Matthew Graves, appointed by Joe Biden in 2021 to lead the most powerful U.S. Attorney's office in the nation, steps down but not before leaving behind a legacy of human wreckage.
Two things need to happen. One - all legal cases against citizens accused of crime against the government must be tried outside of DC as there is no way to get a fair trial. Two - sinister people like Matthew Graves need to have criminal charges filed against them and we need some of them to serve time. Without both of these things, the abuse of government official power for politics will never stop, and the people will have no way to protest it.
Frank, I will go a step further and suggest the shuttering of the DC US Attorney's office. Together with the Washington FBI field office and DC federal courts, our country has been subjected to one partisan-based prosecution after another while corrupt Democrats go free. If I were Pam Bondi, that is one of the first things I would do.
That is the only fair thing to do. The American people have lost all faith in any justice coming out of Washington. I hope President Trump is able to disband all of Washington DC so that all is left is Congress and the White House and beautiful city that the American people are WELCOMED to visit!
I work and pray for your continued committement to publishing the truth. I AM REGITIGER. Prefer to introduce myself formally. Now you are requested to disfold my id please and thank you. Will can work together on so many projects. I have sources and analytics that are falsifiable; the process of proving the weight of facts. Think of me as as a student participant of the network that provided WikiLeaks. We are many. God obedient patriots represented the edge of the sword that defends the society of Americans, the people, against alll enemies... foreign and inside the wire.
Yes, you are correct, a higher level of justice is needed. Graves reeks of evil. The demonic in a suit. One can only hope that there are severe consequences for his immoral actions within the next year. We can hope the Trump administration does not grow weak in the pursuit of justice. As you have chronicled, Graves is one of the leaders in the effort to destroy our liberty and our Republic.
He must be held criminally liable for what he's done to innocent Americans and the damage he's done to the country and the DOJ. What's funny is how unimpressive he is in person--as are most bullies.
Julie, I too want to see justice for the J6’s but wonder what criminal charges could be brought against Graves, et al, if they argue they were performing their job as they were directed? Also would/could charges be brought against sitting judges that facilitated the prosecutions (persecutions) in their courts? Can it be proven they knowingly misapplied the law and twisted justice to meet the goals? And lastly where the heck are the superior courts in controlling the lower courts?
As an outsider looking into your Country’s machinations surrounding a corrupt DOJ, I find this to be an excellent summary of the failings of Attorney General Garland; certainly through his prosecutor [the grim reaper] Graves, and the deleterious impact Garland (aided fully by his FBI Director Wray) has intentionally imposed on so many families unnecessarily across your great Country. Will this ever be redressed? Certainly and surely it will never be forgotten and always remembered as initiated and instigated by and being the actual folly of Pelosi, Schumer and their gang of leftist leaning radicals. So sad for your great United States of America.
Yes, it will be remembered just like the atrocity at Waco. And like Waco the perps will use the system to run out the clock until Trump is gone. Then Washington will revert back to business as usual.
And Americans will once again be terrorized by a government that hates them, but not their money.
A violent mob of several thousand individuals stormed the Capitol. Sounds like the beginning of a novel. All of these 'prosecutor types defending the fabric of our society, are in reality- a bunch of self righteous pricks.
If 18 USC 1512(c)(2),needs to be applied to anyone, it should be Benny Thomsen for destroying evidence B (ii)alter, destroy, mutilate, or conceal an object with intent to impair the integrity or availability of the object for use in an official proceeding;
And I'm not lawyer but maybe this part would apply to Loser Liz (b)Whoever knowingly uses intimidation, threatens, or corruptly persuades another person, or attempts to do so, or engages in misleading conduct toward another person, with intent to—
I'm tired of all of these delusional people. Next you'll have Biden thinking he could have defeated Trump.
Wayne, the good news is the DOJ and DC courts have created a whole new subset of political charges that can now be used against the perpetrators of lawfare. Not just obstruction but "conspiracy against rights" and other vague conspiracy statutes. Even seditious conspiracy. Payback is indeed a bitch!
Thanks for letting us know! This is such great news. I hope this man, along with the J6 communist committee, is plagued with both a DOJ hunt and lawsuits galore. Or can I hope for imprisonment??? Nah, don’t want to get too excited!
Thanks, Julie, for this brief update regarding that execrable M. Graves. Apparently, he paid attention in law school to the tactics of J. Stalin's henchman, L. Beria, and Graces must've adopted Beria's maxim, while using the NKVD (forerunner to the KGB) to terrorize Russian citizens, when he said (to paraphrase) "give me the man and I'll find the crime." Because that is what we have witnessed since the summer of 2021 as the US Stasi-Style-Secret-Police has intimidated, arrested, charged and persecuted loyal, patriotic Americans who were certain that the 2020 Presidential election was stolen and who went to Washington, DC, to petition the US government for redress of matters. The DC gulag into which these patriots were thrown would rival anything Stalin created, except for the frigid, Siberian weather. And those Soviet-Show-Trials, conducted inside Moscow-on-the-Potomac and presided over by Marxists-wearing-black-robes, were an absolute embarrassment and a stain on the reputation of the United States of America. In the best of all possible worlds, Graves will be indicted by a Wichita Falls grand jury in the Northern District of Texas, and forced to contend with the lawfare, with its attendant expense, that he forced those patriots to endure. One can only hope...
The axis of evil--DC US Attorney's office, Washington FBI office, and DC federal courts must be shut down. After a full investigation into everyone including judges for defrauding the United States.
Julie, once again you hit the nail right on the head! The damage Obama (and let’s be honest, Obama has been making all the calls for the last 4 years), Biden, Garland, Graves, Wray, Myorkis et al have done to our country over the last four years has impacted the trust in our government beyond repair! Not only with “We the People,” but also our adversaries and others around the globe! We were the gold standard when it came to law & order and a citizens rights! That’s all down the toilet now!
I’m 67, and in all my years, I have never heard so many people openly say to me how much they hate the government and they now have zero faith in them to do what is decent, good and right! This is how I know Obama has been the devil behind the curtain for the last four years! Plus, Joe Biden was a third rate senator from a second rate state, he didn’t have enough sense to come in from the rain, let alone run this country!
We are headed for some dire times, this is not the country I adored and grew up in! Something sinister has happened, and I pray to God we can turn it around before it’s too late! Unfortunately, I don’t think it will happen in my lifetime…
Please keep up the outstanding reporting! It’s honest reporters like you that will eventually help us heal!’
Let’s all hope that the Rino’s don’t go stupid on us again and try to subvert this long overdue payback! That could end the Republican Party as we know it!
And you are welcome… after the Great One, Rush Limbaugh passed, I was searching for voices to fill that large void he left… fortunately, I found you!
Have a very Happy New Year… I think 2025 will be EPIC!
Resignation on January 16?! I guess he needs more time to destroy the records of his malicious prosecutions. Just check out his wife’s website…”gender justice”.
Tells you all you need to know about his allegiances and associations.
These people, along with BHO, are “constitutional scholars”… experts in the malignant destruction of it.
He’d fit in very well as an officer of the 3rd Reich. J6 was the Left’s Reichtag Fire, I.e. the false flag that freed their cabal to prosecute the destruction of all civil rights in our country.
By the way, where is the ACLU as this shit went down?! Rhetorical question. RICO was created for this epoch.
The entire J6 prosecution was a big part of the coverup of Jan 6. Force the media and public to watch this shiny object while the real truth gets scant coverage.
Those of awareness and discernment know the truth of it. The immediate film and testimonies of correspondents who had covered the Hong Kong protests and other conflicts immediately recognized the J6 protest escalation as a false flag incitement to riot. The initial film also revealed too much to counter the Committees efforts to sweep up the evidence of government involvement. Just as there was just far too much prima faci and circumstantial evidence to deny the rigging of the 2020 election, the entire J6 epoch was obvious to anyone but the hardened partisan Democrat.
Same with the plandemic.
Eventually a lie cannot stand the daylight.
When the perps run away from providing evidence to support their position and can only gaslight those that can verify the truth, the truth with come out.
The Left is just too wedded to “relative truth”. Only they are invested in their own lies… it’s everywhere. And it’s all coming out. They will drown in their deceit.
His "fabric of democracy" line is beyond laughable considering all the political protesters Graves let off the hook. Everything is projection with these Marxists.
Extremely unimpressive in person. Very insecure, has to have staffers around him in case anyone approaches him or asks a question, which I did in court last year. A weakling who acts like a bully.
Yep. Either Steve Friend or Seraphin admitted to you and Liz about how over half the FBI field personnel are terrified of ordinary Americans. Crazy cidiots that are completely sheltered. Embarrassing, actually.
As a lifetime public servant(soldier and firefight(volunteer)), I love being around my countrymen :-D
He doesn't look like Ted Bundy, but to me he embodies that murderers mindset! I relish the day when I learn of his visit to the underground slime ridden gutters he deserves! And THAT is the best I care to say of that rodent!
Yes in a perfect world that would happen but I could hear the theme song playing in the background Catch Us If You Can with their middle finger up heading for the exit just like I predicted
Will Graves continue the dirt bag tradition of Chris Wray, Sally Yates, Rod Rosenstein and Gina Haspel of joining the Russia, Russia, Russia firm of King & Spalding?
I was so happy to see this today. But his wife was a frequent visitor to the White House surrounding all these fraudulent cases against President Trump.
Greed, arrogance, conceit, just plain stupid and smooth brained thinking was the microwave lunch offered to our country for the last 4 years. We truly require a nation of human beings who need to love this country, in order to right this tottering ship on the edge of an abyss. However, it was our fate to suffer the O'Biden regime, to get it understood, by more of our brothers and sisters, the danger of the obliteration of our country.
Currently, and for at least, the next couple of weeks we suffer a full load of dunce believing idiot clowns that chase shiney objects all day long! A fools folly was the puppet that was placed in our basket of eggs.
Our next best shot is on the truly needs to be one carrying a well placed battleaxe with strategic use at hand for sheering away the left over gristle on a carcass that never had any muscle to work with in the first place. But bombastic talk, full of lies and grift, easily sways beings that thrive on hand outs, needing no ability to think even vaguely required.
So, now the rats flee this ship, to leave the wreckage they vomited in our face. Please, continue to stand up, like Julie Kelly does, and cheer a cleaner and clearer mindset to come into view for our vision, as we cross this swinging bridge. We need clarity of mind and a dedication of forethought to be present in order to reach our safe harbor. There are many wanting to steal US, by all of our many enemies that believe the lies they whisper so loudly. The USA is a very rich nation in a multitude of arenas
Bring our FREEDOM back into play with honor and honorable belief in the United States of America. Let us Kick the revealed ASSes, of those lying rats and rodents, down the dark tunnel to feed in the foamy slimed gutter, that they made for themselves. Then shun and cancel their very existence!
Two things need to happen. One - all legal cases against citizens accused of crime against the government must be tried outside of DC as there is no way to get a fair trial. Two - sinister people like Matthew Graves need to have criminal charges filed against them and we need some of them to serve time. Without both of these things, the abuse of government official power for politics will never stop, and the people will have no way to protest it.
Frank, I will go a step further and suggest the shuttering of the DC US Attorney's office. Together with the Washington FBI field office and DC federal courts, our country has been subjected to one partisan-based prosecution after another while corrupt Democrats go free. If I were Pam Bondi, that is one of the first things I would do.
I agree. It all needs to be taken down. Why does the imperial capitol have so much power? It is disgusting.
That is the only fair thing to do. The American people have lost all faith in any justice coming out of Washington. I hope President Trump is able to disband all of Washington DC so that all is left is Congress and the White House and beautiful city that the American people are WELCOMED to visit!
I work and pray for your continued committement to publishing the truth. I AM REGITIGER. Prefer to introduce myself formally. Now you are requested to disfold my id please and thank you. Will can work together on so many projects. I have sources and analytics that are falsifiable; the process of proving the weight of facts. Think of me as as a student participant of the network that provided WikiLeaks. We are many. God obedient patriots represented the edge of the sword that defends the society of Americans, the people, against alll enemies... foreign and inside the wire.
God Bless America
totally agree.....just making it happen is the rub!
Yes, you are correct, a higher level of justice is needed. Graves reeks of evil. The demonic in a suit. One can only hope that there are severe consequences for his immoral actions within the next year. We can hope the Trump administration does not grow weak in the pursuit of justice. As you have chronicled, Graves is one of the leaders in the effort to destroy our liberty and our Republic.
He must be held criminally liable for what he's done to innocent Americans and the damage he's done to the country and the DOJ. What's funny is how unimpressive he is in person--as are most bullies.
Julie, I too want to see justice for the J6’s but wonder what criminal charges could be brought against Graves, et al, if they argue they were performing their job as they were directed? Also would/could charges be brought against sitting judges that facilitated the prosecutions (persecutions) in their courts? Can it be proven they knowingly misapplied the law and twisted justice to meet the goals? And lastly where the heck are the superior courts in controlling the lower courts?
LOL! He really is unimpressive. Small head and shoulders. 🤮
As an outsider looking into your Country’s machinations surrounding a corrupt DOJ, I find this to be an excellent summary of the failings of Attorney General Garland; certainly through his prosecutor [the grim reaper] Graves, and the deleterious impact Garland (aided fully by his FBI Director Wray) has intentionally imposed on so many families unnecessarily across your great Country. Will this ever be redressed? Certainly and surely it will never be forgotten and always remembered as initiated and instigated by and being the actual folly of Pelosi, Schumer and their gang of leftist leaning radicals. So sad for your great United States of America.
I appreciate your perspective, Graham. And we will exhaust all our energies from this point forward in making sure real justice is served.
Yes, it will be remembered just like the atrocity at Waco. And like Waco the perps will use the system to run out the clock until Trump is gone. Then Washington will revert back to business as usual.
And Americans will once again be terrorized by a government that hates them, but not their money.
We are fools.
So well said Graham!!
A violent mob of several thousand individuals stormed the Capitol. Sounds like the beginning of a novel. All of these 'prosecutor types defending the fabric of our society, are in reality- a bunch of self righteous pricks.
If 18 USC 1512(c)(2),needs to be applied to anyone, it should be Benny Thomsen for destroying evidence B (ii)alter, destroy, mutilate, or conceal an object with intent to impair the integrity or availability of the object for use in an official proceeding;
And I'm not lawyer but maybe this part would apply to Loser Liz (b)Whoever knowingly uses intimidation, threatens, or corruptly persuades another person, or attempts to do so, or engages in misleading conduct toward another person, with intent to—
I'm tired of all of these delusional people. Next you'll have Biden thinking he could have defeated Trump.
Wayne, the good news is the DOJ and DC courts have created a whole new subset of political charges that can now be used against the perpetrators of lawfare. Not just obstruction but "conspiracy against rights" and other vague conspiracy statutes. Even seditious conspiracy. Payback is indeed a bitch!
Thanks for letting us know! This is such great news. I hope this man, along with the J6 communist committee, is plagued with both a DOJ hunt and lawsuits galore. Or can I hope for imprisonment??? Nah, don’t want to get too excited!
The process is the punishment but I also want the process to end with jail time
Pardon from old Joe?
I certainly hope not, not for this monster.
I hope to God not. But nothing Joe Biden does surprises me.
You mean Joe O'Biden? Fixed it for you.
A welcome correction. Thanks.
I have been thinking about his pardons. There are so many involved in this mess we will be able to seek vengeance on many!
Watch the rats fleeing a sinking political Biden Crime Family Administration; about time.
They must be held accountable for their lawfare. 💥
Thanks, Julie, for this brief update regarding that execrable M. Graves. Apparently, he paid attention in law school to the tactics of J. Stalin's henchman, L. Beria, and Graces must've adopted Beria's maxim, while using the NKVD (forerunner to the KGB) to terrorize Russian citizens, when he said (to paraphrase) "give me the man and I'll find the crime." Because that is what we have witnessed since the summer of 2021 as the US Stasi-Style-Secret-Police has intimidated, arrested, charged and persecuted loyal, patriotic Americans who were certain that the 2020 Presidential election was stolen and who went to Washington, DC, to petition the US government for redress of matters. The DC gulag into which these patriots were thrown would rival anything Stalin created, except for the frigid, Siberian weather. And those Soviet-Show-Trials, conducted inside Moscow-on-the-Potomac and presided over by Marxists-wearing-black-robes, were an absolute embarrassment and a stain on the reputation of the United States of America. In the best of all possible worlds, Graves will be indicted by a Wichita Falls grand jury in the Northern District of Texas, and forced to contend with the lawfare, with its attendant expense, that he forced those patriots to endure. One can only hope...
The axis of evil--DC US Attorney's office, Washington FBI office, and DC federal courts must be shut down. After a full investigation into everyone including judges for defrauding the United States.
Very well put, Sir! Kudos to you for the clarity.
Julie, once again you hit the nail right on the head! The damage Obama (and let’s be honest, Obama has been making all the calls for the last 4 years), Biden, Garland, Graves, Wray, Myorkis et al have done to our country over the last four years has impacted the trust in our government beyond repair! Not only with “We the People,” but also our adversaries and others around the globe! We were the gold standard when it came to law & order and a citizens rights! That’s all down the toilet now!
I’m 67, and in all my years, I have never heard so many people openly say to me how much they hate the government and they now have zero faith in them to do what is decent, good and right! This is how I know Obama has been the devil behind the curtain for the last four years! Plus, Joe Biden was a third rate senator from a second rate state, he didn’t have enough sense to come in from the rain, let alone run this country!
We are headed for some dire times, this is not the country I adored and grew up in! Something sinister has happened, and I pray to God we can turn it around before it’s too late! Unfortunately, I don’t think it will happen in my lifetime…
Please keep up the outstanding reporting! It’s honest reporters like you that will eventually help us heal!’
Thank you, and thank you for your support. We can thank Graves to the extent all the lawfare helped get Trump elected. Now it's payback time.
Let’s all hope that the Rino’s don’t go stupid on us again and try to subvert this long overdue payback! That could end the Republican Party as we know it!
And you are welcome… after the Great One, Rush Limbaugh passed, I was searching for voices to fill that large void he left… fortunately, I found you!
Have a very Happy New Year… I think 2025 will be EPIC!
Well said!
Resignation on January 16?! I guess he needs more time to destroy the records of his malicious prosecutions. Just check out his wife’s website…”gender justice”.
Tells you all you need to know about his allegiances and associations.
These people, along with BHO, are “constitutional scholars”… experts in the malignant destruction of it.
He’d fit in very well as an officer of the 3rd Reich. J6 was the Left’s Reichtag Fire, I.e. the false flag that freed their cabal to prosecute the destruction of all civil rights in our country.
By the way, where is the ACLU as this shit went down?! Rhetorical question. RICO was created for this epoch.
The entire J6 prosecution was a big part of the coverup of Jan 6. Force the media and public to watch this shiny object while the real truth gets scant coverage.
Those of awareness and discernment know the truth of it. The immediate film and testimonies of correspondents who had covered the Hong Kong protests and other conflicts immediately recognized the J6 protest escalation as a false flag incitement to riot. The initial film also revealed too much to counter the Committees efforts to sweep up the evidence of government involvement. Just as there was just far too much prima faci and circumstantial evidence to deny the rigging of the 2020 election, the entire J6 epoch was obvious to anyone but the hardened partisan Democrat.
Same with the plandemic.
Eventually a lie cannot stand the daylight.
When the perps run away from providing evidence to support their position and can only gaslight those that can verify the truth, the truth with come out.
The Left is just too wedded to “relative truth”. Only they are invested in their own lies… it’s everywhere. And it’s all coming out. They will drown in their deceit.
Excellent summary. Another attempt to destroy democracy in order to save it
His "fabric of democracy" line is beyond laughable considering all the political protesters Graves let off the hook. Everything is projection with these Marxists.
He looks the part of a psycho, over-credentialed, stupid, criminal D.C. bureaucrat.
Extremely unimpressive in person. Very insecure, has to have staffers around him in case anyone approaches him or asks a question, which I did in court last year. A weakling who acts like a bully.
Yep. Either Steve Friend or Seraphin admitted to you and Liz about how over half the FBI field personnel are terrified of ordinary Americans. Crazy cidiots that are completely sheltered. Embarrassing, actually.
As a lifetime public servant(soldier and firefight(volunteer)), I love being around my countrymen :-D
Making up for his insignifigance.
To me, that person is ruined. And so is his wife!
He doesn't look like Ted Bundy, but to me he embodies that murderers mindset! I relish the day when I learn of his visit to the underground slime ridden gutters he deserves! And THAT is the best I care to say of that rodent!
My guess is he is crying himself to sleep tonight while his evil wife yells at him, lol
What a screeching voice that shrew has!
Yes in a perfect world that would happen but I could hear the theme song playing in the background Catch Us If You Can with their middle finger up heading for the exit just like I predicted
I agree, Sharon, although news reports indicating all of these ghouls are lawyering up reveals real panic. those illegals in New York that had been beating up and hurting people in the subway system!
I would like to see these slimeballs get the same treatment they gave the J6ers.
Ditto, Steven. We will do our best to make that happen.
Will Graves continue the dirt bag tradition of Chris Wray, Sally Yates, Rod Rosenstein and Gina Haspel of joining the Russia, Russia, Russia firm of King & Spalding?
My guess is he will return to DLA Piper, where he worked with Emhoff.
We will be watching!
What about that witch Lisa Monaco or Nuland or Pelosi?
I was so happy to see this today. But his wife was a frequent visitor to the White House surrounding all these fraudulent cases against President Trump.
Disgusting....those people.
Hope Pelosi, Bowser, Schumer and all of them have nightmares about the mayhem they allowed by not securing Capitol.
Greed, arrogance, conceit, just plain stupid and smooth brained thinking was the microwave lunch offered to our country for the last 4 years. We truly require a nation of human beings who need to love this country, in order to right this tottering ship on the edge of an abyss. However, it was our fate to suffer the O'Biden regime, to get it understood, by more of our brothers and sisters, the danger of the obliteration of our country.
Currently, and for at least, the next couple of weeks we suffer a full load of dunce believing idiot clowns that chase shiney objects all day long! A fools folly was the puppet that was placed in our basket of eggs.
Our next best shot is on the truly needs to be one carrying a well placed battleaxe with strategic use at hand for sheering away the left over gristle on a carcass that never had any muscle to work with in the first place. But bombastic talk, full of lies and grift, easily sways beings that thrive on hand outs, needing no ability to think even vaguely required.
So, now the rats flee this ship, to leave the wreckage they vomited in our face. Please, continue to stand up, like Julie Kelly does, and cheer a cleaner and clearer mindset to come into view for our vision, as we cross this swinging bridge. We need clarity of mind and a dedication of forethought to be present in order to reach our safe harbor. There are many wanting to steal US, by all of our many enemies that believe the lies they whisper so loudly. The USA is a very rich nation in a multitude of arenas
Bring our FREEDOM back into play with honor and honorable belief in the United States of America. Let us Kick the revealed ASSes, of those lying rats and rodents, down the dark tunnel to feed in the foamy slimed gutter, that they made for themselves. Then shun and cancel their very existence!