The entire J6 FEDSURRECTION SCAM has been a criminal farce. Designed to destroy the legislative review of the stolen 2020 election. Lies upon lies have already been exposed and we've only seen the tip of the PIGLOSI/WRAY criminality. FREE THE J6 POLITICAL PRISONERS!

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Thank you Ms. Kelly, this is more verification of what has been said since the first. Nick Searcy's film Capitol Punishment shows the Agitation by Law Enforcement as wel;l. If not for you and a few others this would have been washed out to sea! This still smells like a total set up and people who did almost nothing but visit their capital have been languishing in the American Gulag, this is a national Shame that better get realized really soon, we are not the USA anymore.

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McCarthy gives access only to those he knows won't release it all so we can crowdsource a true investigation meanwhile us J6 defendants are going to trial without access to exculpatory evidence so Julie Kelly, John Solomon of Just the News, Joe Hanneman of Epoch Times and Tucker Carlson can drop "segments of footage" for the next several years to boost themselves. We see you Julie and your flip flop on releasing the footage habbening the second you got access. RELEASE IT ALL NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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While the tape is the public's, it is not Julie's to release. You can be frustrated at McCarthy et al for not releasing it wholesale, but to scold Julie is uncalled for.

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She personally was calling for it's release all the way up until the day she got access. Now low and behold she's asking people to pay for subscriptions to her substack when she should be releasing everything she can possibly download. She's not us J6er's advocate she is a grifter. She can obviously dl and release data from the full database as she did for this article. She knows all the footage being released would result in a massive crowdsourcing effort that would end the unjust persecution of me and my fellows and also end her grift she's got going with pfp and her reporting on it. Really wanna help donate to a pro se J6 defendant instead of a media personality or to pfp where your money is going to a corrupt attorney. Donate directly to a J6er's GSG and know your making a huge difference with every dollar donated in our lives. Plus it's a lot of work and very time consuming being pro se. https://www.givesendgo.com/G2FJH I can't get work in my blue city now and am officially homeless, I've applied for help from Julie's pfp and can't even get a response from them. Be more diligent in who you support.

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HI Eric - First of all, I have explained my position on release of the tapes. I'm still advocating publicly and privately for Congress to do so. However, as I explained on Twitter over a month ago, I understand the complexities involved in making all footage from hundreds of cameras easily accessible to the public.

How does a "grifter" work for free? I spent hours and hired a producer at my own expense to develop the two articles and 60+ minutes of CCTV plus body cam footage. No one has to pay to watch this so your comment about paying for access is false.. Do you work for free? Do you know how much time I have dedicated to J6 for 2 1/2+ years without compensation? Your remarks are offensive and untrue.

PFP is not my organization. I helped promote it early on and know Cynthia has done good work. I am not tied to PFP and have no involvement in who or how it helps J6ers.

And it's sort of ironic that you call me a grifter while using my platform to raise money for yourself.

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I should apologize Julie, I am sorry. Maybe I've let others opinions of you when I don't personally know you affect my judgement at times. I still believe you should publicly release every last byte of data you can manage to download with your access and make it all immediately public but from here forward it's a point we can agree to disagree on. Being screwed by a corrupt DOJ at every hearing for two and a half years now and being forced to represent myself pro se for lack of ability to raise $100 k for a corrupt attorney combined with not being able to find gainful employment in my city after being fired from my job as a cnc machine operator after J6 has in many ways made me quite cynical and I have admittedly been taking it out on you and others around me more and more the closer I get to trial. I truly am sorry Julie I promise I will pray more on my own issues and try to do better in the future.

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I am so sorry for what's happened to you and I understand your lashing out. I am working hard to release footage I have but it takes a great deal of time to go through it, prioritize what I believe is important for the public to see, and give context to the timing and activity. Most people don't know this issue like we do so I think it's vital to give accompanying reporting rather than just throw the footage up on Rumble.

God bless and stay stong,


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I am sorry for everything that has happened to you folks. I have followed Julie since 2018 and she is not a grifter, I am paying her on behalf of you guys. I am absolutely ashamed that I served this government that is attacking you all. Start a GiveSendGo if you haven't already, sir.

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Thank you Julie for what your are doing and launching Declassified for us. Paying the annual subscription fee was the least I could do to show my support.

I was there in DC on Jan 5th and 6th with a small group of friends. The truth will come out, like light radiating from a distant star it can't be stopped. Thanks again.

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Thank you so much for subscribing and for supporting my work. And yes, the public is slowly learning the truth, asking much-needed questions, and demanding answers. Our work continues!

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"asking people to pay for subscriptions" - I don't, nobody has to pay. I do subscribe to others and may do so for Kelly once my finances are better. She is no grifter and it's quite unfair to say that.

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Makes me sick and disgusted at the level the police forces, that I've worked with and trained since the 70s, has stooped to.

These films and the indictments may indeed get them whatever they seem to want.

Thanks to warriors like Julie, Tucker, Darren, and Joe Hanneman, I pray all the truth will come out. 😢

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Thank you, Julie, we know this work is painstaking.

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Thank you Julie! I’ve reposted to my FB for any tiny bit of exposure.

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January 6 was a set-up by the globalist hijacked democrat party. The globalists should be tried for treason.

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Sorry Julie - - - - if you really care you would release it all NOW.

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in the video under this caption: Jan 6 2021 CCTV - Rotunda North & South 15:02:11-15:10:19 (rumble.com) at the 4 minute mark shows a man in a red cap shoved to the ground. Later in this same film it shows them hitting him. This man was charged with assaulting officers that day. A serious felony. This shows he was non violent but he has already been sentenced.

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💔💔💔 This is just so awful.

I fear with this DOJ et al that they are going to keep pushing and going after people.until they get their REAL insurrection.

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This will change nothing. Those political prisoners, rotting in prison, are too useful to the Administrative State as it continues to trample our rights.

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Give us a BREAK with your political double-speak, Julie Kelley!

The rioters had already broken into the Capitol, violently attacked several Capitol Police officers, using chemical and physical weapons on the officers, before this security video was shot. No one in that crowd was a peaceful, law-abiding citizen at that point: they had all participated in a violent coup attempt against the United States government by the time the Capitol Police arrived in the Rotunda.

"Peacefully assembled" my a**...

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GOD BLESS YOU MA'AM Lord we need you.

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Where'd all the videos go?

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I wonder who they were taking their orders from? Someone was in charge of this behavior

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Looks exactly like the unnecessary violence used by the Met police in London against lockdown protesters back in 2020/1.

Compare and contrast with the kidglove approach to BLM protesters, where police officers were kneeling down in obeisance to Marxist-inspired rioters.


Coronavirus: Anti-lockdown protesters clash with police in London's Trafalgar Square

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Of course no use of force investigations were conducted. I don't know why the media bothers reporting on the discrepancies of January 6th when we all know nothing will happen to the guilty parties (police, FBI, other agencies involved). Unless it's their way of

rubbing our nose in it. "Haha look what we did for no reason... And you can't do anything about it!" Deplorable.

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