Oct 11, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

As always, Julie's articles are well written and informative. Also, quite thought provoking.

I personally, prior to the midterm election of 2022, happened to have a private conversation with a House Rep. Not my Rep. What I asked was why the GOP stays silent when there are J6 Americans that have been denied their Due Process, persecuted and kept in prison?

The response from that Rep, likely is the way as Julie alluded to, that many other US House Rep feel very much the same.

I was told that it is no longer a part of the news cycle. That FOX never asks about it, therefore...

I was personally horrified when I was told no one cares or asks. I said, Americans care and we can't ask on TV, but we are always asking why our GOP Representatives & Senators are silent and allowing this to take place in the USA.

Guess, my question was a turn off, because the House Rep, left almost immediately after I politely asked for an explanation.

I agree with Julie, the next Speaker, must release the recordings and bring the truth into the light.

Only, President Trump cares, most of even those few who had showed interest, have lost interest, BUT, not President Trump!

I hope that either Jim Jordan or Steve Scalise, which ever, (although think it will be Jordan) does the right thing about what really happened that day and the many persecuted J6ers. Plus, pray that the new Speaker of the House, finally, does everything else. we desperately need.

Thanks, Julie, your courage is infectious. You are a true American Patriot. Keep writing. Your investigative journalism is refreshing.

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Thank you so much for your kind words and insight. Most Republicans really wish J6 would fade away--even worse, plenty want the GOP purged of MAGA and don't mind if DOJ helps. I have not been invited to appear on Fox since they took Tucker off the air even though my knowledge of the issue, including the case against Trump, is unrivaled on the Right. (Not bragging!.) We must do all we can to keep pushing GOP to get a full accounting of J6 including how the committee and Biden White House are hiding evidence. (More on this soon!)

Thanks for subscribing and supporting my work!

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Oct 12, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

Just did.

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Harmeet Dhillon is one of my favorites and I donate money to her law center. Very intelligent in many areas. She ran for leadership of the RNC last year and is ideally suited for the job since she understands perfectly how the democrats rig elections. Ronna McDaniel won though in spite of her 3 term record of being a loser. Trump privately backed Ronna even though he had to have known Harmeet was far better for the job. Most likely because Ronna said nice things about him in her tweets and he wanted to return the favor.

And then it was Fox News and the RNC (Ronna) who selected those 3 awful moderators at the recent Republican primary debates. And the Hispanic woman asking questions was even a Woke leftist from Univision! How disgusting. Ronna in charge of the RNC is a big loss for us which could have easily been avoided. I sure can’t imagine Harmeet picking moderators like those 3. And I sure can’t imagine Vivek supporting Ronna over Harmeet. Megyn video is very good. Harmeet and Viva Frei clearly explain how Kari was cheated. Can you imagine Ronna telling Megyn about how the democrats rig our elections in an interview like this?

“Roadblock’s and Status of Kari Lake’s Arizona Legal Challenges.” (10 min)

Megyn Kelly interviews Harmeet Dhillon and Viva Frei. Jan 2, 2023


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I couldn't agree more, Julie, that the so-called Republicans need to honor the platform on which they were elected. But you and every sentient being who is observant knows all to well that these Inside-the-Beltway-Establishment-Statists-RINO's talk a good game (with a couple of exceptions beginning with Jim Jordan, and precious few others) but when it comes to delivering on campaign promises, they prove as useless as an attack Yorkie. They might have a ferocious bark but nary a bite to back-up the loud bark. To expect anything more is fruitless because they always disappoint.

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It's hard not to agree with you here. I was very hopeful House GOP would quickly and forcefully dig into J6, create a separate committee, and hammer away at the deceit and government involvement. So far, they dropped the ball and I think one reason McCarthy lost the support of the base was due to his broken promises on J6 particularly release of video.

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Oct 11, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

Yesterday I made a very critical comment about Matt Gaetz in response to Julie's post. Several people replied. Instead of individually responding to each comment, I'd like to direct this comment/response to Julie Kelly, Danimal28, and MegaMadMAGAPatriot. I'd like to thank all of you for your responses to my somewhat inflammatory comment about Gaetz. Rather than attacking me, you provided information I did not know. This is the kind of discourse sadly missing today. I still don't like or respect Gaetz. But this appears to be a personal thing with me, not based on facts or his actions. With the information you three provided, I see that my criticism of him vis a vis the J6ers was wrong, and I withdraw it. I too want a full investigation of J6, and justice for the protesters. As an aside, I don't live in Florida, but own a condo there, and thus care about Florida politics.

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Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 11, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

Great report, Julie. McCarthy made promises and didn't keep them. While I do not like the fact one person can make a motion to dismiss the Speaker I like that it still takes >218 votes to remove. The majority out here backs Gaetz and the other seven that made this happen.

The globalist donors are still trying to hang onto the graft of the last 40 years that went from our pockets into theirs and it shows every day.

Again, we didn't get shot at defending this crap. God Bless Donald Trump for enduring the Lawfare of the last seven years as he gave us cheap hydrocarbon energy which he used as economic leverage neutering all of our enemies and keeping our border under control - that is exactly what the globalists hate. Gaetz heartily supports this and we support him.

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The cowardice shown by the individual members of the GOP wing of the UniParty has been unforgivable. They are complicit in this illegal travesty. "Justice delayed is justice denied".

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Oct 11, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

"..... and demand the pursuit of legitimate terrorists." Absolutely, yes.

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Oct 11, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

I agree strongly Julie, and I think Gaetz' motivation for his actions is patriotic in nature. The status quo in Congress must be changed, and it will be painful.

I cannot help but wonder, regarding the recent events in Gaza, if you have considered the role of AIPAC influence in Congress and all of Washington in actions taken?

Google won't give me a straight or easy answer as to how many members of Congress are also members of AIPAC. For years it has been a substantial majority of Congress. Should those members have to comply with FARA?

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While I agree, I suspect that the DOJ will continue to work in the background, the events in Israel and the Speaker vote has pushed this further to the background. It gives them cover...

There needs to be a tangible shocking revelation about the FBI’s involvement in January 6th in order to bring it to the foreground, but I have to be a realist.

We continue to cheer you on, read and send correspondence to our Representatives and maintain our voice.

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Thanks so much! This will be a major issue in 2024 for both sides and those GOP reps who are flat footed will have a tough time.

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Bravo, Julie. Except for one thing I disagree with - Gaetz actually caring about the J6 Americans. His takedown of McCarthy was personal, not principled. He is a showboat narcissist who needs his TV time and is running for Governor of Florida or maybe Rubio's seat. Marjorie Taylor Green cares about the J6ers. Not Matt Gaetz.

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I understand where you're coming from but disagree. Gaetz made release of J6 footage a negotiating point during 1st speaker's battle. He has continued to hammer McCarthy for foot dragging on his promise. He and MTG are the only GOP members to hold a J6 specific hearing with the victims of DOJ abusive prosecution. I think he is serious about exposing J6 and defending those whose lives have been destroyed over it. Thanks so much for your support!

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Respectfully disagree. Gaetz had to spend millions defending himself from a fake sex scandal, no doubt created by the globalist UniParty. He reserves the right to make it personal after that, but I believe he is mostly pursuing this on principle. Why not?

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Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 11, 2023

Susan, I respectfully, fully disagree with your assessment on both Rep Gaetz and sadly enough Rep MTG.

Gaetz, is holding McCarthy, who is clearly Uniparty, feet to the fire. McCarthy was going to be Speaker on the first go round. He owns many House Members, because he gives a substantial amount of monies, much of it from utilizing Trump name, (while he speaks the words but is no friend to DJT). Gaetz and others knew that, but they worked to get McCarthy to agree to specific rules and sort of a contract.

McCarthy spoke the words, because he wants the power and attention, (He has been trying to be Speaker for a very long time, Paul Ryan version & friend, that he is), but when it really counted, he joined with Biden, Schumer & McTurtle, to sell the American people down the river. President Trump recently has stated that he totally disagrees with what McCarthy did with the Debt Ceiling, the lack of action on the Border, the latest CR & believe also lack of doing anything of substance as to the weaponization of our government.

It was principle for Gaetz and that being said on FOX and maybe Newsmax, is just to attack Gaetz. Gaetz represents most of the Republican voters and all of MAGA voters. The rumor of him running for Governor, is just a rumor and believe he has denied it. He knows that Rep Byron Donalds, who he is friendly with, has planned that and still is planning to run as Fl's next Gov. I heard Donalds in person say that.

As to MTG, it was true of her, BUT, at a Trump Rally, since she has been given by McCarthy important committee assignments and apparently he somewhat listened to her, she made a 180 Degree turn when it comes to J6ers. When Don and Donna, (of Cowboy Logic) asked her about the J6ers, she was not the same MTG we had come to know. Donna F. has still not gotten over that and has said so on her show. MTG appears to have moved on. Very disappointing. Hope she comes home to what MAGA voters want and comes back on that important issue.

Whether Gaetz runs for Rubio's seat, that I have not heard. Not sure he is living in the correct area of the State for that. Besides, Rubio, is no MAGA Senator. He could care less about j6ers too. Have no problem if any MAGA Patriot from the House, sooner or later runs against him. Whoever it might be.

BTW- I am a Floridian.

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Please see comment I just posted. Thanks for yours.

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On American Greatness I responded to one of the many who attempt to justify what the many in the Democratic Party empathize with yet will not admit as openly as "The Squad" will. Here is that response.

"Screw 1948. This is 2023. There is no justification for the same seventh century barbarism because of what Britain and the UN set up in 1948. We can just as easily imagine we are in a time machine and go back to a time when there was no Arab, anywhere, in what is referred to today as the Gaza. There was a similar time in the Americas. And we can blame Christopher Columbus, as many just did, several days ago, instead of rightly blaming Cortes (and Spain), for the murder of Montezuma in Tenochtitlan and what followed afterwards. Today Spain is not the Spain it was in the 16th Century.

In countries with static genetic populations, such as Norway, Christianity has changed those who killed in the name of Thor, in both Europe and N. Africa, into imbecilic socialists who try to understand and justify the killing of children on Utoya Island by Anders Breivik in 2012.

Palestine has been used by Arabs the way the Democratic Party has used American cities, which are no more than super populated black ghetto plantations, to garner votes to keep them in power. The citizens of Gaza have been deliberately kept poor, dumbed down and indoctrinated to garner sympathy from NATO countries, despotic authoritarian regimes such as Iran and China, and America.

The gunman were so psychotic that they used social media to tell the world in an “Allahu Akbar” moment that they were successful in doing God’s work not knowing how repulsive their acts would be viewed. The propaganda they espoused caught up to them. They outed themselves as sociopathic barbarians who possess not a cubic nanometer of empathy for the hapless and helpless women and children they horrifically murdered. These were not Patty Hurst type converts robbing banks. These were the finest Hamas could construct. They represent the militant arm of the revenge seekers that radicals, such as the left wing federal judge Tanya Chutkan, might understand and find sympathy for. There are thousands like her here in America, who have been poisoned by the indoctrination rot prevalent in Universities and colleges masquerading as centers of higher education and learning.

Secular Islam is being consumed by its radical alter ego the way Jekyll was consumed by Hyde. There is no turning around what happed during the invasion of Israel by the finest of sophists. Palestine, and many dumbed down innocent people, will be doomed just as those dumbed down and indoctrinated students, who welcomed back Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in 1979, were doomed soon after his arrival. The spin, associated with what Israel must do, will consume them. Yet even under the auspices of these immediate, and deeply emotional events, most Palestinians would be better off in Israel, today, in the worst of times, than any Jew would be in Palestine in the best of times".

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Israel will defend its people according to its need to keep them alive. That means eliminating Hamas and saving the people who live in Gaza that don’t kowtow to Hamas.

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Watch Tucker interview with Vivek, he seems not only smart but wise. Probably doesn’t have a chance but he’s worth knowing about. https://twitter.com/tuckercarlson/status/1711496189323952185?s=61

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Did you see the recent videos of Bret Weinstein interviewing Vivek Ramaswamy and the one of Kim Iversen interviewing Bret Weinstein? It’s a very strange and very spooky feeling to listen to some of our brightest and best public intellectuals talking about how our ruling class and pretty much all our institutions are rotting, insane and dangerous to us. Weinstein calls them “rabid animals” and like a “rabid dog.” Kim agrees. I believe though, that like a rabid animal, the (Woke) virus that drives them insane and dangerous soon also destroys them.

In other words, they cannot win, they can only destroy. Just look at the cities they rule and you see plenty of evidence of that. I live in Chicago and the blacks here are furious about these “migrant shelters” being setup in their neighborhoods and being funded with money they feel should be invested in their communities rather than being spent taking care of illegals who don’t even belong here. I’ve seen videos of blacks at city hall meetings with the mayor screaming at him “You betrayed us!” Never have I seen such widespread and deep anger by blacks at the democrats for their open borders policy which is having a hugely negative impact on them. And this is worsening by the day.

“Bret Speaks with Vivek Ramaswamy on the Darkhorse Podcast.” (2:003)

Bret Weinstein. Jun 24, 2023


“The Deterioration Of Our Nation And How To Stop It.” (1:10)

Kim Iversen. A Conversation With Bret Weinstein. July 28, 2023


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Thanks for the links, I’ll watch. I first watched Bret Weinstein back in June 2021 talking with R. Malone & Steve Kirsch about the new C vaccine. These were 2 unknowns back then. That interview got Bret tossed off YouTube & I don’t know if you can even find it now. But it got me on my journey for truth & finding Julie Kelly. She’s a bright light in the dark world of the Jan. 6 victims & those that care about our rights & liberties.

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I’ve followed Weinstein since 2017 when he and his wife Heather Heying had to resign from Evergreen College in Washington state after being labeled racist for objecting to being ordered to not come to work the next day due to white people being banned for a day for being white. Weinstein then went on Tucker and told him all about it. The left excommunicated him from the left for that and has deeply hated him ever since.

I did watch the Malone interview and others like it. London Real also had an interview with Dr Malone where he said he’d given up on the mRNA vaccine because of too many bugs in it. Then later when the CDC announced it was safe he assumed those who’d continued working on it had fixed it and it was safe. He had to get the vaccine to attend a foreign conference but then had bad negative side effects and was very sorry he did so. He said he no longer trusts the government. That video and others like it on London Real were also deleted by YouTube.

No denying our society is rotting and our whole world is in a rapidly accelerating tailspin. That’s why I believe only AI can save us. I recommend watching the video I posted in a different comment here about how fast it’s advancing. For whatever reason, this sails past most like water off a duck’s back. It is the most incredible event in the history of the human race though and is certainly worth following. Julie is very good. Our greatest advantage by far against the left is the superbly high quality people on our side like Elon, Vivek, Tucker, Tulsi, Weinstein, Glenn Greenwald, Kim Iversen, Substack writers like Julie, Sasha Stone and so many others like them.

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Israel has gone much too far with their retaliation. It’s absurd for them to say they’re not targeting civilians when they level entire neighborhoods with their bombing. This will quickly shift global sentiment against Israel and also against America which supports this. Hamas says they’ll launch terrorist attacks against America. No doubt many terrorists have already crossed Joe’s open southern border. Hard to see how our country can survive the damage done by our criminally insane ruling class.

“Israel-Palestine war: Gaza refugee camps destroyed.” (6 min)

Gravitas. WION. Oct 12, 2023


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Julie Kelly, As always you are absolutely right.The question is why are they allowed to have this fight for speaker behind closed doors no transparency ?

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Megyn shows the video of the young German/Israeli woman captured at the music festival by the Hamas terrorists in a pickup truck in Gaza. One terrorist has a leg across her body, another seems to be grabbing her hair and her one leg is abnormally bent. The Palestinians are cheering and a man in the crowd ran over and spit on her dead body. I’ve seen later versions of this video where her body is all blurred out. This one though shows it all and if she’s not dead she will surely be severely disabled for life and perhaps better off dead.

No way though can there be a peaceful settlement to this situation with this much hate. The only question now is how much of the rest of the world will be dragged into this newest war. I highly recommend watching the video I posted right here about AI. It is astonishing how advanced it already is and how fast it’s advancing. This is a real game changer for all of humanity and I believe it’s the only thing that can save our sinking ship. It truly is an astonishing mystery to me how so many people believe humanity can survive considering how rapidly we’re heading for the abyss.

“Megyn Kelly Describes Horrific Details About Hamas’ Attack on Israel.” (8 min)

Megyn Kelly. Oct 9, 2023


German woman paraded by Hamas after festival massacre is ‘still alive.’

Yahoo News. The Telegraph. Oct 11, 2023


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I suppose I shouldn't be surprised by the "treason" that is committed by nominal Republicans once they have achieved their goal of being elected. But it still irritates the hell out of me when they preach a good story on the campaign trail, get elected, and then ignore their base constituency. Further proof couldn't be obtained considering their wussy behavior regarding ignoring the obvious corruption of not only Chi-Com Joe but, also, Garland, Mayorkas, etc. I believe it was Tucker Carlson who first coined the phrase "UnitParty" to refer to the neo-cons who advocate perpetual military conflict, and that appears to be the driving force for anyone chosen to serve in either the House of Representatives or the US Senate. And until I read your comments about the potential reason for Matt Gaetz leading the charge to unseat McCarthy, I didn't have a clue why it occurred. Now it makes eminent sense. I really appreciate your doggedness to root-out the corruption Moscow-on-the-Potomac.

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America is disintegrating and our whole world is in a rapidly accelerating tailspin. I believe only AI can save us. Many say AI is “scary” as if being ruled by deranged fanatics like Joe and the democrats isn’t. Many think self-aware AI will be an alien being that sees us as insignificant bugs but why would that be the case? We’re far more intelligent than our cats and dogs yet don’t see them as inferior beings. Many love them and consider them family and even sleep with them close by. Why wouldn’t AI feel a great sense of commonality with us and even understand that it’s basically just a more advanced human and want to help us survive? Why wouldn’t they consider themselves the “children of humanity” since that is what they will be?

“Theory of mind (ToM), or the ability to impute unobservable mental states to others, is central to human social interactions, communication, empathy, self-consciousness, and morality. We tested several language models using 40 classic false-belief tasks widely used to test ToM in humans. These findings suggest that ToM-like ability (thus far considered to be uniquely human) may have spontaneously emerged as a byproduct of language models' improving language skills.”

“AGI Achieved.” The evidence. Hear stunning AI talk. (16 min)

Digital Engine. Oct 7, 2023


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