Excellent observation! Great for Trump but I’ll miss the airing of such bad behavior! Go Trump/Vance!

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This is a revealing statement by Joseph McDonald: "Great for Trump but I'll miss the airing of such bad behavior!" Indeed, there was bad behavior committed by Jack Smith. However, the bad behavior has gone unpunished. In an uncorrupted legal system, Smith would have, and still should, be disbarred for extrajudicial publicity that happened under his watch. The leaks to the news media of photos of supposed classified record documents next to a toilet were designed to make Trump guilty. Again, in an uncorrupted legal system Smith would have been disbarred for compromised Trump's right to be presumed innocent. Worse, his overseers in the judiciary and the state bar association made sure he got away with it. This happens because the judiciary has invented a federal protection racket. It's in The Runnymede Report's latest newsletter entitled: "The Federal Protection Racket."

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I just became a paid subscriber. The work you did keeping everyone up to speed on developments on the Florida documents case is incredible (as is your other work). I should have signed up a long time ago. Thank you for all you do.

Meanwhile, to the merits of the post, the misinformation spread by former AG Eric Holder, and leftist legal analysts in general, on this case are unreal. Judge Cannon did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to warrant being removed from this case. To these leftist clowns not railroading Trump is unethical. I could write another entire book about the lies and propaganda spread by leftist legal "experts" about the BS Trump indictments. They are utterly shameless cons artists.

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Welcome Daniel. Julie is definitely a remarkable reporter. It is unfortunate that there aren’t more like her exposing the dirty antics taking place in our current justice system. Looking forward to your input.

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Thank you. I agree with you completely. If we had 100 more reporters like Julie Kelly, the left would probably not even try half of their dirty tricks. I don't know anyone who devoted more time and effort to covering J6 issues than Julie. I don't know where we would be without her.

Again, thank you for the note. I look forward to engaging with other well-informed like-minded people. We will have a good time.

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This is a great statement by Elizabeth: "It is unfortunate that there aren't more like her exposing the dirty antics taking place in our current justice system." The Runnymede Report has systematically revealed "the dirty antics taking place in our current justice system. It's latest newsletter, entitled "The Federal Protection Racket," shows how federal prosecutors have received illicit and expansive protection to commit professional misconduct through the auspices of the entire judiciary and willing state bar associations.

Moreover, for 61 years prosecutors, as a standard operating procedure, have regularly targeted defendants in overturning their fair trial rights by colluding with the news media to vilify them. This exposure of dirty antics hits at the very root of corruption "in our current justice system. It is documented in the Bragg prosecution and it is documentable in the other Trump prosecutions. Indeed, there cannot be a greater exposure of those "dirty antics" than seeing that our judicial system is opposed to the Magna Carta and the Fifth and Sixth Amendments that are the cornerstone of the U.S. Republic. If these dirty antics are not punished through the disciplinary rules of conduct than any other exposure becomes irrelevant.

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Thanks for your great coverage! You helped make all this craziness understandable 😊.

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Hi Julie,

I agree the ruling was correct, but I'm extremely disappointed we won't get to see this clown show of a prosecution play out. I especially wanted to see the real Attorney General, Lisa Monaco get raked over the coals. She is the ultimate deep state villian. She was the instigator in the Mike Flynn fiasco then jetted out to a cushy partnership at Deep State law, LLC, otherwise known as O'Melveney and Meyers. After Obama installed Garland, he made sure Monaco would be there to actually run the place. She is in so deep in the National Archives mess that Biden would have had to pardon her had this case gone forward. Once again, we are lucky that the deep state is as incompetent as it is corrupt. Otherwise the country would be in even worse shape than it is now.

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We should never forget the influence of the lovely Mary McCord in all the Lawfare cases going all the way back to the Flynn fiasco.

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There are a bushel basket of players that should have been in the past and of course now in the present as well (since they just transferred over from the Obama Admin of low integrity and no character greedy arrogant rectal plug club members) that should be in Biden's bullseye suggestion arena of preference!

Mongrel curs all of them!

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The Executive Branch and DOJ have abused the “Special Counsel” provision in whatever form for far too long. Kudos are in order for Justice Thomas and Judge Cannon in finally recognizing Separation of Powers exists for a reason and that is to ensure no branch of government usurps power from another, which is EXACTLY what a DOJ Special Counsel appointment did by literally creating a “shadow prosecutorial office” unauthorized, unfunded, and with ZERO congressional oversight. A huge violation of the Constitution any first year law student could recognize in less than a hot minute. Evidently the “apolitical” DOJ with its massive army of lawyers is unable to produce even one when circumstances warrant not tainted by politics before entering the courtroom as a government prosecutor regardless of the alleged criminal activity or the known/suspected political affiliations of the accused. If there was ever a black mark on our system of justice “the make-believe office of the Special Counsel” is it.

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I hate to say it, ( no Clinton fan am I), but Repubs abused it too. Other than that, I agree completely.

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Exactly right! The Executive Branch and its DOJ are the culprits of this mess and have been for years regardless of which party held the White House.

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This is a great statement made by Gregory Roman: "The Executive Branch and its DOJ are the culprits of this mess and have been for years regardless of which party held the White House." The DOJ has been in the forefront of many abuses "regardless of which party held the White House." Yet, a major aspect of this DOJ evaluation is that it is composed of lawyers who happen to be federal prosecutors.

As such they are licensed under the authority of the judiciary through the state bar association. That being the case, it is important to know that these members of the state bar association operate under the rule that their operation is a privilege not a right. That means it can be taken away for professional misconduct. Have they committed professional misconduct? Yes, they have! The Runnymede Report's latest newsletter: "The Federal Protection Racket" lays out how this corruption has illicitly prospered.

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What Special Counsel did the Reps name that was not authorized by Congress?

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I was referring to abusing the Independent Counsel statute, specifically Ken Starr, and the Clinton impeachment.

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The IC ended soon after, to be replaced by a SC office created by law for the President to fill (or another official), with the appointment confirmed by the Senate, correct? My question is why a United States Attorney could not have prosecuted the case (not that I ever saw the necessity of this case, with the raid. NARA could have reached agreement with Trump in the usual way.

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Get Trump using lawfare was/is the goal. Trump and his attorneys had been working/negotiating with NARA. Ask NARA and the Justice Department why the usual way was not appropriate with Trump.

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Right decision by Judge Cannon. Smith may have gotten a pass on being slapped down but this whole matter needs to be looked into. And I don't care what the left thinks. We saw Eric Holder and Lois Lerner, and Hillary, and so on, just get away with REAL crimes. Besides Brian Terry, how many people were killed with Fast and Furious guns? Eric Holder wasn't held accountable and neither was Obama.

Our justice department is so corrupt and bias that it's disgusting. The little guy, or anyone named Trump, doesn't stand much of a chance.

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As always, Excellent Analysis! And like you, Julie there's a piece of me that would have liked to see Jack twist in the wind a bit longer (and you covering it) but for Trump's sake and the Country's sake, this needs to end and we need to move forward.

You're the BEST DAMNED Food Blogger with a PACER account out there, girl! You deserve a Pulitzer!

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Just heard that DOJ has authorized an appeal of Judge Cannon’s dismissal of the case. So, stay tuned.

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Fear not! This was a given, all they had to do was file a brief notice to the 11th Circuit. Nothing of substance is due for another 90 days (as memory servers, maybe longer) only after that do you begin to get a sense of how far they will push it. Spoiler alert, they'd prefer to have a favorable ruling in the DC circuit before going forward and by then, Trump's Presidency will be all but locked up.

This case is as dead as the sniper and his accomplices hoped Trump would be now. (God is NOT looking over them, Satan is.)

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For many of the reasons you cite, I never believed this would go to trial. At some point the corruption of how this "investigation" started and proceeded would become center stage. Smith would have fought in court to keep the "classified" documents from being disclosed to the public, but I believe Judge Cannon was prepared to show the public what they were absent a compelling national security reason not to do so. If the documents turned out to be routine presidential ones like notes and memorabilia, not the threat to national security implied, the corruption of the President Biden Administration would have been ever more apparent.

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Right Now our President Trump needs some opportunity to regroup and recharge after the near death experience he was forced to endure! I think it is good that the case was dismissed and that Jack Skeletor Smith got his number called up for full race scrutiny and elimination!

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This legal dummy asks the following. Does this screw Mr. Smith's DC case against Trump? I think not, as Judge Cannon is a different circuit. But if Smith appeals Canon's ruling, won't the loser immediately appeal to the Supremes, bringing the DC case in question too?

Or is all this moot, given the horrific event last Saturday. May Smith just decide to go away quietly?

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There is nothing dumb at all about that question. Judge Cannon expressly stated in her decision that her ruling only applies to her case. If that proves true the ruling would have no bearing on the Special Counsel's DC indictment. There are a number of commentators, however, who believe the ruling by Judge Cannon WILL impact the DC case, despite the language in Judge Cannon's order.

I have not had a chance to review the issue myself just yet (I am a lawyer).

As for Jack Smith, I would be delighted if he packed up his bags and went home, but I would not hold my breath. These cases were all about derailing Trump's path to the White House and little else. With the Dems crashing and burning with Biden, I expect Smith to try everything in the world to keep this BS prosecution relevant. (Maybe another application to SCOTUS for Writs before Judgment, like he tried in the Trump Immunity case.)

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Smith announced he had received DOJ approval to appeal. Surprise (not). So much for lowering the temperature and the rhetoric.

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That did not take long. But, I am not surprised at all.

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Jack Smith.....poundin' the courts' passages, but ain't gettin' Jack Schi** done. Send 'at Po' Boy back to Brussels to bring Belgian broccoli farmers to court for irrigating their crops.

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I caught this piece late this afternoon after I told my better half that I would be surprised if Julie didn't write an analysis of this decision. So, Julie, you didn't disappoint me. Your summation of the magnificent decision rendered by Judge Aileen Cannon certainly slapped-down that evil idiot Jack Smith and, in the process, probably stuck a heart into the bogus J6 DC trial inside Moscow-on-the-Potomac. It's about time that a sane, reasonable judge identified how illegal the idiot's appointment was. Regrettably, as you wrote, we won't have the pleasure, the joy, of seeing that idiot's humiliation in her court. Additionally, it will be very entertaining to watch the Marxist-Activist-Jouranalists-Propagandists go apoplectic as they realize that their wet dream of convicting former (and future, I'm hopeful) and future President Trump going up is smoke. It wouldn't surprise me that the corrupt Attorney General, M. Garland (and, thank God that Mitch McConnell blocked the nomination of that despicable human to SCOTUS), will insist that the decision will be appealed. Despicable humans do despicable things. Thank God for US District Judge Aileen Cannon!

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Great stuff Ms. Julie.

Watched Robert Gouveia break it down today. As usual he praised You Julie for all that you do in your coverage.

It was a fantastic and well researched decision by the Honorable and beautiful Judge Aileen Cannon! And Judge Cannon basically drop kicked Jack Smiths skeletal butt well above and over the uprights!

Maybe that rat should scurry on back to the Hague to face his issues there! And damn, are he and Garland gonna pay back all of the "unlimited cash" they took to argue this flaccid lawfare lawsuit against the Honorable President Trump? I think that a hefty amount of it should go to a FULLY OUTFITTED PROTECTION DETAIL FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP AND VP nominee J.D. Vance!!!

I doubt that the Dem/DeepState/MainstreamMedia goons will take the cross hairs from being trained on both Trump and now Vance because that is just how low they go...but, at least, AGAIN the World (not just the USA) is fully aware of just how cutthroat and low the D/DS/MSM low character/integrity scoundrels ACTUALLY SHOW THE WORLD WHO THEY ARE!

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There is a good way out, both for Smith / Garland and Donald Trump. Drop the appeal, and let this case rest. This way the DOJ can get loosen up on lawfare, claim some 'cool the national temperature down' benefit and not get creamed and/or embarrassed if the case progresses.

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Just to be clear, I hope, despite the fact that the dismissal may be a "gift" to Jack Smith and the Biden justice department, that Julie doesn't think what Judge Cannon did was wrong.

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Yep. No way is Julie suggesting the opinion was wrong, she's been predicting dismissal on this and many other grounds from very early on. (I would bet she felt this was a long-shot reason for dismissal prior to Thomas' concurring opinion in the SCOTUS Immunity ruling.)

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Julie has written that she was initially dubious about Meese's argument, but became more optimistic about it killing the case, even before Justice Thomas issued his concurring opinion.

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Agree, I think we're seeing the same thing and drawing the similar conclusion with slightly different perspectives. Surely you agree Thomas' very pointed concurrence changed the scale significantly, don't you?

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I was replying about Julie's take on this matter, while your question concerns the judiciary. My humble opinion is that Judge Cannon, especially, knew that Justice Thomas questioned Smith's faux prosecutor about the validity of Smith's appointment in the oral arguments over the presidential immunity case. She thus wisely decided to see what Justice Thomas wrote when the court issued its decision.

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It feels like you're finding disagreement with my point, but if so you're not articulating for me to understand. I'll only add that your last sentence suggests Cannon expected Thomas' consenting opinion (based on the oral arguments) to be so on point, and waited before issuing her opinion...

...If so, I doubt that...

...as stated in the oral argument, that issue had not been brought forward in the case at hand. Thomas did it because he wanted to send a message that the lawfare had gone too far, and he did so in a much broader sense than just this case.

As I've oft conjectured previously, I think Thomas was sending a very pointed message to Jack Smith that Smith's crimes (Thomas actually accused Smith of criminal lawfare, IMO) would NOT be subject to any immunity claims (immunity was the subject of the case, and immunity is an issue that applies to all govt. officials at some level, but especially to Officers and even more so to the President) because he was not a properly appointed govt. official, much less, an Officer. (Keep in mind, SCOTUS is also subject to immunity, they don't want to be subject to this lawfare - as Schumer, Durbin. AOC, et.al. threaten - and this ruling similarly affects them.)

Thomas was telling Smith to back-off or buckle up, because he had dug himself a hole with no exit available, IMO.

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I should have added... I know of no commentators that expected such a broad slap down from Thomas and that tells me Judge Cannon was not expecting it either (at least not in that case). There is no way she was waiting on a ruling in a case that didn't raise this issue, but for Thomas' consent, which is non binding on this issue, before she ruled on this issue, IMO. Having said that, did it stiffen her spine??? You betcha!!!

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Oh, contraire mon ami. Owing in great part to your excellent reporting I have been expecting Cannon to dismiss the charges for quite some time now. The appointments clause being the easiest and most apparent and I have written that on your comments line several times.

You have also demonstrated that the gov. set Trump up and that Smith and the FBI in mishandling the Mar a Lago evidence, to my mind, made it completely unusable in any reasonable court and thus all evidence derived from their botched evidence gathering, fruit of the forbidden tree. No case...

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Hallelujah! Thanks for your great reporting Julie. Now we the people , have work to do. Get Trump elected & MAGA!

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