This is an outstanding summary of a rogue agency’s failed leadership.

Great work, Julie, as always.

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Thank you, David. I elaborated a bit more on X just now about how odd it is that Wray did not mention the J6 investigation during his remarks yesterday. After all, it has been the FBI's focus for more than 4 years.

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Agree, whole heartedly! Great job, Julie. Stay on this miscarriage of justice PLEASE! We depend on you.

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Have you ever seen a more punchable face?

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It's a big target, that's for sure lol. I always think of Mr. Potatohead when I see him

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I’m upset I only get to punch the “like” button once!

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there is SO much wrong with this 'human' being....not mentioned was the thousands and thousands of 'accidental' instances of Americans being spied on after Wray telling us he would take care of the problem during the Trump years....

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I think he likes Melanie's panties and wanted a pair for himself.

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Reminds me; someone, I think Viva Frei, once referred to Wray's penis nose. Ever since, it can't be unseen!

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never heard that, thanks for mentioning...

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Thank you for all of these horrible reminders about the FBI overreach. It is very disturbing. Especially since the Left does not recognize any of the instances that you have enumerated.

I can't wait for the day when the real truth about J6 is accepted by the public at large. I know that they will feel no shame. It is a discouraging thing to watch and listen to their pomposity!

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Some good news, Norma, is that an FBI media lapdog said yesterday that resumes are "flying out the door" of the bureau. The mere election of Donald Trump is a cleansing factor we may never again see in US politics. What a time.

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Well said. My thoughts exactly.

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Let's hope the Justice that Wray pretends to support accually comes for him. Not revenge but Justice for the former Director.

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Perhaps a predawn armed FBI raid looking for classified government papers or a search warrant looking for evidence of conspiracy to deny rights? Or maybe tampering with/destroying evidence? Many options to choose from!

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How many documents do you think are being destroyed? I find it hard to believe that, after Hillary's bleachbit and the J6 "committee" destruction of evidence, they aren't destroying the most damning of records.

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Truck loads will disappear. Bet on it.

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Oy, you sent me to the dictionary for "oleaginous" and perfecto! It not only describes Wray, it is all the deep state sewer dwellers. It's now part of my lexicon.

Moreover, you nail the inept lying sloth for all his ingenuous ineptitude in short order.

Loved your appearance on Bannon's Warroom, wish he didn't treat you like a potted plant so much, but if nothing else your glee at the events of late was obvious and heartwarming. You deserve a BIG VICTORY LAP!!!

(p.s., Oleaginous - "rich in, covered with, or producing oil; oily or greasy")

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Haha thanks, Pete. I usually avoid the big words but that was so appropriate, I had to break my own rules.

Bannon is so good to me--he was definitely fired up yesterday! I will be on this evening as well.

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Bannon is good to/for US, didn't mean to suggest otherwise; you just deserve more meaningful airtime, IMO. Glad you light his fire, but he should learn to hold it until AFTER you have said your piece. Moving on...

Yeah, you nailed it again tonight! Love you both, keep up the good work.

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Scathingly beautiful post.

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Thank you, Lynette. I could have gone on and on but didn't want to overburden my readers.

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I'm sick of his smirk and we don't need that many people trying to terrorize the country. I hope Musk and Ramaswamy do what Musk did to Twitter when he took it over.

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Susan, my jaw dropped yesterday when I read 36,000 FBI employees.

Not justified on any level--DOGE should easily be able to cut that figure in half if not by more. Much of the FBI's existing powers can be transferred to state and local law enforcement.

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Julie you do a great job. Jack Cashill and I are good friends. Please take a couple of minutes to read one of my posts and direct me to someone with a podcast who would care. I've done a bunch but with small audiences.


I believe Obama can still be charged for a fraudulent election and his assets forfeited, along with everyone who helped him.

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I’m am fed up with this man being asked a simple question repeatedly throughout these 4 years, and constantly changing the question to something he can’t divulge. Perhaps his resignation means the IG report is being released soon. It is an essential missing piece of the future of the charged people’s lives. Pardoned or not, their reputations in the public eye will release them from guilt- or not. Leaving his public position without revealing the truth publicly is a travesty.

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Michelle, I think the DOJ IG J6 report is the biggest reason why he resigned yesterday. I'm hearing it will be released this afternoon. Will have updates!

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But the pardon actually works against them. If they are called to testify in any other matter, they cannot take the 5th Amendment. They must answer truthfully.

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How does exoneration or clemency work in that regard. Exoneration removes the guilty verdict, methinks.

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Great work as usual, Julie. Fantastic summary - it is a shame that an organization once so admired is now both feared and viewed as corrupt, biased and incompetent. Send everyone at HQ to regional offices and empty the DC J Edgar Hoover building.

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Thank you, Tucker. Yes, as Bannon said yesterday--tear FBI HQ down brick by brick and salt the Earth.

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Julie - Had not heard that - but understand his point. But even better would be to replace it with a shrine in a peaceful park like setting to open and transparent government inscribed with Washington’s words ( I know the attribution is in question but the sentiment is perfect) - Government is like fire, a dangerous servant and a fearsome master

Unfortunately - the FBI , the other clandestine agencies and maybe even the majority of politicians and civil servants are happy to become our masters

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Hopefully, Christopher Wray will face "book em Danno" soon

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Ha, yes, let's hope Stephen. Unless these thugs get a taste of their own medicine, history will repeat itself.

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Great job on War Room tonight.

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Thanks, Brian! Will be on tonight with (perhaps) some breaking news!

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Great takedown Julie and good riddance to slayed Wray. Can’t wait for IG Horowitz’s report and your reporting on that.

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Might be later today, Elizabeth. I already have interviews lined up this afternoon and if report is indeed released today, I will have a subscriber video up tonight!

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7 years of that scoundrel?!? I'm gonna miss him about as much as I would miss a trip to the dentist for a root canal.

The SOB is probably mostly going to miss his private governmental jet. Whull, too bad Charley. I would love to be the one slamming the door on your slithering butt as you try to slide under the door.

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His (our) private jet should have been grounded years ago. Why are we paying for his quick trips from DC to vacation home? Wray is worth about $40 million--but lives high off our dime. Not for long.

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How did he accumulate such massive wealth? Sure he was a private attorney but $40M??? This wreaks to high heaven.

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Seems like a pretty accurate summary to me. We sure will miss his little "well that's an open investigation ..." deflections/dodges that characterized his appearances before congresses.

Not sure I've ever seen a better personification of a "suit". 🤔

We watched him for his entire tenure and I just can't think of any instance where he ever stood out as anything more than a bureaucrat.

I feel like Secretary Majorkas was the clear winner of the worst of the worst. But Wray certainly not far behind. He fit in well w Blinken and Sullivan.

Good bye 👋 Christopher Wray.

Hopefully we do seem again though in a context where he actually has to answer questions completely, honestly, under oath and not able to hide behind his title and departmental regulations/customs.

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I hope so. We also need to name and shame the white shoe law firms who hire Garland. Wray, Monaco, Graves, etc. They need to be cancelled from polite society just as they have done to us.

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How long before Wray shows up on CNN…..and then there’s the coming mega millions book deal.

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Chrissy “Bouffant” Wray is a criminal and a pathological liar.

Run rat-criminal but, you cannot flee your criminal past.

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Bouffant, lol. I might steal that!

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King and Spalding here I come,

All the way from Washington,

The jig is up and my time has passed,

‘Cause President Trump done fired my ass!

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Well done, Gregory! And I am sure he'll land a big contract with his old firm. But we will name and shame.

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I'm surprised that Wray didn't used the standard line, "I'm leaving because I want to spend more time with my family."

He's only leaving so he can get his pension like Cheatle.

Is it any wonder our country is in so much debt having to pay all of these losers for life (and every member of congress, going back for years, as well).

The Trump administration should use those 87,000 new IRS agents to audit EVERY member of congress, the Supreme court, and everyone working for the federal government.

That's just my opinion not related.

Deanne Criswell head of FEMA, (we don't help Trump supporters), and Ronald Rowe, Jr from the secret service all need to go . . . and no pensions. When you don't do your job you don't deserve a pension. And if you resign, goodbye, good luck and God bless, but . . . as the Soup Nazi would say, "No pension for you!"

Our Government pays too many pensions. Before you know it we'll be borrowing money from the Ukraine to pay our pensions.

I also see where Biden gave out pardons and commutations-yet I don't see any for the J6ers. Probably and oversight.

Everyone in this country is now dumber for having listened to Biden/Harris for the last four years. Billy Madison?

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Pension, yes, but Wayne he is a very wealthy man on his own. Which is why he could take all these risks because he doesn't have to care about a future.

Well, until now. Criminal defense attorneys are expensive!

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