When we restore a legitimate government... the first order of business is the release and restitution of all the J6 patriots. Those who violated the law of the land, the U.S. Constitution, AT ALL LEVELS, must see justice for their crimes. Plenty of TOP priorities, however, justice for the J6 patriots that are still alive (RIP brothers and sisters) has to be delivered immediately.

Yes, Julie Kelly deserves the Medal of Freedom for her CRUSADE, on behalf of J6 victims and their families-We the People, against the sociopathic bureaucrats in high places.

God help us.

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“Julie Kelly deserves the Medal of Freedom for her CRUSADE”

I would not be at all surprised if the democrats put Julie on a terrorist watchlist as they’ve done to Tulsi. In what sense is America still a country?

Tulsi Gabbard. Reacting to Donald Trump’s Attempted Assassination. (1 min)

Christopher Wray Was Trying To Make Light of Trump’s Attempted Assassination. Aug 15, 2024


Matt Taibbi: Tulsi Gabbard Harassed By TSA’s Creepy Quiet Skies Surveillance Program. (16 min)

The Hill. Rising. Aug 12, 2024


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Kamala is not a communist. Communism was about class. The left traded class for race and called it Critical Race Theory or Woke. Still sees the world in terms of oppressors vs oppressed but now considers white people the oppressors of "people of color" in general and blacks in particular. Kamala is not a communist. Kamala is a Woke Marxist and is totally committed to Equity aka race based Equal Outcomes. I have absolute, total distrust for her yet many of our “fellow Americans” adore Kamala and are anxious to vote for this wicked woman. This is just not working at all.

Chicago Braces for ‘Outside Agitators’, Potential Chaos During Democratic National Convention. (5 min)

CBN News. Aug 15, 2024


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Article on the Chicago police blog “Second City Cop” below about the Democratic Convention here next week. Looks like it’s going to be a disaster. This is why nobody wants to be a cop anymore in cites like Chicago. Fat chance of it ever getting any better.

Interesting Rumors.

The comments are alive with a number of rumors:

• Smart officers are hitting the medical. 1500 as of this morning. (seems like an awfully high number - who has the actual manpower?)

• District Commanders were instructed by Larry not to list white shirts who hit the medical on their watch sheets. Doing so would encourage blue shirts to hit the medical as well. (well who would want to stick around when your leaders aren't sticking around?)

• The bosses are now running around like pissed-on chickens. The issued gas masks ran out weeks ago. The Feds and National Guard are preparing to sit this out and hide. If this DNC goes down without dozens of CPD getting seriously hurt it will be a miracle. (the equipment issue should have been addressed the day after they announced Chicago was hosting - update helmets, eye wear, everything.)

• You heard it here first … the powers that be have decided that [COPA] going to put up 13 tents around the UC and those tents will be accepting complaints against the police. Fuck this city , fuck the Dems , do not jeopardize your job for anyone. (sadly, very believable - don't get trick-bagged)

And after the pro-pali protestors stormed the Harris-Walz meeting in New York yesterday, does anyone think Chicago is going to escape any sort of similar demostration?

Second City Cop.

“Interesting Rumors.” Aug 15, 2024


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Bravo !!!

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America has already ceased to exist as a country internally which is why it’s so rapidly unraveling externally plus our whole world is in an ever worsening tailspin. Only AI can save us. Here’s a video I just watched about how amazing it is and how fast it’s moving. Elon says he’s never seen a technology move as fast as AI. All these AI researchers say AI will soon permeate the world as much as electricity does now and that it will have a far greater impact on humanity than electricity has had. The best of times. The worst of times. That’s basically our situation in a nutshell.

“The AI Scientist: Fully Automated Open-Ended Scientific Discovery.” (13 min)

Wes Roth. Aug 17, 2024


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This is a bit off topic.

On another substack, a commenter said that Chief Justice Roberts "was caught on a pay phone calling other judges to not hear any evidence of electoral fraud that might cause Trump to win because there would be an insurrection... a real one.... by the people who believed Trump was out to fire them by closing departments, etc.".

Is this correct? Do you know if Chief Roberts actually did do this?

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It’s irrelevant whether or not this happened. This New York Times article says that even if Trump makes it to the White House the democrats will do everything they can to destroy his presidency just as they did after he won in 2016. Certainly lawfare will be a major weapon they’ll use. The fact is we are now profoundly different types of people who cannot coexist. This is why I keep saying only AI will be powerful enough to alter the path we’re now on which is rapidly taking us to the abyss. I’m not saying I want you to take my word for this. I’m saying start paying attention to what’s happening with AI in the society you live in.

“But the early timing, volume and scale of the planning underway to push back against a potential second Trump administration are without precedent. The loose-knit coalition is determined not to be caught flat-footed, as many were after his unexpected victory in 2016.”

“If Trump returns to power, he is openly planning to impose radical changes — many with authoritarian overtones. Those plans include using the Justice Department to take revenge on his adversaries; sending federal troops into Democratic cities; carrying out mass deportations; building huge camps to hold immigrant detainees; making it easier to fire civil servants and replace them with loyalists; and expanding and centralizing executive power.”

“The Resistance to a New Trump Administration Has Already Started.”

Yahoo News. New York Times. Jun 16, 2024


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With concern, I disagree with you that knowing that a Chief Justice may have openly rallied other justices on the Supreme Court to follow his path, is radically unwise. A judge and certainly "justices" are supposed to be unbiased. And yet within the last 10 plus years, the justice system has become highly polarized which by definition means they are very biased! And Roberts has been this biased since before 2020 as the 2024 election has not yet occurred. His actions are highly relevant!

And in respect to Donald Trump "openly planning to impose radical changes", I say that he is well within his right to do so after all of the strife and grief and outrageous cost (on so many different levels) that has been heaped on DJT (and all of us as well) at the complete and fully charged behest of his/OUR opposition. That DJT is in this current demeanor, is directly connected to the unprecedented actions of the Dem/Left/Lib/Prog/MsM/DeepState radical faction bent to try to maintain their POWER AND CONTROL over every American Citizen or illegal human being that they are currently arming to vote against our Constitutional Republic!

And AI is just another aspect of that same POWER AND CONTROL being foisted on humanity ... but this time on a global footing. In my estimation, everyone should expect to have FRAUD jammed down their individual and collective throat...and that is in direct reference to the Dem/Left/Lib/Prog/Msm/DeepState daily agenda!

This ain't Dorothy's Kansas, Seva!

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“His actions are highly relevant!”

The flaw in your reasoning is your belief that America is still a country. It isn’t. If it were Tulsi would not be on a terrorist watchlist.

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Talk about "full of doom and gloom". Where are you from? Because if you have no dedication to this country I would suggest that you return to the other country that you came from.

Put your care for humanity, if it exists at all, anywhere else. If you have nothing to offer the United States of America, go troll somewhere else.

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Don’t be so full of doom and gloom. AI will want to help us, not grind us into the dirt the way the democrats want to do. David Shapiro is worth listening to on this issue.

“I’m an accelerationist.” (30 min)

David Shapiro. Aug 15, 2024


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I suggest you put your energy in a robot or something else that is manufactured from completely man made product that has no resemblance of human life, except perhaps an image. Take a chance on being hugged by a robot...maybe that is where you will feel more at home...if "home" exists at all, in your mind.

And from your response to me, it would seem more likely that having puppet strings attached to every one of your limbs that are subsequently manipulated by an electrified mannequin might be quite comforting to YOU.

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I take offense to your contention on the "coexist" front. This country has been overrun by illegals from, what is termed as 187 different nations at the "open border" policy of the damn D/L/L/P/MsM/DS! The emphasis should be on 'ILLEGAL'! This was a calculated plan carried out by the Biden/Harris/Obama presidencies! I would beg you to inform me of any other nation that has even begun to 'ALLOW' approximately 27 million illegals to flood their borders and to pay those illegals FROM OUR TAXES PAID IN TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT in every level of existence outright cash and benefits in numerous ways (medical, educational, shelter, etc)!

In my opinion, perhaps you are quite off base with your current ideas regarding what this country was founded under in order to REPRESENT for it's citizens!


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Read the New York Times article. The democrats are already saying they will fight deportation efforts. In other words, they feel open borders are beneficial for them or at least beneficial to keep what we now have. I read of a Yale study in 2018 that estimated 22 million. We’ve gotten at least 10 million since then and democrats feel it’s in their interests to keep them here to help them stay in power. They will not give them up.

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Looks like the pipes were just that-if the bomb sniffing dogs passed them up.

And why was Kommie-la at the DNC, on this so important day? Were any other members of congress not inside the Capitol?

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One would hope that someone who aided these operations would come forward.

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Damn, this thread is Hijacked. Its becoming tiresome.

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“How AI might change medical care.” (8 min)

CBS News. Aug 17, 2024


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