Of the journalists I follow, you are the best at distilling complex subjects into understandable prose. You really are a great journalist.

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Just when I think DOJ can’t get more corrupt, they prove me wrong. This is the largest scandal of my lifetime, and I’ve got a lot to choose from just the in past 3 years.

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If Trump had classified documents, as president he had the authority to have declassified them. Biden, on the other hand, as a senator, or even as vice president, did NOT have the authority to declassify the documents he took. He gets a pass like Hillary and her bleachbit and hammers and Comey. Seems we know which team the FBI is playing for.

NARA has never been so aggressive as to treat another former president like this. Clinton, Bush 43, Obama.

So why Trump?

Yes that's rhetorical.

We have such a corrupt justice system.

And to think, of all of the college brats now protesting/rioting, how many of them will become the future Jack Smiths?

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Great work Julie!

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Oh love the thought of Smith hanging himself🤣

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If nothing else, Smith should have his own Stock or Pillory set up. That's so we can all throw rotten food at his sorry face for an extended amount of time...just for the fun of it!

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Thank you, Julie, for this excellent coverage of this startling new development. I had read something about this on Epoch Times. Your coverage completes the picture. Keep up the good work. We can all pray that this will be the straw that breaks this case.

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I posted this comment once before because I want to make a suggestion to Julie. I know of no other way to reach her except for the Post Office. The suggestion is to ratchet up the Stefanik ethics complaint from a department panel to the level of the DOJ's Inspector General. Here is that posting again in hopes someone with a full grasp of the many sides of the scandal will petition IG Horowitz. I think such a petition has a better chance of success. apologize for the repetition. The earlier posting:

I sent a suggestion to Representative Stefanik that might interest you. I think it would up the ante on the lawfare activists pursuing Trump. I include it here. I also think you might file a similar complaint with the DOJ's Inspector General. Your research positions you perfectly to make a complaint. Suggestion follows.

To: Rep Stefanik. I applaud you for your filing of an official ethics complaint against Jack Smith with the Department of Justice's Office of Professional Responsibility for his illegal election interference. Might I suggest that you take the very same complaint and enter it on the official OIG Hot Line of the Office of the Inspector General, U.S. Department of Justice, and also charge Merritt Garland and his senior staff at the DOJ with conspiring to commit election interference as well as for abuse, misconduct, and bias in their involvement with the raid at Mar-a-Lago. I would also suggest investigating them for conspiracy in connection with the four separate trials of Trump because there appear to be multiple DOJ connections to the prosecutors in each of those cases. Similarly, they also need be called out on the inappropriate/illegal appointment of Jack Smith to his official position. The evidence for all this comes from your ethics complaint to the DOJ, the report of Jim Jodan's committee (just published) and Julie Kelly's excellent Substack reporting. I believe putting these charges before the DOJ's Inspector General would spark real action. I am less confident in anything emerging from ethics committees or bar associations (as recent developments in Georgia have shown). In any case, the more attention we can focus on these lawfare activists, the better. Let's give the Inspector General a role to play in this, too.

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I will say this much Bryan.

I agree it is time to fight fire w fire.

And start using whatever power republicans have to take out the legs of prosecutors, attorney generals, cabinet....everyone !! And prosecute Obama NOW and others.

Then issue ultimatum to Biden to immediately unplug all Trump prosecutions OR ELSE

he better hope he wins election or there will be reciprocity. That Biden will be prosecuted for Border, afghan withdrawal and foreign entanglements !!!

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Why can’t we THE AMERICAN PEOPLE send this to Horowitz? From what I know about him he is a good guy and has asked Congress for subpoena power on more than one occasion and Congress has not seen fit to give him that power. Maybe we could all start writing our Senators and demand it.

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Can you submit a complaint about these govenrment attorneys to the relevant bar association? Perhaps to the Florida Bar, in particular, to which they are admitted pro hac vice (or something like that) for particular cases like this? This kind of false statements does sound like the kind of thing you hsould get disbarred for. Bar associations are often corrupt institutions for the protection of crooked lawyers, but even submitting the complain might help.

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Do you expect motion to dismiss this week? Or do you think Trump defense team is starting to read tea leaves and will opt to let Jack Smith hang himself ?? And/or let Judge Cannon dismiss when she is ready ??

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Thank you again Julie for making these observations about this made up case.

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Julie do you follow Trump's NY trial ??

I watch the enemy (CNN) while I work ...to get perspective of the enemy.

Today one of their analysts got excited and while foaming at the mouth said "THIS Is the blah blah.!!!!..." noting that Trump paid check(s) to Cohen to "Legal Fees"... as tho that was the smoking gun.

Julie, are they F'ing serious ??

Where is the 5000 feet sanity check where someone can raise flag and say "Enough" !! "This case is over" !! ??

According to CNN updates judge Merchan acknowledged in court today he understood this case has former and possible future Prez on trial.

Who in our legal system is responsible for making the "Enough" !!!

"No more money spent !!"

"No more wasting time !!"

"This case is over."

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What a fabulous article!

And your use of the word "weasel" is more appropriate than in the way that you used it. It appears that most things connected to the FBI and their overzealous Swatting Teams in these instances and likely in the myriad of cases for all of the J6'ers is equally Weasel caliber.

I have no positive feelings about anything Joe Biden and that's certainly about the DoJ, FBI, CIA, Jack Smith, Tanya Chutkan, Arthur Engoron, Alvin Bragg, Fanni Willis, Nathan Wade, Letitia whatserface and the cherry on top of the sht pile Juan Merchan.

In my most certainly, not even close to humble opinion, all things Christopher Wray, Merrick Garland, Alejandro Mayorkas and Joe Biden and his entire administration should be treated like they have treated our hero J6'ers that have been incarcerated with no Geneva Convention rights! (Dramatic leaning was totally intended.)

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Thanks again, Julie, for a thorough summation of the attempted Soviet-Show-Trial before Judge Aileen Cannon in Florida. As this travesty of justice continues to occur in various locations all along the right coast, I'm reminded of the Soviet henchman named Berea who famously told his boss, J. Stalin, to "give me the man and I'll show you the crime." It appears that Judge Cannon has not drunk the kool-aid and, therefore, has a rather jaundiced view of the bogus classified documents case. If this case blows-up in the face of the once disgraced Jack Smith, we can only pray that each of his other cases will blow-up in similar fashion. Banana Republic, here we come...

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May God protect both Julie and Judge Cannon and keep Judge Cannon on a straight judicial path. These DOJ and FBI actors are pure evil and capable of anything. Julie and, I think, Judge Cannon are working to do good in the face of evil.

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There will be tremendous pressure on Judge Cannon and the rest of her family.

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This is excellent reporting, new information presented in understandable form. I have not seen this story anywhere else. The original actions are probably an intersection of carelessness, stupidity , intent to garner publicity and corruption. But the coverup and obfuscation are as usual totally corrupt and probably criminal . The DOJ and FBI have to clearly have the corrupt and political heads of both organizations removed and totally replaced, but if that were to happen in Trump2 it would be decried by the media as was the Saturday Night massacre under Nixon for those either with a long memory or a knowledge of history.

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The original actions were an op run on the American people. There was no good intention from the first twinkle in the eye of the DOJ.

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It's time for us to have a working definition of 'evil'. Evil is Not Good. Evil is bad.

I expect we agree that lying is bad. That makes lying evil. The FBI, the prosecutors, and Justice lied.

I expect we agree that framing someone is a compounded set of lies. That too is evil. The FBI, the prosecutors and justice framed President Trump. It's as plain as the noses on our faces.

These government employees are liars. They only confess when they are caught.

When they befuddle and word-smith us to death it's all about personal guilt driving them to cover up their evil. This is a simple way to think but it sure does help sort the good guys from the bad guys.

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This is what black people experience. Anyone who has contact with the police is in danger of being framed. Which is why you should never say a word to the police. You never know what the agenda of the officer in front of you is. Maybe they think you are guilty. Maybe they think you are guilty of something else and want to "get" you. Maybe they have a personal problem with you or someone in power sicced them on you. Maybe not. But you never know.

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There are evil people of evil intent everywhere, in every walk of life. I used to be afraid but these days instead I decided to let the Creator decide if I will be a victim of wickedness. So I try to be the best person I can be so that if evil comes my way, I don't return evil for evil.

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I worked with classified documents when working for Boeing. A cover sheet was NEVER *papercliped* to the document. It was mandatory for it to be stapled on the document and in such a way as to make certain it wasn't easy to lose or remove. Using paperclips to attach a classified cover sheet would have been grounds for disciplinary action. Cover sheets papercliped to the seized documents at Mara-logo, as described, is a HUGE RED FLAG, Julie!!

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I really thought when the Republicans took the House they'd "clean house"! But, no. With the slim majority, they toss out Santos, tick off Buck who goes squealing back to Colorado, along with Gallagher who was a real disappointment! Now, Johnson proves to be a limp wristed Speaker and gives the FBI its "NEW" zillion dollar building, pays the DOJ's requested budget as it crushes the idea of law and order and due process and when we think "oh good, at least he's separating the aide to Israel and Ukraine so we know what members are voting for what. But, no. Not only are they joined, but through some loophole, the Senate put all of the bills into one, which also, which - who knew - had aide to Gaza! What a total schmuck who is worse than McCarthy when he pushed his colleagues to vote yes!

If he had any guts he'd fight the way we expect Republicans to fight! Do they not learn anything from Trump? With few exceptions, you can't tell a Republican from a Democrat! How do we move forward with a bunch of do-nothing, rather cave than get a bad tweet, hide from their constituents and bash other Republicans who are pushing against their weakness! Johnson and his many cohorts, need to go! We are done with this limp wristed, mealy mouthed RINO's who are afraid of their own decisions so they turn to the radical left for advice. It's pitiful and at the very least they need to cut the funds to the Jack Smith continuing circus act against Trump! It needs to stop now before going any further.

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The purpose of the FBI is to develop kompromat on all elected officers. Better for the establishment to control them.

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