Thank you, Julie Kelly because you articulated my exact thoughts in ways that I could not. And although we expect this type of arrogant hypocrisy from soulless democrats, what’s unconscionable is feckless, craven republicans choosing to virtue signal their contempt for Putin while ignoring the atrocities committed by our own government against our own citizens here at home. Unforgivable but unfortunately, not surprising. This predictable Uniparty behavior goes a long way to explain Trump’s enduring popularity.

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I had to take a few days to cool off before I could write this piece. What galls me the most is how Republicans once again help amplify the Biden/Dem talking points while saying nothing about the persecution of their own constituents. Took the weekend to collect myself!

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To include Donald Trump.

Democrats want to strip Trump of his assets and send him to die in jail like Navalny:


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“This predictable Uniparty behavior goes a long way to explain Trump’s enduring popularity.”

The behavior of our ruling class also explains why so many countries are ditching the dollar and disentangling themselves from us as quickly as possible. Not only have they severely damaged America internally but also externally globally. Lena Petrova is one of my favorites I follow. She very good on financial and economic issues both here and globally. Well worth following.

“BRICS News: Egypt Ditches US Dollar, 85% Surge in Millionaires, Expansion of Russia-China Trade.” (9 min)

Lena Petrova. Feb. 17, 2024


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Thank you Ms. Kelly, I feel your writing just gets clearer and and more impactful with each article. I would like to mention one matter. Fellow journalist Glenn Greenwald has mentioned twice now in his J6 reporting that Ms. Boyland died of a drug overdose, if I have understood his reporting correctly. I have twice requested clarification in his locals chat, as I am a subscriber there, but without response. I have enjoyed your appearance on System Update and I hope you are featured there again. If so, I would respectfully ask that you bring up the point to him for clarification, because I think it's unfair to Ms. Boyland, given the circumstances of her death. All the best to you.

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Thank you so much! I especially appreciate your comments about my "clear" writing because some days I feel like I'm not making sense or repeating myself haha!

Yes Glenn definitely should correct that--she did not die of an overdose as we now clearly know. I have tremendous respect for him!

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I agree. This was one of her best!

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I believe Ms. Boyland took a prescribed medication for a chronic condition, and that medicine was said to contribute to her death, but not kill her.

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I couldn’t agree more. The hagiography of Navalny by the ruling class is the latest “fashionable “ opportunity for all the swells to flaunt their virtue and distract from the developing totalitarian regime in this country, and I don’t mean Trump. Few things in life are less surprising than the elimination of a political opponent in Putin’s Russia. Give it a rest.

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If I had time to do more digging, it appears that Navalny once held views the current ruling class and media find abhorrent. He also appears to have supported the invasion of Ukraine at one point. And his wife's conduct also is...questionable. She just happened to be at Munich conference with the world's most powerful people when her husband died? And she took the stage, very composed, to share her thoughts. More strangeness.

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Bravo Julie Kelly Bravo

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Thank you, Sharon!

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Your have outdone yourself Time to take a well deserved bow

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Biden is all for freedom of speech and assembly in Russia, but not in America. He should run for president there.

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I wish we could trade Biden for Putin. He’d be an infinitely better leader than Sleepy Joe with his open borders, demonization of “Whiteness” and war on meritocracy which he’s replacing with Equity aka Equal Outcomes. A good way to turn a 1st World country into a 3rd World country which is apparently the goal of Joe and the democrats with the help of worthless republicans like Mitch McConnell.

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Trump, if elected and not prevented from taking office through theft of the election or lawfare, will start the process of dismantling the unelected permanent ruling class. Trump is the candidate for freedom. Putin is not for freedom in Russia or here. Yes, he’s more competent than Biden, but ultimately he’s a mirror image if our ruling class. No thanks.

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Putin is the opposite of our ruling class. If he was just like them he’d be a member of their globalist class and they wouldn’t be trying to destroy him. Putin has traditional values though, despises Woke ideology and puts Russia first rather than their globalist elite club. They hate him for that. He wanted to be friends with America and the West. The Russians consider themselves European and wanted to part of the West and it would have been immensely beneficial for us and for global stability if we had accepted them as friends. Too late now.

“We know how fragile civic peace is. We know this now and must never forget it. And draw on the values of our traditional religions - Christian Orthodoxy, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism - to prevent hostility and division from taking hold.”

“Putin: It is impossible to imagine Russia without Christianity.” (5 min)

Dr Steve Turley. Jan 15, 2018


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But wouldn't the Russian people think he's too old?

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Another fantastic column, Julie! What disgusts me about the Soviet-Show-Trials inside Moscow-on-the-Potomac is that the nominal politicians with the "R" after their name are gutless to oppose said Soviet-Show-Trials. But, I've become so discouraged about the lack of outrage from politicians who, ostensibly, are from the opposition party, it's almost become normal to have the Stasi-style-Secret-Police get away with murder, sometimes literally. I fear, as our former United States devolves into anarchy, that we're beyond repair and redemption. It's only because of the time and effort of Julie (and other courageous investigative reporters) that we're even aware of the travesty of justice which occurs daily in the courts presided over by Marxists-wearing-black-robes. Absolutely appalling.

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Thank you, Karlan! I head to the belly of the beast--Washington--tomorrow and will head straight to courthouse to cover a few J6 proceedings. If Americans could see what happens during these hearings and trials, there would be a full-on revolt.

Again, thanks to subscribers like you, I can travel to DC and report back.

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Did Nancy Piglosi express remorse about the needless loss of life of her fellow American Ashli Babbitt on Jan 6 Capitol rally? Not at all. She preferred to use the occasion to slobber about “Whiteness!” And this creature was one of America’s top political leaders!? A truly evil old hag. When she dies God will give her a thumbs down and send her straight to Hell where she will join Satin in eternity. Always will she be there with Satan, the Prince of Darkness, the Ruler of the Underworld and of demons. God believes in justice so I feel sure this will be Nancy’s fate. Watch this appalling video and I’m sure you’ll agree as well.

Nancy Piglosi Speaks to her useful idiot supporters.

Nancy Piglosi: Trump Insurgents Chose ‘Whiteness Over Democracy’ (3 min)

Now This Impact. Jan 11, 2021


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I love it when people that are WHITE are calling out whiteness. Don't they have a mirror? Our president is white. Shouldn't he step down for his minority (insurance policy) V.P.?

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I believe America has already ceased to exist as a country internally which is why it’s so rapidly, in real time before our very eyes, unraveling externally. That’s what I see every day when I go online.

“White Men Are the Biggest Threat???” (1 min)

Black Conservative. Feb 18, 2024


“He Hates White People….How Does This Guy Still Have a Job?” (1 min)

Megyn Kelly. Feb 17, 2024


“How Blatant Anti-White Racism Won Acceptance in Elite America.”

Real Clear Investigations. Sept 7, 2022


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Russia is having a free and fair election on Fri, Mar 15 – Sun, Mar 17, 2024.

If the people's votes really counted Putin would lose-but we see what happens to his opponents.

After what happened in Minneapolis during the summer of 2020, where thugs were destroying their own city, and being helped by those contributing to their bail fund , like Kamala Harris, with very little retribution, why would those who got out of hand on Jan 6 think they would be treated any different for their mainly peaceful protest at the Capitol?

And the J6ers charged because the vice president was inside the Capitol is bogus because Capitol police let them inside. Am I to believe that no one informed the Capitol police that the vice president was inside the Capitol.

Jan 6 was a set up just like the 'kidnapping attempt' on Governor Whitmer.

And because of the silence of the republican frauds, (all democrats are democrats and half of the republicans are democrats-Dan Bongino), those types, the Trans-Republicans, or Rinos don't care about the J6er's who are all but forgotten.

If these two facers cared as much about America as they do Ukraine and Russia and China, we might have a country.

November 2024 can't come soon enough.

May GOD almighty bring about some justice for those who seek to keep Trump from the ballot. I suspect they all have some skeletons in their closets!!!

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Hear hear! The timing of the Russian election also makes Navalny's death suspicious.

I continue to track what DC appellate court does with 1752--the "restricted grounds" charge. It sounded like the panel was going to kick back Couy Griffin's conviction and ask the judge (McFadden) to prove foreknowledge Pence was at the Capitol.

This will result in a torrent of filings bc 1752 is the most common misdemeanor. So fingers crossed!

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Dan Bongino's podcast has been on fire lately, not a fraud. Everyday he talks about the Jan. 6th setup. He is digging up all kinds of data on the pipe bomb found at DNC headquarters. Safe to assume, it was another setup. Notice no one is talking about how close our VP came to being blown up with a MAGA planted pipe bomb.

Am I going to be watched by the FBI now by mentioning that word twice?

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And isn't it astonishing that the corporate media is completely ignoring it? Especially my fellow J6 beat reporters?

This should be another massive scandal--the FBI lied about the presence of a pipe bomb at the DNC on Jan 6--but the media won't touch it! We know why...

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Bongino is using much of your research Julie, good job both of you!

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Thank you, Ms Kelly, for this excellent article. I am grateful for your ongoing effort to expose the hypocrisy of this administration and the blob behind it. In a different direction, but still under the topic of hypocrisy over political prisoners, you could point out the death of the American citizen and journalist, Gonzalo Lira ,in a Ukrainian prison, a death which could have been avoided if ANYONE in this administration cared at all about free speech and journalists abroad and the fate of political prisoners.

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Thank YOU, Theresa, for your support!

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All the people in this administration care about is staying in power!

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They also care about destroying the country and destroying those who oppose them. Is there any area in our society that hasn’t withered and been ruined when touched by them. I’m really impressed by how much damage they’ve done yet they still do have many faithful followers.

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Their faithful followers are tools.

The dems say they support abortion and everyone gets in line to vote for them. But the dems do not support abortion-they use it as a wedge issue. Example: after the Dobbs decision came down, the dems were in control of the House and the Senate. Did they offer any kind of legislation concerning abortion? No. Chuck and Nancy were silent. But they used abortion as a wedge issue against the big red wave in 2022 and all there was-was a big red piss. And in 2023 again they used abortion as a dog whistle and all of the tools lined up to vote for the dems. Abortion seems to be the achilles heel to winning.

And as a result we don't have enough people in the workforce to support social security because they were aborted. Nadler says we need illegals to fill the void.

Democrats don't care about America they just want to stay in power and by any means. The judicial system, fraudulent voting where signature are not required, photo ID's are not required. Dead people can vote. I'm not surprised they stay in power. And most voters really aren't too bright. They like shiny objects and most of them (or either side and independants) only vote once every four years in presidential elections. The rest of the time they don't know squat about politics but they know who is having whose baby in Hollywood-like that means anything. Until people that vote for the dems wake up and see that they are used as tools to keep the dems in power we're in trouble. But maybe, just maybe, the black voters and Jewish voters who always support the dems will realize they are just being used and that things were better under Trump. This Weekend at Bernies presidency is horrible and we certainly don't want Weekend at Bernies two or Weekend at Bernies the girlfriend (Kamala) edition.

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Thank you for continuing to point out the hypocrisy we see in our elected officials. If I were a Graham, Barasso, Ernst or Rubio constituent, they would be receiving an email from me!

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Great points Julie. I’m from Florida and have always seen Rubio as just another loud-mouthed Cuban war monger who never wore a military uniform. He is a huge hypocrite.

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Not a single word from nearly all FLA GOP leaders over the past three years. Gaetz is an exception; Donalds has made a few comments. Rubio is weak and I hope someone better will run against him in the primary next time.

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Bravo Julie! I too was outraged at the disgusting display of hypocrisy by so many while ignoring the murder of Gonzo Lira in Ukraine and Ashli Babbit at the Capitol. As is my nature I had to see Navalny for who he actually was in the years leading up to this martyrdom. Mr Navalny was just recently reinstated (2021) by Amnensty International as a "prisioner of conscience."

In 2007 Navalny made videos where he called Muslims cockaroaches and that they needed to be exterminated, equating them to rotten teeth (while dressed in medical garb w/guns going off in the background). He also hated immigrants and was an advocate for gun rights. He refused to recant his position as late as 2017 during a Guardian interview standing by his earlier comments. He was also asked during that interview if Trump was a Russia asset....he laughed at that heartily. I am saddened by his death of course, but by "leftist standards" he was not who they paint him to be now that he is dead.

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Exactly! Even the WashPo described him as a "nationalist," which apparently is a bad thing here but a good thing there?

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You covered the hypocrisy so well in this piece Julie. The nerve of American leaders and politicians professing outrage at Russia for jailing political speech while American citizens are suffering the same treatment is nothing but sanctimonious pie in the sky.

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Thank you, Elizabeth! I challenge the pearl-clutchers in Congress and the media to name 1,300 Putin prisoners.

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“While Navalny’s mourners in Washington prepare to leverage his death to secure more aid for Ukraine amid headwind from House Republicans, Biden’s DOJ continues its dragnet for Trump supporters.” Great writing Julie, I can feel the anger in your honest reporting. What we all feel as we helplessly ( for now) watch the disintegration of our justice system. I suspected as soon as Biden made his disgusting speech that the story that “Putin did it” didn’t seem to add up. Just like blowing up Nordstream.

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Thank you, Dena. I have to really try to control myself because I was seething. Still am actually.

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It’s a righteous anger.

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FYI - I shared your substack column in the comment section of another substack discussing the same topics. It received more ‘likes’ & positive comments than any other post I’ve shared. I’m always interested in what resonates with readers & your column sure did!

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Julie my hat is off to you. This is one of the best articles I've ever read. You are THE person to read in these troublesome and sadly unprecedented times. I was enraged that the progressive media has linked Navalny's death to Tucker Carlson's visit. But you have gotten to the heart of the matter. As a fellow journalist, I have to say that I hope your readers encourage everyone they know to subscribe to your Substack!

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Wow, Susan, thank you! Much appreciated. And thank you for your support!

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