Jul 18Liked by Julie Kelly

You're one of the few journalists that dissects Biden's character truthfully.if I have to hear the MSM report how much everyone loves Joe one more time... Thanks Julie.

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Jul 18Liked by Julie Kelly

MAGA America First Trump-Vance 2024

To those who installed FJB in 2020…burn in Hell.

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Jul 18Liked by Julie Kelly

No kidding; Karma . . . Excellent summary!

The Gaslighting, Deception and outright Lies were going their way until it wasn't. The quick and sudden collapse of the House of Cards is an amazing thing to behold.

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Jul 18Liked by Julie Kelly

Great post Julie.

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So much fun!

Only in government could a mean, dishonest grifting skunk like Biden climb the ladder to infamy.

Barack said it best: “Never underestimate Joe’s ability to ‘ef ‘ things up.”

May they now all circle the toilet together.

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Jul 18Liked by Julie Kelly

Covid In, Covid Out.

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Covid my ass.

Every time Biden is in trouble, and they want him out of the spotlight-he 'gets' Covid.

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That's what I'm saying. But also, it's like in a gang, Blood In, Blood Out. He got in because of the Covid "show", and he's using the same cover to get out. I don't think anyone is buying it.

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Right, I don’t buy it. Is Jill testing positive with that ‘ questionable’ test? On a previous occasion Biden stated that a scenario just like this could materialize. I think that gives us a clue on what is going on now. Didn’t Biden state that jabbing would prevent Covid? Yes, he did- just another lie.

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I believe all of the phonies that got covid shots on TV actually got saline solution.

It is ironic that Biden did in fact state such a scenario.

Biden 100 days of masking. Biden if you don't get the (real) jab you can't be in the military.

Good riddance to Biden except what is left? Kamala? Ugh!

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Jul 18Liked by Julie Kelly

Well written, thanks Julie

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Thank you, Ken!

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"Oh what a tangled web we weave..."

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Well said!

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I admire public figures with moxie enough to use the word "steal"!

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A classic photo of a glass of champagne to accompany a beautifully crafted recipe of boiled crow, Julie! What amazes me is how tone-deaf M. Hussein Osama and his sock-puppet, Chi-Com Joe, are pertaining to the comeuppance they're about to receive via the ballot box (presuming that the Marxists' don't steal the 2024 election, of course). I have know four things about Chi-Com Joe for decades: (1) he's dumb; (2) he's mean; (3) he's corrupt; and (4) he's demented. What slays me, figuratively, is how the cretins who inhabit the Marxist-Democrat-Party, assisted by the Marxist-Activist-Jouranalists-Propagandists, care only about winning the 2024 election due to the idiot whom was installed following the stolen 2020 election. They don't give a damn about the country! I've said, in reference to the Marxist-Democrat-Party, beginning with Slick Willie, "my party, right or wrong, the country be damned!" And, damn, are they proving me correct, or what?

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I see no repentance yet for 2020. Stealing of our votes is not in the mix yet.

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I don't buy the "Joe has COVID" story. There are multiple videos of him since the announcement not wearing a mask, & no one around him wearing a mask. They would have made a big deal out of wearing a mask. Or maybe they know that masks don't work.

Then there's the Miranda Devine story about a NOTAM (Notice to Air Missions) issued previously blocking off the airspace over Biden's Rehobeth Beach compound for the rest of this week and weekend. (See NOTAM's 07/003, 07/005, 07/006, 07/011) I'm not a pilot, and I can't find Miranda's original article so this may be a red herring, but it makes me go "hmmm."

Then there's the video of someone basically lifting Biden into the SUV and having to secure him. You can see the aide reaching around to secure his seat belt. Is he that far gone?

This is all a scam. As usual.

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I agree with YOU!

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Has anyone badgering him considered that it could kill him? No man wants to leave his final position being told he’s an abject failure.I wish the Dems would take their losses,fight their own battles for their seats. They were ushered in by the Secure the Election scheme anyway. You wanna play, you gotta pay. But no one wants to remember that shame.

All the primary votes and delegates are his. And all the donations. He has to bow out and give those delegates to another. And the $$$.

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To Michelle Dostie: Julie Kelly makes a great point about the pivotal role that major news organizations play in these political circumstances. As she notes, the major news organizations put Biden in and now want him out. However, this is not the only area where the major news organizations play a major role. Whenever, the government prosecutor illicitly targets a defendant they always receive the aid of "the major news organizations" to remove the defendant's legal right to be presumed innocent. They align and collude together to replace presumption of innocence with presumption of guilt. They have been doing it for the last 61 years. Their latest target has been Donald Trump in

four illicit prosecutions. The prosecutor leaks and issues statements to the compliant news media to take out his legal rights. However, what the public does not know is that the

prosecutor (with the news media support) cannot pull this off without the state bar association and the judiciary endorses his actions. How do we know? These justice officials refuse to call him out for professional misconduct for doing it. Nor do they even say that he needs to be disbarred for doing it. This is corruption top to bottom!

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Jul 18Liked by Julie Kelly

Great, Julie. May the authors of the 2020 steal suffer and writhe, whine and lament …

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Amen to that!

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Jul 18Liked by Julie Kelly

Slice and dice. Nobody does it better than Julie. DJT must have you in that Oval Office from day one; by his side, not kidding.

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Haha not sure if that will happen but I will keep doing what I do regardless!

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Jul 18Liked by Julie Kelly

Let's enjoy the MAGA party tonight and celebrate a new Republican Party!

Democrats deserve whatever Karma has in store for them.

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Did you say Karma or Kamala?

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Good one!

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Lynette makes a great point here: "Democrats deserve whatever Karma has in store for them."

From an overarching and objective view, the "Karma" can be directed at not those officials who are Democrats but rather at those officials who are public prosecutors, state bar officials and their judiciary overseers who participated in wrongfully prosecuting Donald Trump. What is the Karma? The Karma is in seeing to it that all the wrongdoers are removed from the practice of law by disbarment. Anything other than that will leave the corruption intact.

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Jul 18Liked by Julie Kelly

"Mama Mia, that's a spicy meatball!"

The Russian-born Max Boot getting his wife jammed up is not widely reported. Thanks for that morsel. Washington Post reported the arrest, but failed to ID the husband. Pure Karma---confession through projection.

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Of course the Post intentionally did not name her idiotic husband.

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Jul 18Liked by Julie Kelly

Uncensored Julie Kelly is the best Julie Kelly!

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Julie, thanks for saying what no one else will.

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