From promoting the lie about Brian Sicknick's death to swooning over the J6 Select Committee while ignoring new findings about the events of Jan 6, the WSJ is soiling its once-solid reputation.
I’d find the WSJ ‘article’ more repulsive except we have now entered the “bad is good” phase of the J6 story. Every time a formerly respected publication engages in this sort of propaganda they become even less relevant. There is also a possibility that those harmed by the propaganda will sue the WSJ and other bird cage liners into non- existence. For those who choose to continue to lie, there will be inescapable and devastating consequences.
I really hope there are consequences for the media as well, especially those accused of trying to "kill" Brian Sicknick. It's one thing to mischaracterize and even lie about Jan 6--it's another to ignore the new revelations disclosed by Congress and other entities that undermine the narrative.
Thank you for your courageous work on coverage of J6/ers. You have earned the place of honor in MAGA and Posse hearts.
I was waxing eloquent on the hypocrisy and despicable behavior of the WSJ, with some, but I thought ‘not too much’ embellishment. There may be a total character limit in replying to your work, but I find it curious that my limit came when it did.
My expressions of disdain for MSM/WSJ were met with shutdown. I’m sorry to say that this was an act of censorship. Or there’s a hack perp at work.
If it were possible to DM, I believe I have a matter of possible interest to share: clue — having to do w a historic character of the DC/MPD. Not pleading or angling, just a possible matter of interest to you.
Agree 100%! The only way we stop the media from lying is to force retractions and have them pay damages. The Daily Mail is still calling me a “rioter” and claims I am “begging” for a pardon. I’ve never even been accused of rioting, damaging property or anything violent. I asked them to correct the mischaracterizations but they refused:
I remember Noonan’s schoolgirl crush on Governor Cuomo over his daily COVID updates ( propaganda). She’s lost any discernment for uncovering truth - if she ever had any.
Great summary of Loudermilk's good work and appropriate conclusion by the inimitable Julie Kelly that the Wall Street Journal is an establishment rag. Only difference I have is that it has always been so but more cleverly than the reign of the Murdocks.
The WSJ coverage also tracks Fox News' coverage of Jan 6 with a few exceptions. Fox did finally cover FBI informants at Jan 6, which they avoided for years and only covered by Tucker before he was let go. Murdoch family, yes, responsible for brainwashing their audience on Jan 6
All of this falls on Nancy Pelosi. Not forgetting the FBI's involvement, SHE is responsible because SHE chose NOT to have the National Guard. She was derelict in her duty.
I don't care about the talking head, blowhard, usual suspects, like Karl Rove.
Jan 6 was one lie after another. Brian Sicknick's family should be outraged that their son was used as a prop to facilitate a bigger lie. And to this day, I still argue with stupid people who insist that Trump is an insurrectionist-14th amendment.
NANCY should be behind bars for letting this happen. And no one really believes that this was not a coordinated event.
I agree, Wayne. Congress and/or Trump DOJ must obtain her communications. Precedent set in DC courts related to seizing phones, records of Congressmen (Perry) and denying Speech and Debate clause. Time for the American people to see just how much Pelosi orchestrated all this.
So true.... you know honestly I don't know precisely whether it was Pelosi, the Mayor, Schumer...or all 3 of them. My gut tells me as you noted that it was PELOSI who should bear the most blame.
All I know is none of the hysteria (and violence) of Jan 6th happens if Pelosi and those in charge at Capitol Hill had secured the Capitol. Trump warned them, recommended the guard and offered the guard. It was Pelosi et al who needed to secure the Capitol.
And like the losers/liars they are, instead of accepting responsibility all they do is blame Trump. Pathetic liars/losers.
I don't think this was part of a premeditated "plan". It appears Pelosi didn't want the optics of police and national guard around the capital because of the summer of love mostly peaceful riots. The democrats had indeed turned that off and were going to illustrate that. I think she was stupid, and giddy with Trumps loss and paid no attention to all the warnings. She even was recorded saying this was all her fault. AFTER the fact is when the conspiracy became real. It was encouraged and permitted by the Republican establishment (leadership) who thought they could be rid of that "troublesome Trump". Yes, they are that bad.
I definitely think it was premediated. One of her top aides, Jamie Fleet, told J6 committee the office started planning for Jan 6 in summer 2020. When committee investigators sounded surprised, Fleet said it was because Trump was already talking about voter fraud. Hmmmm
There is so much wrong w Jan 6th regarding how it has been distorted, of the biggest no brainer shams for me continues to be the officer who executed Ashley Babbitt.
I have no military or police training but I have common sense. And I have seen videos of the moment where Ashley started to climb thru window and was shot from inches/feet away.
I saw in video the other officers who looked to be 20/30 feet away from window w guns trained on window and Ashley - a distance where they could have called out orders, warnings. Officers who likely possessed common sense and poise.
But the ONE OFFICER hiding behind door inches/feet away from window (and Ashley) was all it took. He wasn't holding a baton he was holding his gun aimed. He wasn't at a reasonable distance away so he could should orders, warnings and attempt to de-escalate. He was at execute distance. So sad. It was such a failure by that officer. And media continues to feed and perpetuate the farce.
Further, the coverup of Michael Byrd's disciplinary record and how taxpayers spent millions so Democrats could buy him off and keep him under wraps merits a separate investigation. I also think Trump's DOJ should reopen the investigation into her shooting and file civil rights charges against Byrd if not homicide charges.
A thorough accounting of that event has only been rarely presented. It needs to be fully presented so the people can know what actually happened and why. Police officers make mistakes. In the heat of the moment, they can make a mistake. This mistake ended the life of Ashley Babbitt. Instead of a mistake we are told the guy was a hero. He was far from that.
The news division has clearly seeped into the editorial board. As for Galston and Noonan their worse than useless. If Julie hadn't mentioned them above I would have no idea what they had to say about J6, or anything else for that matter. Let's see what happens when Cassidy is indicted for perjury and Cheney for subjorning perjury. They will have to cover that story.
And it appears the WSJ is already pushing back on "retributive" justice by Trump administration. Of course WSJ can say that since they are intentionally or blissfully ignorant to Cheney and Hutchinson's criminality.
Once I started digging into their coverage--I've zinged them before on Twitter for random articles--even I was shocked at their level of dishonesty and deception related to Jan 6.
And one factoid that hasn't been mentioned, is that the WSJ could've confirmed, that the Hunter Biden laptop investigative reporting by Miranda Devine and team (since they share the same building would've been a snap), but parroted the rest of the MSM and declared it Russian disinformation. Their acknowledgement would've changed the 2020 election.
Apparently WSJ also published a coverup piece for Fauci related to the lab leak. I haven't had time to read but the paper is really on a roll running cover for the most corrupt elements of government.
I will say, it's been a blessing in disguise that the 2020 election went awry. Trump would've still had the wrong people in place to really try to fix things domestically. Unfortunately, the Joebama administration has been so destructive, I don't know how some of these situations can be fixed. Will have to keep our fingers crossed and keep praying for your safety.
I have been reading the WSJ since the Reagan days. It is becoming insufferable. Their consistently saying voters were highly disillusioned with their 2024 POTUS choices ignores that many, many millions would have crawled over broken glass to vote for Trump.
In the last 3 months prior to the election, they ran 1-3 semi or actual anti-Trump op-eds daily. The most common commentator the opinion pages have is anti-MAGA Karl Rove. As the tide goes out and we see who is wearing a bathing suit and who is friend the WSJ turns out to be far too much just a uni-party, establishment, pro-war rag. Old favorites like Peggy Noonan have TDS 5 and couldn't find an insight anymore if it hit her in the face.
Oh well, the world turns. I changed into being a Reagan Republican from a liberal Democrat. In 2017 I began to realize that CIA Director William Colby quote that "we will know our when mis-information program is complete when everything the American public believes is false"...was actual policy and not a throw away line.
And with clearer post Spygate/Russia-Collusion/Biden laptop/impeachments/Covid/lawfare truths that the corporate media lying is non-stop.....I said hello MAGA and am so grateful that the nation was of all people.....the truly courageous Donald J Trump.
"The most ironic outcome is the most likely". Elon Musk
They also published articles denouncing "election deniers" leading up to the 2024 election. Absurd! That language is directly lifted from people like Adam Schiff and Jamie Raskin. So questioning dubious voting methods is "denial?"
Correct. Like who in the hell cares about what Karl Rove has to say? He insisted Trump would lose. Rove hasn't made a solid political prediction in years but he must be sucking up to the Murdoch's on a daily basis.
I’m so done with his white board lectures. It wasn’t that long ago he was still peddling Nikki Haley’s chances of getting the nomination. Since 11/5/24 they’ve been rendered irrelevant whether they know it or not.
January 6th. The hit song that cuts through government propaganda to reveal the real story of injustice, where the punishment never fit the crime.
As a WSJ reader for more than 25 years it has become apparent the writers and readers have shifted left. I blame a lot of this on their $1 a week subscription (brings the trolls) and many of the newer hires that think they are being neutral but they surely are not. The older subcribers like myself have made it clear when comments are available their disgust with the "new" found ideology. There seems to be at least one Musk bashing article a month and now hot on the heels of Trump and his cabinet picks. Sadly I will most likely cancel my subscription when it comes up for renewal. I am all for change but in this case I wanted it to stay the same. :(
I'm with you. Have had a subscription since Bush days. Articles were usually pretty accurate and the subscriber commentary was a place for civil exchange of ideas and perspectives. Then came Murdoch and the paper now is no better than WP and NYT. subscribers use the comments section to spread their leftist idealogy and is anything but civil.
Today I peek in to see who the junior league is bashing today. Time to go. Substack is becoming my go to for truth and objectivity.
Karl Rove and Paul Gigot may be the worse of the bunch of never Trumpers because they hide behind a curtain of being moderate and somewhat conservative. Rove needs to have his credibility checked and the talking heads need to be quit sucking up to him.
They obviously need new blood but Rove and Noonan appeal to the Boomer viewers and readers so nothing will change. Hopefully their readership sinks into the toilet.
I’d find the WSJ ‘article’ more repulsive except we have now entered the “bad is good” phase of the J6 story. Every time a formerly respected publication engages in this sort of propaganda they become even less relevant. There is also a possibility that those harmed by the propaganda will sue the WSJ and other bird cage liners into non- existence. For those who choose to continue to lie, there will be inescapable and devastating consequences.
I really hope there are consequences for the media as well, especially those accused of trying to "kill" Brian Sicknick. It's one thing to mischaracterize and even lie about Jan 6--it's another to ignore the new revelations disclosed by Congress and other entities that undermine the narrative.
Thank you for your courageous work on coverage of J6/ers. You have earned the place of honor in MAGA and Posse hearts.
I was waxing eloquent on the hypocrisy and despicable behavior of the WSJ, with some, but I thought ‘not too much’ embellishment. There may be a total character limit in replying to your work, but I find it curious that my limit came when it did.
My expressions of disdain for MSM/WSJ were met with shutdown. I’m sorry to say that this was an act of censorship. Or there’s a hack perp at work.
If it were possible to DM, I believe I have a matter of possible interest to share: clue — having to do w a historic character of the DC/MPD. Not pleading or angling, just a possible matter of interest to you.
Thanks, w All best wishes for the New Year
Agree 100%! The only way we stop the media from lying is to force retractions and have them pay damages. The Daily Mail is still calling me a “rioter” and claims I am “begging” for a pardon. I’ve never even been accused of rioting, damaging property or anything violent. I asked them to correct the mischaracterizations but they refused:
I remember Noonan’s schoolgirl crush on Governor Cuomo over his daily COVID updates ( propaganda). She’s lost any discernment for uncovering truth - if she ever had any.
She needs to go. Way past time.
Like Rove, I believe Noonan is another RINO Bush type. Have no use for them. They're just never Trumpers.
Nah, she's way ahead of Rove when it comes to lunacy, she had Bush Derangement Syndrome too. She'd say anything to gain attention.
Not likely.
Great summary of Loudermilk's good work and appropriate conclusion by the inimitable Julie Kelly that the Wall Street Journal is an establishment rag. Only difference I have is that it has always been so but more cleverly than the reign of the Murdocks.
The WSJ coverage also tracks Fox News' coverage of Jan 6 with a few exceptions. Fox did finally cover FBI informants at Jan 6, which they avoided for years and only covered by Tucker before he was let go. Murdoch family, yes, responsible for brainwashing their audience on Jan 6
All of this falls on Nancy Pelosi. Not forgetting the FBI's involvement, SHE is responsible because SHE chose NOT to have the National Guard. She was derelict in her duty.
I don't care about the talking head, blowhard, usual suspects, like Karl Rove.
Jan 6 was one lie after another. Brian Sicknick's family should be outraged that their son was used as a prop to facilitate a bigger lie. And to this day, I still argue with stupid people who insist that Trump is an insurrectionist-14th amendment.
NANCY should be behind bars for letting this happen. And no one really believes that this was not a coordinated event.
I agree, Wayne. Congress and/or Trump DOJ must obtain her communications. Precedent set in DC courts related to seizing phones, records of Congressmen (Perry) and denying Speech and Debate clause. Time for the American people to see just how much Pelosi orchestrated all this.
So true.... you know honestly I don't know precisely whether it was Pelosi, the Mayor, Schumer...or all 3 of them. My gut tells me as you noted that it was PELOSI who should bear the most blame.
All I know is none of the hysteria (and violence) of Jan 6th happens if Pelosi and those in charge at Capitol Hill had secured the Capitol. Trump warned them, recommended the guard and offered the guard. It was Pelosi et al who needed to secure the Capitol.
And like the losers/liars they are, instead of accepting responsibility all they do is blame Trump. Pathetic liars/losers.
I don't think this was part of a premeditated "plan". It appears Pelosi didn't want the optics of police and national guard around the capital because of the summer of love mostly peaceful riots. The democrats had indeed turned that off and were going to illustrate that. I think she was stupid, and giddy with Trumps loss and paid no attention to all the warnings. She even was recorded saying this was all her fault. AFTER the fact is when the conspiracy became real. It was encouraged and permitted by the Republican establishment (leadership) who thought they could be rid of that "troublesome Trump". Yes, they are that bad.
I definitely think it was premediated. One of her top aides, Jamie Fleet, told J6 committee the office started planning for Jan 6 in summer 2020. When committee investigators sounded surprised, Fleet said it was because Trump was already talking about voter fraud. Hmmmm
There is so much wrong w Jan 6th regarding how it has been distorted, of the biggest no brainer shams for me continues to be the officer who executed Ashley Babbitt.
I have no military or police training but I have common sense. And I have seen videos of the moment where Ashley started to climb thru window and was shot from inches/feet away.
I saw in video the other officers who looked to be 20/30 feet away from window w guns trained on window and Ashley - a distance where they could have called out orders, warnings. Officers who likely possessed common sense and poise.
But the ONE OFFICER hiding behind door inches/feet away from window (and Ashley) was all it took. He wasn't holding a baton he was holding his gun aimed. He wasn't at a reasonable distance away so he could should orders, warnings and attempt to de-escalate. He was at execute distance. So sad. It was such a failure by that officer. And media continues to feed and perpetuate the farce.
Ashley RIP 🙏
Further, the coverup of Michael Byrd's disciplinary record and how taxpayers spent millions so Democrats could buy him off and keep him under wraps merits a separate investigation. I also think Trump's DOJ should reopen the investigation into her shooting and file civil rights charges against Byrd if not homicide charges.
A thorough accounting of that event has only been rarely presented. It needs to be fully presented so the people can know what actually happened and why. Police officers make mistakes. In the heat of the moment, they can make a mistake. This mistake ended the life of Ashley Babbitt. Instead of a mistake we are told the guy was a hero. He was far from that.
The news division has clearly seeped into the editorial board. As for Galston and Noonan their worse than useless. If Julie hadn't mentioned them above I would have no idea what they had to say about J6, or anything else for that matter. Let's see what happens when Cassidy is indicted for perjury and Cheney for subjorning perjury. They will have to cover that story.
And it appears the WSJ is already pushing back on "retributive" justice by Trump administration. Of course WSJ can say that since they are intentionally or blissfully ignorant to Cheney and Hutchinson's criminality.
Wall Street Journal has been soiled for a while! No better than CNN or MSNBC
Once I started digging into their coverage--I've zinged them before on Twitter for random articles--even I was shocked at their level of dishonesty and deception related to Jan 6.
I have never cared for Murdoch. I quit reading WSJ after he bought it.
great article. I love how the left using inflamatory words to describe. like insurection, invasion, bid to overturn election
Right. How do Americans "invade" a building they own, lol!
Controlling the language-Orwell 1984.
And one factoid that hasn't been mentioned, is that the WSJ could've confirmed, that the Hunter Biden laptop investigative reporting by Miranda Devine and team (since they share the same building would've been a snap), but parroted the rest of the MSM and declared it Russian disinformation. Their acknowledgement would've changed the 2020 election.
Which is precisely why they didn't do it.
Apparently WSJ also published a coverup piece for Fauci related to the lab leak. I haven't had time to read but the paper is really on a roll running cover for the most corrupt elements of government.
I will say, it's been a blessing in disguise that the 2020 election went awry. Trump would've still had the wrong people in place to really try to fix things domestically. Unfortunately, the Joebama administration has been so destructive, I don't know how some of these situations can be fixed. Will have to keep our fingers crossed and keep praying for your safety.
I have been reading the WSJ since the Reagan days. It is becoming insufferable. Their consistently saying voters were highly disillusioned with their 2024 POTUS choices ignores that many, many millions would have crawled over broken glass to vote for Trump.
In the last 3 months prior to the election, they ran 1-3 semi or actual anti-Trump op-eds daily. The most common commentator the opinion pages have is anti-MAGA Karl Rove. As the tide goes out and we see who is wearing a bathing suit and who is friend the WSJ turns out to be far too much just a uni-party, establishment, pro-war rag. Old favorites like Peggy Noonan have TDS 5 and couldn't find an insight anymore if it hit her in the face.
Oh well, the world turns. I changed into being a Reagan Republican from a liberal Democrat. In 2017 I began to realize that CIA Director William Colby quote that "we will know our when mis-information program is complete when everything the American public believes is false"...was actual policy and not a throw away line.
And with clearer post Spygate/Russia-Collusion/Biden laptop/impeachments/Covid/lawfare truths that the corporate media lying is non-stop.....I said hello MAGA and am so grateful that the nation was of all people.....the truly courageous Donald J Trump.
"The most ironic outcome is the most likely". Elon Musk
They also published articles denouncing "election deniers" leading up to the 2024 election. Absurd! That language is directly lifted from people like Adam Schiff and Jamie Raskin. So questioning dubious voting methods is "denial?"
WSJ seems to be infested with hopelessly unrepentant NeverTrumpers.
Correct. Like who in the hell cares about what Karl Rove has to say? He insisted Trump would lose. Rove hasn't made a solid political prediction in years but he must be sucking up to the Murdoch's on a daily basis.
I’m so done with his white board lectures. It wasn’t that long ago he was still peddling Nikki Haley’s chances of getting the nomination. Since 11/5/24 they’ve been rendered irrelevant whether they know it or not.
As are senior members of the Republican caucus.
So sick of these false information hacks. May GOD keep directing actual journalists like you to find and publish the truth.
I will watch in amazement next year how Fox and WSJ report all the bombshell revelations about the J6 committee, Biden's DOJ, Jan 6, and Jack Smith.
January 6th. The hit song that cuts through government propaganda to reveal the real story of injustice, where the punishment never fit the crime.
As a WSJ reader for more than 25 years it has become apparent the writers and readers have shifted left. I blame a lot of this on their $1 a week subscription (brings the trolls) and many of the newer hires that think they are being neutral but they surely are not. The older subcribers like myself have made it clear when comments are available their disgust with the "new" found ideology. There seems to be at least one Musk bashing article a month and now hot on the heels of Trump and his cabinet picks. Sadly I will most likely cancel my subscription when it comes up for renewal. I am all for change but in this case I wanted it to stay the same. :(
Cancellation is the only way to send a message. Let them try to appeal to the Left and establishment RINOs--they are old news.
I'm with you. Have had a subscription since Bush days. Articles were usually pretty accurate and the subscriber commentary was a place for civil exchange of ideas and perspectives. Then came Murdoch and the paper now is no better than WP and NYT. subscribers use the comments section to spread their leftist idealogy and is anything but civil.
Today I peek in to see who the junior league is bashing today. Time to go. Substack is becoming my go to for truth and objectivity.
Karl Rove and Paul Gigot may be the worse of the bunch of never Trumpers because they hide behind a curtain of being moderate and somewhat conservative. Rove needs to have his credibility checked and the talking heads need to be quit sucking up to him.
They obviously need new blood but Rove and Noonan appeal to the Boomer viewers and readers so nothing will change. Hopefully their readership sinks into the toilet.