Oct 7, 2023·edited Oct 7, 2023

Trump psychosis is real. One will always hate what one fears and the terror of Donald Trump and his movement by the political ruling class is unprecedented. We’ve gone from Obama’s “bitter clingers” to Hillary’s “deplorables” and now it’s escalated to the FBI’s “domestic terrorists” as they get more desperate to stop what they’re unable to control. In their narcissism and megalomania they need the monster they’ve manufactured in their minds to justify their brutality. But they cannot stop us from seeing what we see. All they can do now is bully us into submission. They’ll tear down the entire Republic if need be to satisfy their insane belief that they’re entitled to absolute power.

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Let's see, a few hundred or a few thousand militant Antifa, BLM types violently brought this country to its knees in defense of a low-life petty criminal because of the color of his skin. If 30 million responsible conservatives can't peacefully stage a general strike and help a few hundred political prisoners, we are most definitely going to lose to the barbarians in the end.

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Who would have ever guessed the FBI could run a rouge investigation of so called domestic terrorism targeting only one those who appear to support a certain candidate from only one of the parties. Aren’t there laws against entrapment? Where are the “good guys” who believe in blind justice and freedom from government harassment? The current persecutors are the American grandsons and grandaughters of the “Greatest Generation.” What has happened to their souls that they should dishonor those who gave their lives for this country? They are targeting political enemies and supporting foreign wars. Thank you Julie for the heads up that our government is hunting down half of its citizens.

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Democrats cannot win. They can only destroy which is what they’re doing to cities like LA, NYC, Chicago and many other cities they rule which is obviously alienating their base which lives in these cities. I live in Chicago which is being ”overwhelmed” by migrants and infuriating blacks, whites and Hispanics here. They will always have many useful idiot supporters but not enough to win and rule. This is simply not working at all but our ruling class is too deranged to understand this obvious fact.

Our situation literally worsens by the day and this video below is the most horrifying thing I’ve seen to date. Dr Grossman says “This is evil.” Megyn Agrees and I sure do as well. No sane person could watch this without being horrified and utterly appalled by how truly evil the democrats have become. Megyn says she also has an interview coming up soon with Jenifer Bilek who has been so important in revealing this rot in our society. This is definitely one to share with family, friends, coworkers, neighbors and everyone you can think of. The more who see this the better. I also recommend following Sasha Stone’s Substack. She’s been following this lately. Just when we think things can’t get any worse, they do, and they get big time worse.

Los Angeles Elementary Schools to Celebrate ‘National Coming Out Day.’ (9 min)

Megyn Kelly interviews Dr Miriam Grossman. Oct 6, 2023


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Here's hoping that the Julie Kelly substack subscription list is confidential. I'm a busy old, retired grandfather and I don't have time to "go to camp".

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My family legally emigrated to USA get away from this type of ternary!

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Oh my...so Merrick Garland should get the Actor's Studio reward for 'Method Acting' in his depiction of expressing just how moved he is by his own want, to squeeze a tear down his cheek with that interview, ay.

Does anybody else here think that there is acting coaching going on with all points Biden Administration personnel? Perhaps they have been schooled on how to attempt to appear caring as well as emotionally, physically and demonstrably affected, by just how disinterested they really are for literally every total blow-it that the Biden Administration has danced into since Jan 21, 2021?? And there are many!

I say, bring out the massive hook and sweep all of their richly remunerated positions of sick power right off that stage. Then give them and their families a one way ticket to Ukraine or Russia or China and soon thereafter burn up their visas and passports. Then attach every and all on-shore and off-shore accounts as well as all shell corp. holdings and ANY real estate holdings, to be liquidated (inclusive of all pensions and facsimile pay outs) with those proceedings to go to every family that suffered any degree of pain, suffering or death from the COVID-19 death experiment that was forced on human beings worldwide!

Oh whell ....

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The upcoming release of Dinesh DSouza's movie 'Police State' is quite timely to say the least. The movie is due for release at the end of October. Go to policestatefilm.net/ where you can see the trailer and release details.

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This makes perfect sense coming from a human (note, I simply can't type the name of that inexorable human) whose mentor was Saul Alinsky. The first thing that crossed my mind while out-of-town last week was this is reminiscent of Mao's great leap forward. As one of the behind-the-curtain leaders of the Marxist-Democrat-Party inside Moscow-on-the-Potomac, despite being possible the absolute worst candidate for the Presidency in 2016, and the progenitor of the attempted coup wrapped inside the Ruskie-Ruskie Hoax, why would anyone be surprised to learn that she's in favor of re-education camps? As I said, makes perfect sense.

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Xi Van Fleet is a Thought Leader who survived all 10 years of Mao's Cultural Revolution (based on Critical Class Theory). She came to the US in 1989. Xi Van Fleet explains on X (Twitter) that the current Woke/Marxist/Cultural Revolution unfolding in the US is following the same playbook that Mao's Cultural Revolution followed. Her book entitled "Mao's America - A Survivors Warning" will be released on October 31, 2023. I'm sure that she is in the crosshairs of the Establishment.

Some examples of the similarities between Mao's Cultural Revolution and the Woke Cultural Revolution in the US that Xi Van Fleet cites include:

Mao: Critical Class Theory/Class Conflict

US: Critical Race Theory/Race Conflict, Critical Gender Theory

Mao: Red Guard

US: Social Justice Warriors

Mao: Landlords/Peasants Cast System

US: Power Pyramid or Power Privilege Ranking Scale

Mao, US: School Indoctrination, rather than basic education.

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One man alone will not save the republic. You need to show up at school board, city council, fire department, et al. You will be surprised at how nobody speaks up until that one person does, you know the story.

I have done this and have become a target and I love it. Facts are facts and most people understand that will respond to lies.

Go to a meeting armed with facts.

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Here’s another interview of Megyn with Dr Grossman. Quite amazing how evil and insane our society has become. I’m impressed but anyone familiar with the dreadful twentieth century would know that it’s not unusual and is in fact distressingly common for societies to become insane and self-destruct.

“The Dangers Parents Face with Their Kids on Trans Ideology.” (12 min)

Megyn Kelly interviews Dr Miriam Grossman. Oct 6, 2023


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deletedOct 6, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly
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