUST enter the Capitol and take possession of it at one o’clock. It was nearly word for word what Ray Epps was videoed saying elsewhere.


Each time he did so the tension in the crowd was palpable and they did not respond positively. I considered confronting him but did not because I believe in his freedom to speak but by the third rant I could tell the crowd was tired of it.

Later, as we made our walk to the Capitol, I saw three men dressed in mostly black pulling “Do-Not-Cross” signs off a plastic construction-fence type barrier around the Capitol lawn. I snapped this picture as they scurried away like rats. The dismantled fence can be seen in the background.


As we continued around the Capitol, I saw two darkly dressed people, separately (a man and a women) using white megaphones to compel more people to go into the Capitol. I was close enough to the woman to confront her and tell her she was NOT supporting President Trump who, by then (at 2:38pm) had already tweeted to his 80M+ Twitter followers to support law enforcement and go home. ( https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1346904110969315332?s=21 ) She began screaming at me that I was a coward. I asked her if she was Antifa. She turned and walked away wo denying that she was, in fact, part of that group.

I believe the Capitol invasion was primarily led by people who hate President Trump and want to incriminate him. Possibly, people in law enforcement that were involved in entrapping people like FBI operatives did in Michigan trying to incite the kidnapping of Gov. Whitney.

I deplore the actions of the breachers and am extremely disappointed in the Trump supporters who foolishly followed them into the Capitol. I did not experience ANY Trump team member or supporter who deliberately or casually encouraged over throwing the government. I pray that Trump-haters will come to their senses and allow a proper presentation of the abundant evidence for voter fraud to be evaluated by fair-minded people.

(Photos did not paste. Available upon request by email @ comsense@jscomm.net)

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Well some say Term Limits but you know that will never happen. Remember when President Trump tried to get them on the lies they told the public and he was told they have immunity which they set up in Congress so they could not be sued

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This sounds like an important piece of the puzzle as a ‘ back- up’. Remembering that the Dems have said that “ a crisis should not go to waste.”. So, first, they must ‘ create the crisis.’ Regiitiger in his analysis of the parliamentary conspiracy ( the blog link at the conservative treehouse.com) lays out how a created crisis generated Pelosi’s emergency rules so the two motions requiring an audit of votes could not come to the floor, thus ‘ no standing’ so Supreme Court could be involved at some point. Pence was deeply involved in a meticulous plan to make certain election was certified. No more questions and Biden installed. Perhaps Pence is a traitor after all. This was THE COUP! No record of the motions. Congress quickly passed new legislation regarding certification of an election- how does this new law prevent an audit and questioning of the votes ( as in fraudulent votes) so an election cannot be investigated and a certification delayed or prevented? This analysis helps to explain so much that merits a deep examination. Will we ever have an election with true integrity again? Only properly identified valid legal citizen voters choosing our leaders?

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In my opinion this set up attack on Jan 6 will never be resolved. Yes we can find important evidence on all there evil but in the long run we should know by now they will never be accountable of their coordinated attacks in public. As we are learning you are forced to sue to get any accountability for their demonic behavior. The Knight In Shining Armor A.K.A. Congress and Senate unfortunately was M.I.A yet again. I hope all of you remember that at the Ballot Box!

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The problem is that so many of them need to go off into obscurity. How do we accomplish that?

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