Thank you Julie for keeping us informed on this important matter within a very crowded & chaotic non stop news cycle.

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This certainly isn’t surprising considering that this judge is one of the majorettes of the commissars leading the Soviet Show Trials in Moscow in the Potomac. This is despicable behavior as it appears President Trump is opposing a stacked deck. The verdict was rendered already; all that is necessary now is to fill-in the date.

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The fact that both parties are funding his demise and are trying to take away his freedom tells you all you need to know. Support him to your fullest extent; just remember how wonderfully peaceful and wealthy we all were three years ago.

You are honoring our service. Thank you, Julie.

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Biased Judge + Biased Prosecutor + Biased Jury = Biased Conviction

In other words, the conviction of Trump is guaranteed. How is the Gag Order narrow, when it's open to interpretation by a biased system?

Who decides what is a violation of the Gag Order? If a lawyer (or surrogate) violates the gag order, does the lawyer (or surrogate) get penalized? What is the penalty for a violation of the Gag Order?

The bias of Judge Tanya Chutkan is extraordinary. For example: She has handed down sentences to Jan6 defendants that exceed the maximum penalty. Judge Chutkan lectured a Jan6 defendant to use his time in prison to consider getting information from other sources.

Bottom Line: A corrupt DOJ and corrupt DC court system are doing everything in their power to prevent a political opponent (Trump) from campaigning.

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All 3 branches of the federal government are corrupt and dysfunctional.

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Does that mean America no longer exists as a country? That’s what Roger Kimball recently said. I was surprised he said that. Usually people in his position try to be upbeat even though they know we’re on a sinking ship.

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It means that the federal government is no longer functional. The country still exists without a functional government.

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Externally the buildings, cars and people are all about. Internally the essential ingredients of trust and commonality have been replaced with Woke race and gender pathologies which have destroyed the country internally which probably explains why it’s so rapidly unraveling externally. No society can survive for long without things as basic as trust, secure borders, safe city streets, schools that educate children and a functional government. We no longer have a functional country.

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Here are a couple of videos I watched about the rapid shift in people turning against the Woke leftist democrats. Black Conservative Perspective shows video of the tech billionaire Chamath talking about how he’d always been liberal and believed what the media said about Trump being a monster but now after 3 years of the disastrous Biden presidency he realizes they were simply lying and he now realizes Trump was actually a very good president.

African Diaspora News is a super racist, anti-white channel which has now totally lost faith in the democrats. I live in Chicago and I’ve seen blacks at city hall meetings with the mayor screaming at him “You betrayed us!” for setting up these “migrant shelters” in their communities and spending so much money on them when he’d promised to invest that money helping them, not illegals who don’t even belong here. People are waking up but is it already to late to save our sinking ship? We are just so far gone in so many ways that it’s really hard to see how we can survive this.

Liberal Billionaire Takes Red Pill On Trump Admitting Liberal Media Lied About Everything! (12 min)

Black Conservative Perspective. Oct 14, 2023


“A Brotha Says Chicagoans Deserve What They’re Getting For Voting For The Democrats.” (4 min)

African Diaspora News Channel. Oct 13, 2023


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After the Trump 'Mugshot' in Fulton Country Courthouse, I noticed that Trump's popularity on X (Twitter) among Black males seemed to noticeably increase. Apparently, that increase of Trump's popularity among Black males was enough to trigger a concerned response from Al Sharpton on Politics Nation. Sharpton cited a survey that indicated that Trumps popularity increase among males was transient.

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Here’s a short (8 min) video of Mayra Flores in the article below talking about how the Texas border area is being destroyed by illegal immigration, crime, and a failing economy. She says that unfortunately Biden had to be elected for the Biden voters to find out how truly horrible the democrats are and now that they know they’re supporting republicans.

Trump is very much an existential threat to them and they will kill him if he makes it to the White House. But won’t that plunge us into civil war? We’re already in a civil war and America has already ceased to ceased to exist as a country. This becomes more obvious by the day. We need to see the democrats for what they are and do what we can to fight them. It is what it is. No point pretending it’s not. I’m not calling for revolution. I believe our next stop, worst case scenario, will be spiraling social breakdown due to out of control crime which the “migrants” will be joining in on as they realize their dream of a good, well paying job will never happen. Highly recommend watching the video. Mayra is very good, a fighter.

Support for Biden in border region crumbling as crisis benefits illegals over Americans: Texas Mayra Flores.

Yahoo News. Fox News. Oct 1, 2023


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As Dan Bongino (and others) is saying, it just isn't bad enough for people to get it! Now it's my copy here, that the dolt/imbecile/child sniffing and touching/racist current POTUS has a non-clandestined agenda to completely trash this Constitutional Republic, the United States of America!

Oops, did I say too much...uh, oh whell.

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How do you describe a country (US) that totally supports, militarily and financially, TWO countries (U + I) with Nazi-dominated governments?

A TWO-state solution ( which was sabotaged for decades by both apartheid Bibi/US and Hamas ) – NOW

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What a strange juxtaposition going on here.

Chutkan, an obviously biased judge from her connections to Hunter Biden, is presiding over a trial that she should have recused herself from, at the onset of even the mention of this trial. AND this trial is for "election interference" which is exactly what is being done with this and the other 4 Trump trials that are going on concurrently. Then there's that ages old expectation that it's just not a good thing to take a candidate for President to trial, DURING THE CAMPAIGN PRIOR TO THE VOTING FOR THIS PARTICULAR ELECTION! Oh and of course, then there's that freedom of speech rights being curtailed, thing!!

What did he say: Schumer: Intelligence Agencies ‘Have Six Ways From Sunday Of Getting Back At You’. Whell, isn't that what's going to be happening here as well. But it will be appeal after appeal after appeal going on, for all of these trials but especially the ones that will be prosecuted in Wash. D.C., since DC. is so OBVIOUSLY BIASED AGAINST ALL THINGS TRUMP! Oh yeah, and I didn't forget, New York is chomping at the bit to deep six Trump in THAT trial TOO, ay! No bias there...duh!

Can you say Kangaroo Kourt(s)!

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But they cannot succeed at this anymore than they can succeed at importing new voters through our open southern border to boost their voting base. These are wildly insane ideas which are already driving away droves of their black and Hispanic base. Watch the videos I just posted here from African Diaspora News and also the one of Mayra Flores in south Texas. There is already a massive hemorrhaging of their base which can only get worse. I just watched a video today about Chicago’s “migrant crisis” which said the city is at the “breaking point” and things are as bad or much worse in other areas of the country all due to our criminally insane ruling class. They cannot win since they are too deranged to govern. They can only destroy which is what they’re doing.

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Another informative and well done article. Thank you, Julie.

You should be given more attention, since your writing is always about such important issues to all of us.

Scary time in our failing Nation, but reading articles like yours, helps us keep the faith.

The world is imploding without President Trump in charge, and as for our Nation we are quickly going down into communism.

These indictments and this gag order are a perfect example of that. Let us all pray that we prevail and get President Trump back before it is too late.

Hope it is okay, but I am posting this article on Truth Social under my same tag.

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