I didn’t think it was possible but, Jack Smith has lowered my regard for lawyers.

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He certainly provided clarity to what most of us already knew about them!

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He's lower than whale scat.

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That Jack Smith’s indictments generally are treated by the press as “normal” prosecutions being pursued to address violations of criminal statutes is a problem. They have nothing to do with law enforcement. They should be treated with derision and everyone involved should face disbarment. Imagine if Obama, who apparently signed off on the subcontracting of illegal spying on Trump to the Five Eyes, was indicted for that - real crimes. The press’s would go crazy.

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The main stream media is consistently on the wrong side of the Constitution, and existing law, and on the extreme side of fascism, socialism and communism. These Bolsheviks are created by teachers and professors using cookie cutter indoctrination techniques and proselytize to enhance the chances that the political levers of power will be controlled by those that believe and think the way they do.

As Mark Twain one wrote: " If you don't read the news you will be uniformed. If you do you will be misinformed".

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Thanks for this update on the happenings in Florida, Julie. It occurred to me that this is the one and only time I have observed, via your reporting, that a federal judge has actually approached a trial involving former President Trump without already having reached a decision on the verdict in advance of the actual trial. What a concept!

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It also seems she is willing to cast the blame where it belongs, speaking of scheduling nightmares and defendants’rights to prepare.

And yes, bring that evidence out into the open.

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It's quite simply. It's red as opposed to blue. But the reality is much more. It's law as opposed to lawfare.

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It is political from the start, given that there was a warrant issued to for a raid despite the months of cooperation with NARA and the FBI. But it’s justice v. Injustice.

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1

Having lived and practiced in both NY and Florida I can say that Florida is proud to be called the Sunshine State and I don't mean just in terms of the weather. Florida considers Sunshine a disinfectant both in terms of germs and in terms of legal proceedings. The more the light of day shines on what is often done behind closed doors, in many other states, Florida takes pride that exposure is what is needed when it comes to much of the law, the courts and the publics' natural right to see, and thereby comprehend, so judgements can be made, not based on supposition, conjecture, innuendo and hearsay but on everything that can be considered evidence. The SCOTUS should take notice. If it had in 2020 America might not be in the place it is in today and a lot more people would likely, in my opinion, still be alive here at home and throughout the world.

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I wonder if Chief Justice Roberts regrets rejecting to weigh in on the 2020 election. It has now come full circle right back to his court. You are spot on about the cost to the country and the world for looking the other way. Lots of wasted tax dollars, damaged reputations and a devastating mockery on the rule of law in our courts.

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Thanks for the update Julie. Finally, we see a judge in control of her case and acting in accordance with judicial ethics and guidelines. Looking forward to your next report. Forge on and stay well!

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It is defintely clear that Jack Smith has devised new and ever changing "law" !!!!!!!!!

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Great reporting ! Can’t wait to see what happens tomorrow

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I appreciate you! Thank you.

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Merrick Garland will be blamed for the failure to try Donald Trump. He did not move fast enough, and has mostly led by 'hands off'. If I were Garland, who knows that if Biden wins he will be replaced, I would follow the example of Elliot Richardson, the AG for Richard Nixon who resigned rather than follow orders. His place in history is that he 'came clean', and publicly admitted the Biden Family Protection Unit and the Get Trump Assault Team. He could be the tipping point that put American Humpty Dumpty back together again. Just be honest and admit the truth would be very helpful to all Americans and the USA.

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I don't know how Donald Trump has any possibility of receiving a fair and impartial trial in Washington, D.C. It is not remotely possible.

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