Nov 18, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

From Julie Kelly’s mouth to God’s and Mike Johnson’s ears.

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Ha! I hoipe so! Let's spread the word...

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One is listening - and knows.

I hope the other will.

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Nov 18, 2023·edited Nov 18, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

I have been of the opinion that another "J6" special committee of the House should not be reconstituted, given how feckless, partisan, and malevolent the first one was, and there are other fish to fry of greater importance. But after reading this great post from Julie, I've changed my mind. It is essential to shine a spotlight on every aspect of J6 injustice and tyranny so that which Democrats rewarded with their awful committee cannot be repeated, ever again. It will be interesting to see the roaches scurry.

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Thank you, Kelly. And I really just sketch out some broad lines...so much more to investigate including the role of Mitch McConnell. Let's keep pushing this!

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The reconsideration of your earlier opinion is commendable Kelly. It is a testament to your sense of justice to care about what truly evolved on that day. There are so many unanswered questions. The deceptive presentation and final report by the former J6 committee was a bias offering of unproven events, omitted evidence and a contradictory timeline. I feel better knowing there are people like you who do care about the truth and whether some of our fellow citizens are being illegally imprisoned. Thanks for sharing.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

Once again…God bless the lonely "Cassandra-like" mission that Julie Kelly has endured.

The GOP has been MIA.

The Judiciary has been worse than MIA.

The Dems, and their lapdog FNM, has been in full-propaganda mode.

J6 victim-patriots have been shamefully abused and punished…without a shred of DUE PROCESS.

God forgive us for our passive acceptance of this FEDSURRECTION national injury.

God save the J6 families.

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Thank you so much. It will be hard for GOP to see the reaction to these tapes and continue to insist it's not a top issue with the base. We need a committee, damn the political consequences!

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

It is not an issue with the base of the establishment branch of the GOP (a tiny minority indeed - see the never Trump vote). The one firmly in control of the Senate and whose grip barely loosened in the house. It is their complacency that allowed all the hearings to occur. They perhaps didn't have the power to officially stop it, and refused to use what power they had to ridicule it daily. Mainly because they approved of what they thought would be the end result (harming MAGA and Trump).

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Nov 18, 2023·edited Nov 18, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

Democrats are not about good government- making people's lives better. They are about gathering power by manipulating people. One way to manipulate is to create anger and outrage. They tell black people whites want to suppress their vote through voter ID. Black people don't have ID? They tell women conservatives want to control their bodies. I don't know a single conservative that wants to control women's bodies.

Republicans aren't the good guys in this. They put their tails between their legs and don't make the least effort to fight back. I'll be voting Republican in 2024, as I always do. But w/ very few exceptions, for any Republican incumbent that has a primary opponent, I'm voting against the incumbent.

The Jan 6 committee was completely stage-managed. The Democrats hired a TV producer to help them stage-manage it. After the 1st day or so, the public mostly stopped paying any more attention.

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

I pray for a Republican in the White House who will pardon every single one of these folks. God all mighty, I don’t even recognize my country anymore.

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Does America even still exist as a country? Open borders, dumbed down schools that poison children with Woke race and gender ideology, the demonization of “Whiteness!” by our elite class, and the war on meritocracy due to it having a “disparate impact” on blacks which is then condemned as racist by the democrats, are just a few of the many ways the democrats have ripped our social fabric to shreds.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

Bless you Julie for your dogged determination in seeking out the truth, reporting it when others won’t & and your courage in not backing down. The R’s in congress should be ashamed for not standing up for the rights of the J6 patriots suffering in the DC gulag. They are cowards & don’t deserve their position. How do they look themselves in the mirror & sleep at night?

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Thank you, Dena. I have minimal faith GOP will actually pull the trigger....but J6 is and will remain a top issue in 2024. GOP candidates can either understand this or suffer accordingly.

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

We all appreciate your efforts and history will look kindly on them. Keep going!

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

You are dead right. The only Republican member of Congress whom I have heard call for investigating the January 6 Committee is Senator Mike Lee. We need to help the rest of them see the light.

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and MGT. She did a lot to visit the prisoners in the Gulag with Rep Gohmert.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

“Time for Truth and Accountability J6 Committee.”

And also for the George Floyd hoax. Megyn says “I’m really begging the audience to watch this.” I watched “The Fall of Minneapolis” on Rumble today and it is impressively damning about how the democrats and their media used the Floyd death to demonize white people in general and white cops in particular. A really well done documentary with irrefutable evidence of this profoundly destructive hoax orchestrated by the democrats and their media. I watched it for free and then donated $100 to the producers. Ruined police work in cities like Chicago which is being destroyed by rampant crime with too few cops to deal with it. Hard to see how we can ever recover from things like this and all the other things they’re doing to ruin the country.

“Why Megyn Kelly Says This New George Floyd Doc Will Completely Change How You Think About The Case.” (8 min)

Megyn Kelly. Nov 15, 2023


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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

The Supreme Court has just refused to reconsider Derek Chauvin's 20 year+ conviction. Well. You can't rely on them to reestablish justice then. Fat chance of that.

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I am not familiar with his appeal. But sometimes the questions asked are narrow in scope and are not subject to overturning. It doesn't mean he is guilty of the crime he was convicted of, it just means that the reason for appeal was insufficient. The Supreme court is not going to have a full on trial of Chauvin.

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Excellent article from 2 years ago by Bret Weinstein about the Derek Chauvin verdict in the death of George Floyd.

“Derek Chauvin may have caused George Floyd’s death, but the established medical facts alone would seem to preclude certainty. According to the coroner’s report, Floyd suffered from “cardiopulmonary arrest”; he had “severe arteriosclerotic heart disease” and “hypertensive heart disease”, and had recently recovered from Covid-19, a destructive cardiovascular condition (even in asymptomatic patients).”

“He had fentanyl and methamphetamine in his system, a potentially lethal combination. He was obviously agitated; he physically struggled with police with enough determination to prevent them from putting him in the back of a vehicle. During a prior and very similar arrest he was hospitalised, leading to concerns about the possibility that his agitation would cause him to have a spontaneous heart attack. He complained of an inability to breathe before he was ever put on the ground. So why did the jury convict on all counts? And how did they arrive at their decision so quickly? The probable answer is disturbing, and has deep implications for justice in America.”

“And so the conviction of Derek Chauvin sets a disturbing precedent. Today, when people are angry enough to demand something — when they are willing to march and burn and disrupt and intimidate — their understanding of events becomes gospel, and a trial is just one more tool at their disposal. The right to a fair trial is suddenly turned into a mere privilege — something that is only guaranteed so long as the mob isn’t against you.”

“The day American justice died.”

UnHerd. By Bret Weinstein. May 24, 2021


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Thanks for posting about "The Fall of Minneapolis"! I was not aware of it. Here is where you can watch it for free:


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Nov 19, 2023·edited Nov 19, 2023

Thanks. I did watch it on Sasha Stone’s Substack site. Very well done and quite damning. Such blatant fraud by the democrats and their media. A truly horrible situation and just imagine what people globally and men like Putin and Xi think when they see this since they can watch it online just as easily as we do. They’ll probably show it to other foreign leaders as proof of how deeply corrupt and untrustworthy America’s leaders are.

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"proof of how deeply corrupt and untrustworthy America’s leaders are"

🎯 I sometimes think that the American people are the only ones who don't realize just how corrupt our leaders (government and other institutions) are and how long it has been that way...

Looking forward to watching "The Fall of Minneapolis"!

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The Big Guy cut off last years budget was $780B. This funds a whole lot of nefarious actions. They are not giving up the gravy train without a fight.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

I hope justice prevails, but I am not optimistic about that. As the record shows, the judiciary is more corrupt than the other 2 branches. However many 'good guys' there are in government are vastly outnumbered by the bad guys. So it goes at the end of the American Experiment in self governance.

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These judges must be hauled before Congress and the American people to face a reckoning for what they've done. A few must be removed....think if our side spent half the energy the Left does in trying to oust Clarence Thomas in say, attempting to oust Beryl Howell, Tim Kelly, or Amit Mehta?

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They cannot win. They are far too stupid and incompetent to win. They can only destroy which they have certainly done. I cannot imagine this society recovering from the damage they’ve done which they are quite determined to continue doing.

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If I may add, great lady... We saw video of buses offloading antifa black-clad operatives 2.5 years ago; let's see them again... I fear we will not, GOPe.

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I've heard this from multiple J6ers.

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Praying for them(and you) every day.

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Nov 19, 2023·edited Nov 19, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

I have no doubt that you will keep up your good work. I would add to your list William Barr, who resigned as AG 14 days before January 6, and Jeffrey Rosen, the Acting AG on January 6. Besides President Trump, they were the ultimate bosses of the FBI. The House should interview them after Christopher Wray and everyone else.

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Yes, James, absolutely! Bill Barr has a lot to answer for--not just J6 but Hunter Biden matter and his threats related to use of force for 2020 riots and Trump's plan to fire Chris Wray.

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Right about from the 3:20 min point to the 5 min point in this video is where Barr is asked about Epstein by Jesse Watters. Totally absurd for him to claim that someone with that kind of information about people from our oligarchy like Bill Gates that it was just a lot of unfortunate “coincidences” that led to the “suicide.” He says the FBI investigated it and assured him it was suicide. Ha ha. Very funny. Does he really expect people to believe this? He probably doesn’t care. What I’ve noticed about our ruling class is that they simply don’t care that people know they’re lying.

“Bill Barr reacts to Hunter Biden news, cartel violence.” (6:36 min)

Fox News. Jesse Watters interviews William Barr. Mar 17, 2022


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I became suspicious of Mr. Barr when I watched an interview of him by a CBS reporter when he flew up to Alaska, shortly after he became AG again. At one point he refers to the President, not as "President Trump" or "the President", but as "Trump." I thought that was quite disrespectful and made me wonder if he was really on the team. He may have shut down the Mueller coverup, but his subsequent actions caused me to believe that he was always a traitor from the Swamp in the Trump Administration.

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Very depressing how full of rot our society is. If a society with all the advantages of America can so easily collapse into insanity and self-destruct then what country can survive? Seems to me the disastrous failure of the American experiment is a pretty clear indication that the human experiment is also destined for failure. I believe humanity is at a fork in the road where AGI can help us avoid self-destruction, cure disease and end poverty if we follow that path. The other path is the one we’re already on leading to WW3 and global civilizational collapse. We will soon see what fate has in store for us.

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I aspire to be a realistic optimist, so I look for any resistance to the rot you describe. I see a lot of resistance here, courtesy of patriot Julie Kelly.

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Hope springs eternal as does wishful thinking. Did you watch “The Fall of Minneapolis”? Apparently not or you’d understand how far gone this place is. I live in Chicago which is being destroyed by city-wide black wilding, crime and carjacking. What do the democrats think of the disintegration of our major cities? They think Trump and his white, working class supporters are a “clear and present danger” to America who must be stopped. Believe it or not, our ruling class, their media and their many useful idiot supporters in the general public are quite insane.

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If George Washington, his officers, and his soldiers did not have "wishful thinking", there would be no United States of America.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

To be blunt, there is no current evidence that "BIG BROTHER" does not EXIST or that the GESTAPO may show up at your door TODAY! And by Big Brother I mean that one that is a massive character from George Orwell's 1984!

And this came into existence exactly when Joseph Robinette Biden advanced to be the President of the United States of America...the specific country that he and his administration are currently in process of trying to destroy!

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Julie Kelly, All the dedication and years of your writing and let's not forget the emotional rollercoaster you have been on through all of this.Along with TV reporting. Finally J6 security tapes released. And to think it only took 3 years.

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Thank you,, Sharon. A small victory but immensely gratifying not just for me but for the J6ers and their loved ones who have been waiting for more sunlight on this matter. More to come!

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

Oh I'm sure. You gave Congress step by step instructions call it there marching orders They have no more hiding places. I wonder how long it will take to put in motion. Thank You again Julie

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

Great work Julie!

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Thank you, David!

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

Yes...and what about calling Matthew Graves, his Marxist wife and Steve Duantonio?

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I did name Graves but I definitely think D'Antuono must be called as well even though he already testified behind closed doors to House Judiciary.

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

Yes, D'Antuono is as evil as Graves...maybe call the Michigan rank & file FBI agents that orchestrated/carried the Whitmer Fed-napping. And the swinger FBI dude.

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

Julie you are doing very important work and doing it well. You have my thanks.

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

Splendid job Julie! This is an outstandingly comprehensive and useful article which should be handed to the New J6 Investigatory Committee as a launching pad. We can't thank you enough for the honesty and integrity that has gone into the reporting. 💕

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Thanks so much!

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