Joe Biden's sweeping pardon of his son opened the door for blanket amnesty for every January 6 defendant as Biden's DOJ continues to investigate, charge, incarcerate, and put on trial J6 protesters.
Another difference between Hunter Biden’s situation and our J6 case is that Hunter Biden was able to pay his legal fees with ill gotten gains from his criminal activities. My husband and I had to spend tens of thousands of hard earned dollars from our retirement savings. I want a Pardon of Innocence that allows my husband and I to sue for damages.
True for most of these corrupt politicians and bureaucrats. They use money they confiscate from the public via taxes, fees and bribes to destroy anyone who challenges them. I am optimistic that President Trump will usher in a new era of accountability that we haven’t seen in modern history. The best is yet to come.
You should do a GiveSendGo. You have the ability to get some $ back from people who support you. You may be reluctant to take others' money, but it's a morally just thing to do when you are faced with the asymptomatic force of an unjust government acting in a partisan way. I am sorry for your troubles, most of all!
Once again, I am always both grateful and humbled when someone helps. For almost four years people were nervous about associating with us. Our family and close friends did not waver but the investigation and media accusations had a chilling effect on our small community. People would say supportive things privately but then remind us they had a small business, or similar reason they could not publicly support us. Now that Trump won in a way too big to rig things seem safer, but I look forward to all the video and other exculpatory evidence becoming public.
Thank you. We really do have it better than so many others. Not talking to the FBI when they showed up at our house and immediately retaining a good lawyer really made the difference. So many good people cooperated when the FBI showed up at their door and then they were arrested and the things they said were used against them.
and let me know what you think. And then call Glenn Beck and remind him my husband was om his own private security team. The irony. Ask me about the "assaulted" cop's fatal shooting of a black man the jury never knew anout. Do the right thing President Trump. Thomas Webster acted in self defense and deseeves to be exonerated.
Michelle, your husband is constantly in my thoughts and toward the top of my pardon list. I told a GOP senator what happened to Tom and he was appalled.
I followed the case closely and am disgusted the DC appellate court including Judge Katsas denied his appeal. I promise you whenever I think of the most wrongly accused, I think of Tom. We will get justice for him.
That video is sickening. I am so sorry that your husband and family have had to ensure this injustice that has upended your lives. I have watched many videos about J6 and know that it was a setup. To think that honorable Americans are the ones to bear the injustice of such an evil plan just breaks my heart.
I pray that President Trump can rectify this. But you will still have spent financial and emotional resources that can never be repaid. It breaks my heart. Every day I pray for all of you who have been so abused by the DOJ.
Judge Mehta should be impeached on his handling of Tom Webster case alone, which included refusing to allow the jury to see video of thug Noah Rathbun assaulting protesters including a woman before the confrontation.
Noah Rathbun will probably get a promotion like Michael Byrd did. Cops like that need to be defunded.
I support the police-but real police departments know who their bad apples are-just the same as the Catholic churches know who their pedophile priests are and BOTH need to clean house.
I just watched the video. Admittedly, I'm shocked. All we've heard for FOUR years is that those in the crowd were the aggressors. And the police were all innocent victims-especially the one that was killed with a fire extinguisher-even though that never happened. After the TRUTH comes out there needs to be serious justice metted out to those who are really guilty. A real J6 committee needs to be convened-not the farce Nancy set up. Right now, at the very least, FOX NEWS and NEWSMAX need to be showing this video.
I went on Newsmax, and dropped in Thomas Webster's name in the comments section. According to the people arguing with me there was nothing but four hours of insurrectionist and they had hours of footage they'd seen and were arguing like their lives depended upon it.
Obviously, too many Kool-aid drinkers. A lot of hate out there because DJT won and WILL pardon those who the left still refer to as insurrectionist. They also believe Trump was guilty of 34 counts.
Can't wait until Jan 20th. I just hope the DOJ hasn't bleachbit and shredded everything.
Wow! Thank you for doing this, Wayne. I appreciate you! Not surprised by the reaction, but I anticipate many people will think differently once the truth is exposed about Tom's case.
The illegitimate, demented puppet-fraud has desecrated the institution of the U.S Presidency. Congratulations UniParty and your scumbag VIP treasonous Mike Pence. Look at the trail of WRECKAGE your criminal-vanity has led to under FJB. Justice will come upon you like a whirlwind…in this life, or the next.
Well said Julie. Trump’s got a very large to do list and I was glad to see him refer to the J6 folks in his response to Biden. Let’s make sure this isn’t allowed to fall through the cracks.
Old Joe shot a cannon ball through the big lie of Democrats, repeated ad nauseum by the rank and file Democrat Twitter mobs eager for their next DNC-delivered talking points, that we are a nation of laws and that Trump and his supporters were being treated fairly by the system with no political agenda or bias.
Old Joe admits that the justice system was unfairly targeting his son. We know it was not the case given the known behavior of Hunter to grift off of old papa in office, but the damage has been done by old Joe. MASSIVE damage to the Democrat cabal.
I don't know how Joyce Vance can continue her newsletter with this, as her entire foundation is based on this now proven dishonest claim that all the cases against Trump and his supporters were just good and moral legal justice work.
Old Joe just invalidated every last argument from the Democrat cabal over Jan-6.
Pray tell, what is the deal about a book that Hunter is shopping around? Daddy "The Big Guy" Biden seems to have freaked out during Thanksgiving. A tell-all or a blackmail scheme?
Presidential pardons using the family plan. Great concept.
Julie Kelly, Sheryl Attkisson and Miranda Devine write books that pull the covers off the corruption. What are the thoughts of the our favorite fearless reporters? What's the gossip on the street?
Please keep pouring on the heat! Cheering from the bleachers :-)
Enjoy the holidays. Every day we get a news gift added to the stocking.
I did hear Hunter threatened over Thanksgiving week to write a tell-all (maybe along with half sister, Ashley?) if the Big Guy didn't pardon him. Timing is pretty suspicious.
Considering that Hunter's Sugar Daddy loaned him several million $$ to pay taxes and whatnot, Hunter needs some cash flow. Something to sell. Abbe Lowell and his team costs mucho dinero as well.
I am not savvy to how the publishing houses in NYC operate. To fork over Clinton or Obama money to Hunter for an advance would require some outline of OMG dirt. Or do you think the Biden grifters tap out?
Back to the freaking art again. Wait, that scam was the Sugar Daddy art collector. I can only imagine what is next!
“Hunter Biden did not have to fight excessive sentencing recommendations by a bloodthirsty DOJ.” Julie, your fourth paragraph from the end is a tour de force.
I look at this pardon as a “gift” to Donald Trump.
Biden was kicked off the ticket for the Presidency, he immediately supported Kamala which blocked Obama from influence and eliminated a democratic convention, Biden donned a MAGA cap and kept it, Biden kept saying Kamala was engaged with all decisions, Jill Biden wore all red when she voted, Biden’s escalated the war knowing Trump will take over and Putin will restrain and not attack the USA, and now the pardon.
Biden knows he is/was a tool but since he sold out as far back as the 70’s, he can’t reform his record so he might as well swing for the fence and dish out paybacks to the Handlers. This provides Trump with a cover for carrying out activities without resistance that functionally and tactically mirror what Biden carried out.
Pardon the non-violent offenders and review the cases of those that assaulted Police Officers. Even in a riot, for any cause, Police should not be harmed. Provide reparations to those pardoned. Investigate how many FBI informants and agents were in the crowd, investigate the entire sordid event and release a non-biased accounting of the entire event. Then let the chips fall where they may.
Except it was a police riot caused by the ineptitude and thuggery of Capitol and DC Metro police. They caused the confrontations by launching "nonlethal munitions" at the crowd shortly after 1:00 p.m. that day. Pardons for all.
I will always stand by my belief that Police officers should not be attacked. I understand your premise that they instigated the violence with their behavior and a lengthy discussion could be had on the “chicken or the egg”. Based on your premise it is “ok” to assault the police…by who and when does that decision get made during a disturbance? In my corner of the world there are boundaries and that is one of them. Out of curiosity, what would have happened if the NG had been mobilized and stationed prior to riot? We will never know but I suspect that there would not have been a breach of the Capital.
It get's made when you, your wife, your children or dog is aggressively attacked and without defensive counter measures to stop the attacker (police or anyone else) injury is expected. A smile or kind word does not stop police any more than it would a friendly dog that has gone berserk. Police are humans and so are their victims and both are subjected to an adrenalin rush. Defensive maneuvers and measures designed to prevent damage must often inflict damage. Such responses are organic, biological and as instinctive as blinking.
Police cannot expect people to not physically defend themselves any more than prosecutors should expect defense attorneys to their accept their lies and propaganda.
At the very least many of the charges need to vacated based on the very evidence that newly seen video makes available which was not previously provided. And in some cases the police need to be prosecuted because they represent special roles. They have the weapons, the law and the training. They are the ones that should know better.
Believe me, I do not disagree that J6’s should be freed but a mob cannot make a rational decision. You say self-defense what about self-preservation and moving away, not forward. Your scenario works in protecting yourself and family but it does not fit in a riot when the group is the one attacking. My base belief is that police should not be attacked. It is a fine line to say “in this instance it is ok but not in this instance…mobs do not make smart logical decisions. Mob decisions are based on emotion in the heat of the moment.
I heard that argument so let me clarify. I agree with you in a sense. You have a right to submit to brutality. If you choose to die and allow others to be killed it is your choice. No one would force you to defend yourself or force you to defend others. However I would hold the police accountable to protect the citizenry and never harm them. Many did not do that and were more of a mob than the citizenry mob you describe based on now available videos.
Agree - but I bet the capital police were the real perpetrators of most violence against US citizens. Beatings & murder that ended the lives of Ashlee Babbitt inside the capital; & Rosanne Boyland in the tunnel. Anyone intervening to help Boyland were arrested.
Have you watched many of the videos that some intrepid reports have produced about what really happened on J6? Here's one that a wife just posted. This is what is described by the Left and the prosecutors as someone who assaulted a police officer. I have seen many hours of documentation and it is sickening to think what evil plan Pelosi and her ilk had planned.
So well said Julie. Such a travesty that the uniparty representatives remained silent & therefore culpable in this injustice. I bet now when it’s safer to stand up for Liberty & the constitution, we’ll see the cowards do some grandstanding.
No doubt, Dena! Already seeing here-to-fore silent influencers and lawmakers encourage the pardoning of J6ers--but we will take all the support we can get at this point!
FJB's probably not done cleaning up after his crime family. At least one of the brothers and few of the wives and children certainly will be looking for some Presidential "nobody fucks with a Biden" cover from whoever's signing the Pardon's for "the Best version of Biden".
I think President Trump is at least a hundred times better than JB, but if the shoe were on the other foot, and President Trump wouldn't pardon his own son, I'd think a lot less of him. I can't see letting my own son go to prison if I could do something to prevent it. I wonder what others think about that.
I mean, I can't think any lower of Joe Biden so it really hasn't bothered me as much as others. He is the worst man and father to ever occupy the Oval Office.
I think Trump expected Biden to pardon his son. But Biden had to blow it by pardoning Hunter for everything that he had done in the past 10 years. Biden is a very vain simpleton whose mind is almost gone. But Jill, on the other hand, is calculating and nasty.
Maybe, Jill will receive a pardon also? Remember, she was ‘ in the know’ on who knows how much of this. With all that Biden moola Jill is set for life.
Pardon all the j6 peoples except any FBI or government connected scum. Go after the big guy or who ever is playing his part now. Who ever this is is not Joe so this pardon actually means nothing. It is signed by an unauthorized hand.
Another difference between Hunter Biden’s situation and our J6 case is that Hunter Biden was able to pay his legal fees with ill gotten gains from his criminal activities. My husband and I had to spend tens of thousands of hard earned dollars from our retirement savings. I want a Pardon of Innocence that allows my husband and I to sue for damages.
Absolutely agree, Karen.
True for most of these corrupt politicians and bureaucrats. They use money they confiscate from the public via taxes, fees and bribes to destroy anyone who challenges them. I am optimistic that President Trump will usher in a new era of accountability that we haven’t seen in modern history. The best is yet to come.
You should do a GiveSendGo. You have the ability to get some $ back from people who support you. You may be reluctant to take others' money, but it's a morally just thing to do when you are faced with the asymptomatic force of an unjust government acting in a partisan way. I am sorry for your troubles, most of all!
Thank you. My daughter set one up months ago but it never got any traction:
Just gave. You will get your pardon Karen. Good luck with the money raise.
Thank you. I am always humbled by the kindness and generosity people show me.
Just donated. Will forward to others. Thank YOU for all you have endured at the hands of his corrupt regime.
Once again, I am always both grateful and humbled when someone helps. For almost four years people were nervous about associating with us. Our family and close friends did not waver but the investigation and media accusations had a chilling effect on our small community. People would say supportive things privately but then remind us they had a small business, or similar reason they could not publicly support us. Now that Trump won in a way too big to rig things seem safer, but I look forward to all the video and other exculpatory evidence becoming public.
I am so sorry for what you have had to endure. I pray for all J6ers all of the time.
Thank you. We really do have it better than so many others. Not talking to the FBI when they showed up at our house and immediately retaining a good lawyer really made the difference. So many good people cooperated when the FBI showed up at their door and then they were arrested and the things they said were used against them.
That is both kind and generous. Accept my humble thanks.
I agree-you should be compensated.
Sue baby sue!!!
Indeed. Pardon them all WITH reparations.
Yeah, like we owe them-after they stole from us.
Sounds about right in the bizarro world we're living in.
My husband is serving 10 years for THIS?? Hunter gets a pass? We CANNOT just go soft, ignore the fedsurrection entrapment set-up and generalize assault cases should not receive a pardon. WATCH THIS VIDEO
and let me know what you think. And then call Glenn Beck and remind him my husband was om his own private security team. The irony. Ask me about the "assaulted" cop's fatal shooting of a black man the jury never knew anout. Do the right thing President Trump. Thomas Webster acted in self defense and deseeves to be exonerated.
Michelle, your husband is constantly in my thoughts and toward the top of my pardon list. I told a GOP senator what happened to Tom and he was appalled.
I followed the case closely and am disgusted the DC appellate court including Judge Katsas denied his appeal. I promise you whenever I think of the most wrongly accused, I think of Tom. We will get justice for him.
Thank you so much, Julie for being such a strong and influential voice for justice
I just sent the link to my congressman and Senators in Indiana.
That video is sickening. I am so sorry that your husband and family have had to ensure this injustice that has upended your lives. I have watched many videos about J6 and know that it was a setup. To think that honorable Americans are the ones to bear the injustice of such an evil plan just breaks my heart.
I pray that President Trump can rectify this. But you will still have spent financial and emotional resources that can never be repaid. It breaks my heart. Every day I pray for all of you who have been so abused by the DOJ.
Judge Mehta should be impeached on his handling of Tom Webster case alone, which included refusing to allow the jury to see video of thug Noah Rathbun assaulting protesters including a woman before the confrontation.
Noah Rathbun will probably get a promotion like Michael Byrd did. Cops like that need to be defunded.
I support the police-but real police departments know who their bad apples are-just the same as the Catholic churches know who their pedophile priests are and BOTH need to clean house.
I just watched the video. Admittedly, I'm shocked. All we've heard for FOUR years is that those in the crowd were the aggressors. And the police were all innocent victims-especially the one that was killed with a fire extinguisher-even though that never happened. After the TRUTH comes out there needs to be serious justice metted out to those who are really guilty. A real J6 committee needs to be convened-not the farce Nancy set up. Right now, at the very least, FOX NEWS and NEWSMAX need to be showing this video.
I went on Newsmax, and dropped in Thomas Webster's name in the comments section. According to the people arguing with me there was nothing but four hours of insurrectionist and they had hours of footage they'd seen and were arguing like their lives depended upon it.
Obviously, too many Kool-aid drinkers. A lot of hate out there because DJT won and WILL pardon those who the left still refer to as insurrectionist. They also believe Trump was guilty of 34 counts.
Can't wait until Jan 20th. I just hope the DOJ hasn't bleachbit and shredded everything.
Wow! Thank you for doing this, Wayne. I appreciate you! Not surprised by the reaction, but I anticipate many people will think differently once the truth is exposed about Tom's case.
The illegitimate, demented puppet-fraud has desecrated the institution of the U.S Presidency. Congratulations UniParty and your scumbag VIP treasonous Mike Pence. Look at the trail of WRECKAGE your criminal-vanity has led to under FJB. Justice will come upon you like a whirlwind…in this life, or the next.
Well said Julie. Trump’s got a very large to do list and I was glad to see him refer to the J6 folks in his response to Biden. Let’s make sure this isn’t allowed to fall through the cracks.
We will make sure, Tim.
I know you will Julie. You’ve been the best friend those poor folks have got.
Old Joe shot a cannon ball through the big lie of Democrats, repeated ad nauseum by the rank and file Democrat Twitter mobs eager for their next DNC-delivered talking points, that we are a nation of laws and that Trump and his supporters were being treated fairly by the system with no political agenda or bias.
Old Joe admits that the justice system was unfairly targeting his son. We know it was not the case given the known behavior of Hunter to grift off of old papa in office, but the damage has been done by old Joe. MASSIVE damage to the Democrat cabal.
I don't know how Joyce Vance can continue her newsletter with this, as her entire foundation is based on this now proven dishonest claim that all the cases against Trump and his supporters were just good and moral legal justice work.
Old Joe just invalidated every last argument from the Democrat cabal over Jan-6.
Pray tell, what is the deal about a book that Hunter is shopping around? Daddy "The Big Guy" Biden seems to have freaked out during Thanksgiving. A tell-all or a blackmail scheme?
Presidential pardons using the family plan. Great concept.
Julie Kelly, Sheryl Attkisson and Miranda Devine write books that pull the covers off the corruption. What are the thoughts of the our favorite fearless reporters? What's the gossip on the street?
Please keep pouring on the heat! Cheering from the bleachers :-)
Enjoy the holidays. Every day we get a news gift added to the stocking.
I did hear Hunter threatened over Thanksgiving week to write a tell-all (maybe along with half sister, Ashley?) if the Big Guy didn't pardon him. Timing is pretty suspicious.
Considering that Hunter's Sugar Daddy loaned him several million $$ to pay taxes and whatnot, Hunter needs some cash flow. Something to sell. Abbe Lowell and his team costs mucho dinero as well.
I am not savvy to how the publishing houses in NYC operate. To fork over Clinton or Obama money to Hunter for an advance would require some outline of OMG dirt. Or do you think the Biden grifters tap out?
Back to the freaking art again. Wait, that scam was the Sugar Daddy art collector. I can only imagine what is next!
“Hunter Biden did not have to fight excessive sentencing recommendations by a bloodthirsty DOJ.” Julie, your fourth paragraph from the end is a tour de force.
Thank you, Teresa. I think I need to emphasize that point and will do that on X.
I look at this pardon as a “gift” to Donald Trump.
Biden was kicked off the ticket for the Presidency, he immediately supported Kamala which blocked Obama from influence and eliminated a democratic convention, Biden donned a MAGA cap and kept it, Biden kept saying Kamala was engaged with all decisions, Jill Biden wore all red when she voted, Biden’s escalated the war knowing Trump will take over and Putin will restrain and not attack the USA, and now the pardon.
Biden knows he is/was a tool but since he sold out as far back as the 70’s, he can’t reform his record so he might as well swing for the fence and dish out paybacks to the Handlers. This provides Trump with a cover for carrying out activities without resistance that functionally and tactically mirror what Biden carried out.
Pardon the non-violent offenders and review the cases of those that assaulted Police Officers. Even in a riot, for any cause, Police should not be harmed. Provide reparations to those pardoned. Investigate how many FBI informants and agents were in the crowd, investigate the entire sordid event and release a non-biased accounting of the entire event. Then let the chips fall where they may.
Except it was a police riot caused by the ineptitude and thuggery of Capitol and DC Metro police. They caused the confrontations by launching "nonlethal munitions" at the crowd shortly after 1:00 p.m. that day. Pardons for all.
I will always stand by my belief that Police officers should not be attacked. I understand your premise that they instigated the violence with their behavior and a lengthy discussion could be had on the “chicken or the egg”. Based on your premise it is “ok” to assault the police…by who and when does that decision get made during a disturbance? In my corner of the world there are boundaries and that is one of them. Out of curiosity, what would have happened if the NG had been mobilized and stationed prior to riot? We will never know but I suspect that there would not have been a breach of the Capital.
It get's made when you, your wife, your children or dog is aggressively attacked and without defensive counter measures to stop the attacker (police or anyone else) injury is expected. A smile or kind word does not stop police any more than it would a friendly dog that has gone berserk. Police are humans and so are their victims and both are subjected to an adrenalin rush. Defensive maneuvers and measures designed to prevent damage must often inflict damage. Such responses are organic, biological and as instinctive as blinking.
Police cannot expect people to not physically defend themselves any more than prosecutors should expect defense attorneys to their accept their lies and propaganda.
At the very least many of the charges need to vacated based on the very evidence that newly seen video makes available which was not previously provided. And in some cases the police need to be prosecuted because they represent special roles. They have the weapons, the law and the training. They are the ones that should know better.
Believe me, I do not disagree that J6’s should be freed but a mob cannot make a rational decision. You say self-defense what about self-preservation and moving away, not forward. Your scenario works in protecting yourself and family but it does not fit in a riot when the group is the one attacking. My base belief is that police should not be attacked. It is a fine line to say “in this instance it is ok but not in this instance…mobs do not make smart logical decisions. Mob decisions are based on emotion in the heat of the moment.
I heard that argument so let me clarify. I agree with you in a sense. You have a right to submit to brutality. If you choose to die and allow others to be killed it is your choice. No one would force you to defend yourself or force you to defend others. However I would hold the police accountable to protect the citizenry and never harm them. Many did not do that and were more of a mob than the citizenry mob you describe based on now available videos.
Agree - but I bet the capital police were the real perpetrators of most violence against US citizens. Beatings & murder that ended the lives of Ashlee Babbitt inside the capital; & Rosanne Boyland in the tunnel. Anyone intervening to help Boyland were arrested.
Have you watched many of the videos that some intrepid reports have produced about what really happened on J6? Here's one that a wife just posted. This is what is described by the Left and the prosecutors as someone who assaulted a police officer. I have seen many hours of documentation and it is sickening to think what evil plan Pelosi and her ilk had planned.
Finally. All those people illegally accused and imprisoned will be free. The irony of daddy dearest helping that along is priceless.
It really is. Their captor becomes their emancipator in a way.
So well said Julie. Such a travesty that the uniparty representatives remained silent & therefore culpable in this injustice. I bet now when it’s safer to stand up for Liberty & the constitution, we’ll see the cowards do some grandstanding.
No doubt, Dena! Already seeing here-to-fore silent influencers and lawmakers encourage the pardoning of J6ers--but we will take all the support we can get at this point!
Amen! Pardon them all!!
FJB's probably not done cleaning up after his crime family. At least one of the brothers and few of the wives and children certainly will be looking for some Presidential "nobody fucks with a Biden" cover from whoever's signing the Pardon's for "the Best version of Biden".
I think President Trump is at least a hundred times better than JB, but if the shoe were on the other foot, and President Trump wouldn't pardon his own son, I'd think a lot less of him. I can't see letting my own son go to prison if I could do something to prevent it. I wonder what others think about that.
I mean, I can't think any lower of Joe Biden so it really hasn't bothered me as much as others. He is the worst man and father to ever occupy the Oval Office.
I think Trump expected Biden to pardon his son. But Biden had to blow it by pardoning Hunter for everything that he had done in the past 10 years. Biden is a very vain simpleton whose mind is almost gone. But Jill, on the other hand, is calculating and nasty.
Maybe, Jill will receive a pardon also? Remember, she was ‘ in the know’ on who knows how much of this. With all that Biden moola Jill is set for life.
Pardon all the j6 peoples except any FBI or government connected scum. Go after the big guy or who ever is playing his part now. Who ever this is is not Joe so this pardon actually means nothing. It is signed by an unauthorized hand.