Apr 8Liked by Julie Kelly

Good stuff Julie. It’s not just Walton, it’s ado Engoron and Mechan in NYC that have pretty much destroyed a large number of Americans confidence in the Judicial System, particularly in NYC and DC. The pervasive corruption of that system has been one of the most dispiriting aspects of this whole mess and is probably the straw that will break the camel’s back. It is this level of institutional collapse and the utter abandonment of corrective action by national and state authorities that will at some point lead to armed resistance. When you take away hope, what’s the alternative? I live with a constant sense of disbelief at what has happened to our country.

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The judges remain the unaccountable villains in all of this lawfare, whether directed at Trump, his associates, his lawyers, or his voters.

Which is why you see the concerted effort to bully Judge Cannon into recusing herself (she won't) She, unlike Chutkan, Engoron, Merchan and every other judge in DC won't bend to DOJ demands.

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Thy don't have to bend. They are just as bad.

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Why do you assume America even still exists as a country? This judicial system rot is pervasive all throughout our society from our education system to our military to our nonexistent borders and even to our top medical schools which are being dumbed down for the sake of “Equity” aka Equal Outcomes. Our society has already ceased to exist as a country internally which is why it’s ever more rapidly unraveling externally. It is what it is. No point crying about it. Only God knows what fate has in store for our fallen world as we slide ever closer to the abyss.

“Editor’s Note: America is at war. This is not a traditional war, fought on a battlefield against an external enemy. It is a civilizational conflict against an internal enemy: the group quota regime, a revolutionary threat that seeks to reorganize American society around the principle of outcome equality — what the regime’s partisans call “equity.”

“This cold civil war may go unnoticed by many day-to-day, but its stakes are often as high as life and death. Here, Roger B. Cohen, a celebrated oncologist and professor in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, explains how the group quota regime has taken hold of the American medical education system and asks urgent questions about the consequences for medicine, for the sick, and for the country.”

“The End of Merit in Med Schools Will Be Deadly.”

Real Clear Politics. Roger Cohen. Apr 2, 2024


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Apr 11·edited Apr 11

And don’t forget Federal “Judge” Lewis Kaplan who presided over the zero-evidence, zero-proof, zero-timeline , zero-witnesses cockamamie farce launched by E Jean Carroll and financed by lefty mogul Reid Hoffman, where Trump is accused of raping Carroll in the dressing room of a NY department store shortly after first meeting her. Trump, of course, wss deprived of his constitutional right to provide a credible alibi since his accuser can say nothing more specific than the encounter occurred approximately 25 years ago. Tara Reade made a similar claim against Joe Biden, and, of course due to his preferential treatment, it was quickly dismissed, notwithstanding the left’s insistence to “believe all women.” A totally unbiased NY jury awarded the accuser nearly 90 million dollars, in large part on the grounds that Trump defamed her in vigorously denying he had ever met her, let alone raped her.

This was at best a “he-said, she-said” case , therefore at 50/50 odds of being true, and cannot have passed a “preponderance of the evidence” requirement for the plaintiff to win.

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Apr 9·edited Apr 10

The object is to find Donald Trump guilty and then put put him under arrest pending his jail sentence. Niki Haley will attempt to become the de facto Republican nominee.

This will be another coup d'état attempt using lawfare instead of ballots or bullets.

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Apr 8Liked by Julie Kelly

Where did Mr. Goodwyn get the idea he could peaceably assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances?

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From the document Walton has ignored. He has taken his judgeship as some sort of executioner of all things he disagrees with whether or not he’s in the wrong. This guy is a danger and a tyrant. He abuses his power based on what he witnesses from most likely BSNBC or CNN. He needs to be disbarred and removed.

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Agree 100%!

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From an old but precious document written to inform Americans of their protection from the government. The Court has taken that right from him, and the Judge needs disbarment.

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Republicans in Congress need to impeach Walton for violating the First Amendment.

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Congress has completely abdicated its oversight role related to the judiciary.

I don't think a federal judge has been impeached in decades.

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Fat chance of that ever happening. Hope springs eternal as does wishful thinking.

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Apr 8Liked by Julie Kelly

Self-appointed commissar is the perfect title for Judge Reggie Walton. When he insisted “there is just no proof” that the presidential election was stolen and lamented the fact that “so many other of our fellow Americans has (sic) accepted the false impression must be related to his age related Bidenmentia.

Perhaps he forgot all of those like Facelift Nancy. Hillary, and others like Maxine Waters, all claiming Trump was an illegal president.

In his own words Walton states, “We have charlatans like our former president, who doesn't in my view really care about democracy, but only about power. And as a result of that, it's tearing this country apart."

Seriously, if you read that statement you could be describing Biden to a tee.

This judge, et al, that are using/abusing their position are a disgrace to the judicial system.

The handful of J6ers that did damage should have been charged (and by now should have served enough time to be out of prison) while the rest did NOTHING, and are being sentenced to 40 months. What the hell do you get for spitting on the sidewalk? Your ass caned in Singapore.

If the same standard being used for the J6ers applied to all of the 'mostly peaceful' protesters of 2020, we'd have to build more prisons.

These judges are disgusting.

I believe there was a lot more to the silencing of Tucker Carlson by FOX NEWS than Dominion voting machines. If that was the case CNN and MSNBC would have been all over it. No one said a word.

Someone got what they wanted.

The left doesn't want you to know the truth, so they repeatedly call you a denier of this or that. And they repeat their lies so much the DUMB fall for it.

Biden has to lose in order for this country is to survive.

He is (by purpose) the WORST president ever, and I'm old enough to remember Jimmy Carter.

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Apr 8Liked by Julie Kelly

Hi, I just felt compelled to subscribe because you are sooo fearless!. Girl, you're gonna need some back up!

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Thank you, Vikki, much appreciated! I can't do this work without the support of all my subscribers. Thanks so much!

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Apr 8Liked by Julie Kelly

Good decision Vikki. You won’t be disappointed.

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Thanks for this update on the ongoing travesty of justice which continues inside Moscow-on-the-Potomac, Julie. I fervently wish I could say that your description of this Marxist-wearing-a-black-robe was surprising, but I can't make that claim honestly any longer after what we've witnesses since early 2021. In my view, it takes a lot of balls for a Marxist-wearing-a-black-robe, who presides over a Soviet-Show-Trial inside Moscow-on-the-Potomac, to pontificate about saving "democracy" from former (and future) President Trump while, in the process, destroying any modicum of a semblance of justice by issuing blatantly unconstitutional verdicts for citizens who simply attended a Constitutionally sanctioned protest to address a redress of grievances. Apparently, this unhinged judge scored high marks when he attended the mandatory course on Soviet Justice, which must be required of those Marxists-wearing-black-robes who inhabit the federal bench inside Moscow-on-the-Potomac. Despicable behavior doesn't even approach the corruption of this idiot judge.

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Thank you, Karlan, as always for your thoughtful comments.

Walton represents nearly every judge on the DC district court. It is a little encouraging to see the appellate court reprimand their colleagues--this is the 4th smackdown of lower court decisions in a matter of months.

Still awaiting appellate court ruling on DOJ/courts misinterpretation of 1752, the most common trespassing misdemeanor. Still waiting 4+ months after oral arguments in Couy Griffin appeal to get the decision. Once it's posted, I will write about it!

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Apr 8Liked by Julie Kelly

Perhaps our Speaker and the do-nothing House could impeach Judge Walton for "misdemeanors".

Thanks for your continued excellent reporting on the J6 political prisoners. Almost no one else seems to give a damn.

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Thank you, Susan. I see reporters and "legal experts" on the defense about J6. The tide is turning!

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I hope so. But arrests continue. And Grandmas, I guess, are really dangerous.

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Well, I'm glad he was sort of reprimanded, but that's not nearly enough.

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He’ll blame it on his skin color.

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Apr 9Liked by Julie Kelly

Judge Walton obviously has the equivalent of road rage in the courtroom. He needs to read the google definition of judicial restraint: not injecting his own preferences into legal proceedings and rulings. Piousness + judicial activism = toxic courtroom.

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This is why we need cameras or at least audio access in the courtroom!

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Should not be a judge.

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Apr 9Liked by Julie Kelly

Oh My Julie,100% correct in your writings and you point it all out in this boldly written piece. Like a neon sign with the arrow pointing straight to the corrupt D.C. Justice System. That hopefully one day will be torn down and rebuilt. One can only hope. Thank You for being that kind of person.

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Thank you, Sharon, for your support!

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Well Julie, now that you showed the video of Goodwin's interview with Tucker, I get Judge Walton's outrage, I'm outraged too!

NFW Judge Walton should sit in judgement of ANYONE! Walton should be impeached as should all these idiot judges locking grandmas up for "trespassing" and the entire DC Court systems should be abolished!

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Impeach this fascist.

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Apr 9Liked by Julie Kelly

Great post, Julie. Thank you so much for your real journalism!

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Excellent article Julie. This Judge Walton and many like him in DC are abusing their powers on a daily basis. Ordering his probationary officer to monitor his computer during his probationary period ? How outrageous. The poor defendents are forced to plead guilty to garbage charges and then are sentence to prison for misdemeanor charges while real felons run wild across the US. God help our country and these J6 defendents in particular. If love to see a class action lawsuit against the federal judiciary if such a thing could be done to compensate these defendents who have been mistreated, overcharged and unjustly prisoned.

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Apr 11·edited Apr 11

The Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980 largely governs federal court disciplinary matters. It seems very much focused on disposing of "frivolous complaints." If I recall correctly in the Seventh Circuit at least all complaints are promptly transmitted to the judge who is the subject of complaint for response when received by the Chief Judge. So imagine if you are a party or an attorney. And of course you cannot use the process to complain about a specific outcome in a case. Yet the "misconduct" usually relates to actions in specific cases. The disciplinary process seems focused on workplace harassment.

In any case, take a look at the statistics here: https://www.uscourts.gov/statistics-reports/caseload-statistics-data-tables?tn&pn=All&t=687&m%5Bvalue%5D%5Bmonth%5D=&y%5Bvalue%5D%5Byear%5D=

In the one-year reporting period ending September 2023, there were roughly 1300 new complaints filed. Of those all but 110 or so were uncategorized in terms of "Nature of Claim." Only 7 complaints related to "improper political activity or statement." Do you think there is an underreporting problem?

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