House Republicans reveal stonewalling, major security lapses, and misrepresentations by top law enforcement officials related to the still at-large J6 pipe bomber.
Also the truth will be revealed from the actual evidence that will be released by President Trump’s DOJ. Those of us targeted for our peaceful assembly by the Biden DOJ are feeling safe enough to finally speak out about our own experiences. My husband and I were completely alone in our plight, with the exception of our family and friends who knew we would never riot, let alone attack anyone or destroy property. Since the election of Donald Trump (for the 3rd time IMO) my husband and created X accounts and discovered there were hundreds of J6ers sharing information. It has been such a game changer for us to be able to share with others who have been through similar situations. If you want to follow us on X we are Karen Jones @Grannysnakebite and Robert Jones @XJ6Grandpa you will see all the information coming to light and shared by the J6 accounts we interact with.
I wish there were words that I could write that would take away all the grief that you've suffered. We're living through awful times and pray that the new administration can get at least some of the perpetrators bankrupt.
Most people no longer trust federal law enforcement agencies. The active attacks happening this week are causing increased skepticism. The truth will prevail.
If the FBI was actually focused on our country, instead of Melanie's underwear drawer, and the parents who didn't want DEI and trans boys in school, etc., they might have been paying more attention to the homeland. Chris Wray can't leave soon enough.
I want everyone who is suspected of perpetrating these crimes to get the due process denied to my husband and I. We will never be like them. We love American style of government as devised by our Founding Fathers. And while our lives were extremely difficult these past few years, we are better people for having endured and survived.
Do not let them distract from the obvious! No media, Left or Right will discuss who built the two story fake gallows on the Capitol Lawn without a permit. And then, came and Hauled it off. Think about it! Same group that placed the pipes!
“How is it possible the pipe bomber remains at large given the extensive resources first expended by the FBI and at their disposal to this day?”
Maybe there is a reason I am missing, but the only thing that makes sense to me is the pipe bombs were part of the larger plan to make sure Trump and his supporters were proven to be domestic terrorists, worthy of being investigated on a level never seen before.
As mentioned in a previous post, asking the question “Did you see anyone planting explosives at the RNC or DNC” or some version of the question was how the field agents approached many of us interviewed in the early days following our participation in a peaceful and patriotic assembly in a public place.
The pipe bomb story has played out like a classic tyrannical government ruse. The FBI agents assured us we were not in trouble. They were investigating the pipe bombs and needed our help. Of course we later found out they were surveillaning our home from the get go, we were always going to be arrested and the ‘Sedition Hunters’ who supposedly identified us almost 2 years after the FBI came to our home were paid to take credit for identifying us.
I can go on forever about all the lies and deceit surrounding our case, which was settled in a single count of “entering and remaining” in a public place that had mysteriously become restricted for the j6 certification. I believe the purpose was to round up and incarcerate, discredit, silence and bankrupt Trump’s most active supporters before 2024. Our own journey as suspected insurrectionists began with the pipe bomb questions.
Today, Biden hangs ribboned medals around the necks of Cheney and Thompson. This is a disgrace by all three of them. After January 20th when their evilness is revealed, God willing, their accolades will turn into ribbons of shame.
The pipe-bomb was clearly an FBI public relations frame-up. The FBI and their twenty six clandestine agents provocateur, example Ray Epps, was not a sufficient catalyst on their own. They needed some meaty bomb action to give the frame-up some gravitas.. The FBI created the desired 'theatre', with the pipe-bomb props, they were never designed to in detonate. They would be found and the FBI would take credit for its brilliance and efficiency. What a joke.
Has anybody else thought about and posed the possibility that 'those were NOT bomb sniffing dogs'? Maybe, just maybe, they were just regular dogs that looked like the other known "bomb sniffing dogs". Why else would that/those "bomb sniffing dog(s)" not key on and react to the "bombs"?
Just a thought.
And, of course, maybe those "bombs" were not actually "bombs" that were actually geared up to work as true "pipe bombs". If it walks like a duck, it must actually be a duck, ay. And vice versa, with the opposite, if it looks like a duck, but doesn't smell or sound or walk like a duck, then it, obviously, just must be a decoy.
The only viable reason they won’t reveal the identity of the pipe bomber is because they don’t want too. It was an inside job by the FBI, they have continually lied about the entire incident and ordered Kamala to keep quiet. They have the phone records and lied about not having them. After January 20th we should get the real truth, thanks to Julie for her continued investigated reporting, I truly believe Julie will be awarded a Pulitzer Prize for her outstanding work.
They set off a massive global virus bomb in 2019 to defeat Trump and then refused to investigate it and report it. Then they set off a national violent riot bomb in 2020 and refused to investigate it or report it. The failure to investigate and report the pipe bombs is just more evidence that they are corrupt and a threat to the republic. In a couple of weeks, the expectation for investigation and reporting should be directed at them.
The pipe bomber case isn't being looked into because the FBI doesn't want to. They're most likely protecting one of their CI's paid to do it.
We still don't know why Kommie-la was at the DNC headquarters anyway. On Jan 6, she was a Senator, tasked with being a part of the the electoral college vote. She didn't resign from the Senate until January 18, 2021.
Were there other senators or members of congress also missing from the Capitol that day?
Another of your followers who simply think the FBI is incompetent!
Stop the under-reporting, they are anything BUT incompetent, they very successfully entrapped and persecuted approximately 1600 patriots at last count with their fraudulent entrapment scheme!
I read in the past the "woman" on the way to do her laundry who saw the "device" was part of AT&T Mobility; that had just received a huge hunk of money from the government. Also the researchers believed that the AT&T Mobility network network was the conduit for the election fraud in 2020. Also remember the destruction of the AT&T facility in Tennessee not long after. It was a storage hub. HMMM! She( I have forgotten her name) ultimately left AT&T and formed her own company. This info came from researchers in Salt Lake
Not related, but how long until there's a new FISA out to spy on the president and his advisors? Likely already in play? There simply can be no other way with this current crowd.
They really think we are stupid. First of all the bombs could not have been or the dogs would have detected them. The deep state may have corrupted every aspect of the executive branch, but they aren't capable of corrupting bomb sniffing dogs. Also, the FBI knows the identify of the perpetrator, but won't arrest him since he works in the Hoover Building. Kash needs to raze that building and salt the earth underneath it.
A very good, succinct report pertaining to the mysterious pipe bombs which were discovered on J6, 2021, Julie. To a rational person (which probably excluded and excludes any member of the Un-select J6 Committee, especially L. Cheney), the mere fact that virtually no attention was or is currently devoted to solving this mystery indicates that it was, indeed, a diversionary tactic to occupy law enforcement while the FBI's CHI's were instigating the riot on J6. And it takes a lot of gall and stretches credulity for the DOJ to claim that their surveillance methods were incapable of identifying the pipe-bomber when they have used said surveillance methods extensively to identify each and every grandmother who was inside Moscow-on-the-Potomac on J6 to indict, persecute and prosecute them. It also indicates why a vast majority of the Americans simply don't trust anything that the DOJ and FBI say, especially considering their behavior since President-elect Trump rode down that golden escalator in early 2016.
After 4 years, I do believe we can conclusively concur that the incident on January 6th was domestic terrorism.
Sadly for the American people, this was a coordinated exercise committed by the DOD, FBI and lawfared by the DOJ.
Also the truth will be revealed from the actual evidence that will be released by President Trump’s DOJ. Those of us targeted for our peaceful assembly by the Biden DOJ are feeling safe enough to finally speak out about our own experiences. My husband and I were completely alone in our plight, with the exception of our family and friends who knew we would never riot, let alone attack anyone or destroy property. Since the election of Donald Trump (for the 3rd time IMO) my husband and created X accounts and discovered there were hundreds of J6ers sharing information. It has been such a game changer for us to be able to share with others who have been through similar situations. If you want to follow us on X we are Karen Jones @Grannysnakebite and Robert Jones @XJ6Grandpa you will see all the information coming to light and shared by the J6 accounts we interact with.
I wish there were words that I could write that would take away all the grief that you've suffered. We're living through awful times and pray that the new administration can get at least some of the perpetrators bankrupt.
Most people no longer trust federal law enforcement agencies. The active attacks happening this week are causing increased skepticism. The truth will prevail.
If the FBI was actually focused on our country, instead of Melanie's underwear drawer, and the parents who didn't want DEI and trans boys in school, etc., they might have been paying more attention to the homeland. Chris Wray can't leave soon enough.
Agreed but we'll only get the truth from whistle-blowers.
The actions this week are proof that our agencies have gone berserk. But too many people lap up the drivel spouted by the legacy media.
I want everyone who is suspected of perpetrating these crimes to get the due process denied to my husband and I. We will never be like them. We love American style of government as devised by our Founding Fathers. And while our lives were extremely difficult these past few years, we are better people for having endured and survived.
You are truly an honorable American and have my utmost respect. And every day I pray for those J6ers who are still in gulags.
Do not let them distract from the obvious! No media, Left or Right will discuss who built the two story fake gallows on the Capitol Lawn without a permit. And then, came and Hauled it off. Think about it! Same group that placed the pipes!
So many angles to this staged event.
I am afraid that you are correct. It is an appalling and terrible thing to think possible.
“How is it possible the pipe bomber remains at large given the extensive resources first expended by the FBI and at their disposal to this day?”
Maybe there is a reason I am missing, but the only thing that makes sense to me is the pipe bombs were part of the larger plan to make sure Trump and his supporters were proven to be domestic terrorists, worthy of being investigated on a level never seen before.
As mentioned in a previous post, asking the question “Did you see anyone planting explosives at the RNC or DNC” or some version of the question was how the field agents approached many of us interviewed in the early days following our participation in a peaceful and patriotic assembly in a public place.
The pipe bomb story has played out like a classic tyrannical government ruse. The FBI agents assured us we were not in trouble. They were investigating the pipe bombs and needed our help. Of course we later found out they were surveillaning our home from the get go, we were always going to be arrested and the ‘Sedition Hunters’ who supposedly identified us almost 2 years after the FBI came to our home were paid to take credit for identifying us.
I can go on forever about all the lies and deceit surrounding our case, which was settled in a single count of “entering and remaining” in a public place that had mysteriously become restricted for the j6 certification. I believe the purpose was to round up and incarcerate, discredit, silence and bankrupt Trump’s most active supporters before 2024. Our own journey as suspected insurrectionists began with the pipe bomb questions.
Today, Biden hangs ribboned medals around the necks of Cheney and Thompson. This is a disgrace by all three of them. After January 20th when their evilness is revealed, God willing, their accolades will turn into ribbons of shame.
The pipe-bomb was clearly an FBI public relations frame-up. The FBI and their twenty six clandestine agents provocateur, example Ray Epps, was not a sufficient catalyst on their own. They needed some meaty bomb action to give the frame-up some gravitas.. The FBI created the desired 'theatre', with the pipe-bomb props, they were never designed to in detonate. They would be found and the FBI would take credit for its brilliance and efficiency. What a joke.
On one point about the "bomb sniffing dog(s)".
Has anybody else thought about and posed the possibility that 'those were NOT bomb sniffing dogs'? Maybe, just maybe, they were just regular dogs that looked like the other known "bomb sniffing dogs". Why else would that/those "bomb sniffing dog(s)" not key on and react to the "bombs"?
Just a thought.
And, of course, maybe those "bombs" were not actually "bombs" that were actually geared up to work as true "pipe bombs". If it walks like a duck, it must actually be a duck, ay. And vice versa, with the opposite, if it looks like a duck, but doesn't smell or sound or walk like a duck, then it, obviously, just must be a decoy.
The only viable reason they won’t reveal the identity of the pipe bomber is because they don’t want too. It was an inside job by the FBI, they have continually lied about the entire incident and ordered Kamala to keep quiet. They have the phone records and lied about not having them. After January 20th we should get the real truth, thanks to Julie for her continued investigated reporting, I truly believe Julie will be awarded a Pulitzer Prize for her outstanding work.
Good conclusion. Keep pulling the threads... at some point, the entire garment will come undone.
It’s happening now, in no small part because of Julie’s tenacity and courage.
They set off a massive global virus bomb in 2019 to defeat Trump and then refused to investigate it and report it. Then they set off a national violent riot bomb in 2020 and refused to investigate it or report it. The failure to investigate and report the pipe bombs is just more evidence that they are corrupt and a threat to the republic. In a couple of weeks, the expectation for investigation and reporting should be directed at them.
Abolish the FBI.
Highly concur with the Kash Patel Deep State Museum plan.
The pipe bomber case isn't being looked into because the FBI doesn't want to. They're most likely protecting one of their CI's paid to do it.
We still don't know why Kommie-la was at the DNC headquarters anyway. On Jan 6, she was a Senator, tasked with being a part of the the electoral college vote. She didn't resign from the Senate until January 18, 2021.
Were there other senators or members of congress also missing from the Capitol that day?
Another of your followers who simply think the FBI is incompetent!
Stop the under-reporting, they are anything BUT incompetent, they very successfully entrapped and persecuted approximately 1600 patriots at last count with their fraudulent entrapment scheme!
I am sure they have a camera surveillance system where Kamala was. Was she direction or just watching the show j6
I read in the past the "woman" on the way to do her laundry who saw the "device" was part of AT&T Mobility; that had just received a huge hunk of money from the government. Also the researchers believed that the AT&T Mobility network network was the conduit for the election fraud in 2020. Also remember the destruction of the AT&T facility in Tennessee not long after. It was a storage hub. HMMM! She( I have forgotten her name) ultimately left AT&T and formed her own company. This info came from researchers in Salt Lake
I think we all suspect the same thing, this is not being followed up on for a very nefarious reason.
Because the truth will not set them (FBI) free.
Not related, but how long until there's a new FISA out to spy on the president and his advisors? Likely already in play? There simply can be no other way with this current crowd.
Pathetic how dems think they can fool the American public w such bs. It just doesn't stand the smell test
They really think we are stupid. First of all the bombs could not have been or the dogs would have detected them. The deep state may have corrupted every aspect of the executive branch, but they aren't capable of corrupting bomb sniffing dogs. Also, the FBI knows the identify of the perpetrator, but won't arrest him since he works in the Hoover Building. Kash needs to raze that building and salt the earth underneath it.
A very good, succinct report pertaining to the mysterious pipe bombs which were discovered on J6, 2021, Julie. To a rational person (which probably excluded and excludes any member of the Un-select J6 Committee, especially L. Cheney), the mere fact that virtually no attention was or is currently devoted to solving this mystery indicates that it was, indeed, a diversionary tactic to occupy law enforcement while the FBI's CHI's were instigating the riot on J6. And it takes a lot of gall and stretches credulity for the DOJ to claim that their surveillance methods were incapable of identifying the pipe-bomber when they have used said surveillance methods extensively to identify each and every grandmother who was inside Moscow-on-the-Potomac on J6 to indict, persecute and prosecute them. It also indicates why a vast majority of the Americans simply don't trust anything that the DOJ and FBI say, especially considering their behavior since President-elect Trump rode down that golden escalator in early 2016.