You are making a big difference in this country.

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Thank you, Brian, I am just trying to get the truth out about what's happening to these folks and the dangerous precedent being set.

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It's like we are moving toward becoming a third-world socialist country :-|

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

1. " We Republicans may have our faults, but if we were actually going to stage an insurrection, at least one of us would remember to bring a firearm.

Along the same lines, if we were to undertake an insurrection, we would not call on a “shaman” wearing horns and a fur hat to lead it."

Power Line


2. For More coverage

The Right Reasons January 6th

July 9 2021


LONG Thread.

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

Memo To Corporate Media: OH LOOK...Here's a Clue!

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Thank you, Julie. My heart breaks for these folks; "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time..."

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Do you know DOJ actually cites that as incriminating evidence? Anything related to 1776 or the Founding Fathers now is a thoughtcrime. Really sickening.

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I figured, which is why I didn't complete the full sentence.

Have a wonderful weekend, wonderful lady.

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As a citizen, a patriot and a retired officer, I am ashamed of what has become of my country.

2020 was stolen.

The FEDSURRECTION was massive entrapment laced with paid-provocateurs.

Power-mad FRAUDS, Piglosi, the IC community, the DoInjustice, the FBI, the cowardly and corrupt judiciary, totally exposed their own CRIMINALITY.

We the People cannot “unsee" this inversion of justice.

You, the cowardly conspirators, will see justice. Your fall will be great.


God bless the J6 families, they suffer for all patriots.

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They have falsely labeled him a terrorist and imprisoned him. He will actually be one when he gets out. As well he should

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Julie Kelly, I think your reporting exposing the truth is finally working. I see they are going all in on Jan 6 investigations. Next I think we need an in your face reporter asking the tuff questions to some congressmen. Exposing the truth on there lack of any compassion and go on the record why not showing up at any J6 hearing all these years. Remember they had the power this whole time to stop it

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Thank you Julie. I didn’t ENJOY listening to this podcast as it is heart wrenching to know that Mr. Biggs is in such a dire situation. Although hearing his plight in his own voice reinforces his humanity and motivates me to keep on talking to as many people as I can who will listen. Something has to give here in these cruel and unjust j6 cases. We have to get organized and get loud and let these judges and prosecutors know that the citizens of this country will not stand for this kind of treatment. Mr. Biggs was right also about the vote. We need to win the election in order to clean up our justice system.

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