Milley should be tried for insurrection. They all should be tried for conspiracy to commit insurrection. He prevented the National Guard from being called in because he was a stupid woke pussy. Insubordination and insurrection. Something should be done about this so that this kind of nonsense doesn't happen again. Trump never gave him an order to take over the government. He's just a woke ass-kissing idiot with a chest full of fake medals. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs is a traitor in the bargain. Going behind Trump's back to CHINA. What the hell. COurt martial. That should not go unanswered.

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A chest full of medals and zero minutes in actual combat. Typical.

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100% agree!

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He should be court martialed for being AWOL, when he didn't advise the WH about his absence for surgery !

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That wasn’t milley.

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I think we can most agree that the only way you stop this kind of treason you have to charge them with treason and carry out the maximum penalty for the charge. That with stop this crap for a while.

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Mrs. Torres is so disrespectful as to not allow anyone to answer her questions without BUTTING IN BEFORE THEY SPEAK FEW WIRDS, She should be removed from her usele4ss position and not allowed to have ANY POSITION OF AUTHORITY IN THE U. S. GOVERNMENT OR ANY LOCAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY IN THE U.S. SHE IS A HUGE PART OF THE PROBLEM OF LACK OF RESPECT FOR U.S. LAW AND FOR U.S. CITIZENS.

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The U.S. Army needs “Warrior Generals” and lots of them. Milley along with 99% of his buddies 3 star and above are all “Political Generals” which is why we no longer win wars. It’s a total disgrace.

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Yes. Bill Clinton started running them off. Full Col.s up to Generals started leaving in droves. This continued big time under Obama. He even fired some who stood up to him. Now we have a bunch of AA and DEI Generals. Lord help us.

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That is so true. We have no warriors left in higher leadership, armchair generals only.

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Clinton decommissioned SAC bases in US into Economic Development sanctuaries for DOD’s Defense Contractors ie:LockheedMartin. Obama-Bush-Clintons-Biden have made a lot of money off War and the re-development of whole nations while weakening US Military with woke polices and forced jab mandates!! One thing for certain Trump exposed a lot of corruption/corruptors/traitors within the gov’t who will now face prosecution & prison when he’s re-elected for “8” more years…

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Yes the biggest thing Trump did for us was to expose how corrupt our govt. is. We can now look back and see that it has been that way for a long time. Eisenhower and Kennedy may have been the last decent presidents we have had. I'm old enough to remember them.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6Liked by Julie Kelly

As usual with Democrats (obviously Milley is one) Miley engaged in the very behavior that he believed and privately stated Trump would. This article further convinces me that January 6 was a deep state set-up, and Trump and his followers marched into a buzz saw.

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A total set-up and it worked.

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For now. These traitors are being exposed and they myst face STIFF CONSEQUENCES or it will happen again

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I listened to a video of a Capitol Police lieutenant last night. He was in the midst of it trying to communicate with management about what they needed. The response was slow. He quit afterwards and is free to tell the story of the unresponsive staff being responsible for Babbit and Sicknick’s deaths.

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It’s becoming abundantly clear that from all levels of our government, these people are inept, narcissistic and off the rails fucking crazy. How we haven’t blown ourselves to kingdom come by now, I haven’t a clue.

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General Milley, comes from a white privileged background, educated at The Belmont Hill School (boys only) in toney white suburban Belmont Massachusetts, at Princeton University where he was a varsity hockey player. He was commissioned through Army ROTC and held a “Regular” officers commission which is tendered by the US Congress, vs. a “Reserve” officers commission tendered at the pleasure of the President. Regardless we all swear the same oath, not to a man or a woman but to the Constitution of the United States.

Mark Milley is an exemplary example of what the US Military has become, incompetent, arrogant, poor managers as they no longer can be called leaders, and wastrels of American flesh, blood and treasure. In his capacity as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he really only had one main function which was to advise the President of the United States on military matters. It is slightly more detailed than that, but not by much. He was lousy at his job. When he came to the conclusion that he hated his boss, it was HIS DUTY to resign and retire. It is so he was in clear violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice when he participated in the political event at St. John’s Church on 1 June 2020. He claims he didn’t have time to assess the situation and was dragged kicking and screaming across the street from the White House. More likely he realized it was politically in expedient to his longer term goal of surviving to retirement and a fat pension and board seat at a defense contractors Board of Directors. Regardless he shamed himself and set a pathetic example to all active and reserve military members. While he was not directly in command of the Afghanistan withdrawal, he had a DUTY to advise a different course of actions. He claims he did so, but any officer worth his salt after being rejected by the White House and knowing what was coming would have resigned and retired. See a pattern? He was the worst of the worst, overweight, flannel mouthed and basically a pretty stupid guy, given too much responsibility that he couldn’t handle.

What America better start understanding is our military is a disaster and if we get into it with a peer foe, the “Shock and Awe” campaign will land on us, and while it is likely the nation will survive, it will do so in such diminished capacity that it no longer will have much if any sway in the affairs of the world.

So yes, of course this fat blowhard was politically involved in an attempted soft Coup, and of course he will have free passage until there is a seminal change in the politics of this nation. It remains to be seen if lady justice is indeed blind.

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Totally agree with eveything you stated. Retired Navy CPO.

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Chief Myers, it is far worse than you can even imagine. If the current asshats have their way we will not have a US Marine Corps in five years. These cowards civilian and military hate us. No doubt you may have followed the latest saga of USS Wasp and Boxer. It’s not going to end well. The American people will be in shocked horror when they awaken one morning to the news that a CVN and several ships of the line have been sunk with most hands on board, that the Marine Expeditionary unit attached has been blown out of the water and 4,000 Marines are dead. They will ask their congress “people” WTF? And then the blame game will start and it won’t change the outcome. By the way thank you for stepping up and serving! We few we happy few!

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And our current regime is trying to provoke a war with Russia. Our "leaders" are going to get a lot of young men and women killed.

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Definitely the poster boy for the Peter Principle!

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100% on all points. Send them all to the gallows. Big boy first.

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Miley in addition to his traitorous acts noted here, also colluded with his CCP counterparts in China.

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Miley is the ultimate example of a perfumed prince.

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never heard that phrase, but it's a good one

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Colenel Hackworth used the phrase in one oh is books.

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that's a lot of perfume for an obese clerk with medals who's never seen combat

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Thanks for this detailed description of the illegal activities of Gen. Milley. I have contended for the previous six years that he should've gone through a court-martial simply because he violated the chain of command when he contacted his counterpart with the Chi-Coms to inform his counterpart that he, Milley, would notify the Chi-Coms when he, Milley, thought that his superior, meaning President Trump, was about to launch a nuclear strike. Milley, and numerous other flag officers should be rounded-up and forced to endure their respective courts-martial for publicly and vociferously opposing his superior. Therefore, although it aggravates me to learn about Milley's complicity in the direct opposition to President Trump in the days prior to J6 and the day of the chaos, this doesn't surprise me considering the "resistance" which was waged by the Deep State the moment that President Trump was inaugurated, and which resistance continued throughout President Trump's term in office, and continues to this day as we've witnessed with the bogus indictments/trials of former (and future, I'm hopeful) President Trump. Stomach turning and despicable behavior by Milley and his cohorts.

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1. Milley is a traitor in the truest sense of the word. Period.

2. They didn't want ANY military there, especially the National Guard, because their paranoia made them suspect the military would side with Trump and voters (hence the ideological removal from the military and the replacement with weak sheep)

3. I cannot believe misdemeanors are getting jail time while he and Liz the Liar are free to cause chaos.

With Milley, that's why we shouldn't have people in high places who've never fought. They are there because they are lickers of well, I'll say boots.

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Kudos again to Julie Kelly. In researching my new book, "Ashli: The Untold Story of the Women of January 6," I had to repeatedly face the question of whether a given action was the result of conspiracy or incompetence. If conspiracy, a subsequent question was whether there was a single playbook or a set of entities with shared goals operating independently. To generalize, I would say J6 represented a conspiracy of independent entities, often working at cross purposes, with the shared goal of destroying Trump. Curiously, the one act that wasn't part of anyone's plan was the shooting death of Ashli Babbitt. The one "murder" that was perfectly executed, however, was that of Brian Sicknick. To pass off a stroke death on January 7 as a murder by fire extinguisher on January 6 took some moxie. Suppressing the autopsy report for 100 days sealed the narrative. I'd love to know who had Sicknick "murdered."

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If I were Brian Sicknick's family, I'd be pissed to know how he was used as a prop to further the Democrats (and a few gutless republicans) lies to include the truth of how he actually died. And the Capitol funeral was over the top.

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Something tells me Jack doesn't buy Mr. Shipley (the Shipwreckedcrew's) view that Julie is an inferior reporter!

I'm with Jack!

Julie's the best

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Miley appears to be a paranoid individual. The Nazi references were so far off the mark that his commission should be reviewed carefully.

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This is the clown show that is sworn to protect the country. No wonder the Afghanistan withdrawal has no accountability or responsibility. After 20 yrs and countless 1000's of dead and injured, Milley couldn't even manage giving the country back to the Taliban.

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If DJT wins in November, one of his first official duties should be to have Millie court martialed, stripped of all benefits and then sent to Ft Leavenworth for a long stay in 4x6 cell until he rots in hell! I would even be up for trying him for treason and then hung from the gallows, but they would have to super-duper support the gallows to hold that fat pig while he swings in the wind!

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Milley is a total embarrassment from his professed desire to understand “white rage,” his idiotic concerns about Trump, his foolish belief that he was saving the Republic to his traitorous decisions regarding J6.

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Thank you !!

General Milley was never concerned about FBI-CIA-DNC very active and brazen election interference though….

He is a part of an ongoing coup cabal — all well paid and promoted — nobody in jail.

But always “defending freedom and democracy” in the US and elsewhere on Earth.

Corrupt to their eyeballs and destroying little what is left of democracy and Constitution.

PS: See recent interview of El Salvador president by Tucker….

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I haven't listened to that Tucker interview yet.

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President is of Christian Palestinian origin, grandparents and father from Jerusalem and Betlehem — survivors of Nakba massacres and ethnic cleansing.

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I'm hoping to have time to listen to it this weekend. Some of Tucker's interviews are pretty invaluable.

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Sounds like there was a coup afoot under Milley.

How did these brain trusts like General Mark Milley, and Army Secretary McCarthy, rise so high up the ranks? Milley should be stripped of his pension. Just because he didn't like Trump so what? We've all worked for people we didn't like. You still did your job. Milley the less-on (someone who isn't smart enough to be a moron, was more interested in white rage than anything. There is no white rage. It's as made up as the sick fanciful thoughts Milley's brain employed.

Secretary McCarthy seems to me to be the reason the RIOT (not insurrection) wasn't stopped. Will he ever be held accountable?

When Trump comes back, every department in the government needs to cleansed. Military, FBI, CIA, you name it. Additionally, every department within the government need a forensics audit. We need to cut out waste, fraud and abuse. We need a balanced budget amendment and we need to stop paying every former member of congress for life. And every member of the house, past and present, the same for the senate, the supreme court, and every one working within any agency within the government needs to be audited, (and we can do it with the 87,000 new IRS agents). Nancy can explain how she got so much money. (Insider trading?)

I hate to say our government is so corrupt on so many levels that it's literally unbelievable. Does everyone have their hand in the cookie jar for whatever type cookie they want?

Sodom and Gomorrah had a better reputation.

If any of us tried to pull a Millie, a McCarthy, a Pelosi, a Bragg, a Merchaun, and so on, we would be sharing a cell with the J6ers.

Tell me again, in the alleged insurrection on Jan 6, how many people did the insurrectionists kill?

Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick? No.

99% of the protesters did nothing and the bullshit charges being used against the 1512 (c) (2). The few that vandalized the Capitol should have been arrested and charge appropriately. Ashli Babbit would still be alive, and no doubt behind bars. But NO ONE was killed on Jan 6, bar Ashli.

To many innocent people are behind bars (J6ers) and too many guilty, like McCarthy are not. His inaction prolong the RIOT.

And just where was he? Hiding out with V.P. Shrimp and Grits, Kamala Harris.

Click on this link and scroll down to the 9 cent stamp from 1977.


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Trump stopped all the wars and the government takers went broke. Now a D president has started them up again and now the DC jerks are happy and fat with payoffs.

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