Yes, it sounds like Graves and Goss are a match made by George Soros 👎

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Infuriating as usual. God Damn these sub humans. They will get their reckoning.

FYI - Watch your six, Julie, as the state you live in no longer has cash bail, it is now legal to hire illegals as police officers, and thousands more illegals flooding and inhabiting your airport.

Legitimate site. I have corroborated much of the data with FBI stats: heyjackass.com

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When you said more to come, you meant it. Your exposure of these politically incestuous teams of villains reeking havoc in our justice system is shocking. I can only imagine the research involved in writing this. You took it straight to its unsurprising funding source, Soros. Please don’t let up Julie. You do the difficult and honest work of a truly dedicated journalist. You are one of the only shining lights for many who have been wronged by our current justice system and their only hope for liberty.

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Great article, Julie. The ethics of both Graves are worth understanding.

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This is a very rich piece of reporting. I would say you are on her husband's hit list. Please be careful. These are serious and very bad people completely unmoored from the US Constitution. Washington D.C. is not unlike fascist China and the many federal bureaucracies have every intention of treating Americans, such as you, the way the CCP treats Chinese citizens.

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Infuriating information about the cabal that seems to always have an operation going on to continue its position regardless of whether it’s conscionable.

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Really insightful and disturbing. Thank you Julie for all that you uncover!

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What a nightmare. I have not seen this information anywhere else.!!!!

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