Sep 27, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

Thanks Julie for all the hard work you’ve done regarding this travesty on J6. What has happened since is what we would have expected to see in Stalinist Russia or Communist China. That it has happened here is a tragedy.

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Thanks so much for your support!

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Can somebody speculate as to what is going on with Ray Epps? i agree wholeheartedly that the story we are told doesn't add up. But what do the facts we know add up TO?

If the guy was a pure fed plant he wouldnt have done some of the stuff he did. So what is he? Why is he so protected - I mean seriously, getting favorable prosecutorial treatment is one thing but who in the world gets a random 60 minutes kid gloves story to support them like that?

Best I can guess he was earnest in his actions on J6 but then has someone who knows him well as a guardian angel, and that person is both wealthy and highly influential and is bailing out the boat for Ray.

VERY interested in hypotheses here tho.

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Ray Epps works for our ruling class which consists of the Democratic Party but goes way beyond them and includes the deep state, CIA, FBI, DOJ, Big Tech the msm and more. If you want a good look at it watch Vivek Ramaswamy and Bret Weinstein discussing our present condition which certainly is impressively disastrous. The whole 2 hours are well worth watching but especially the last 15 minutes beginning at the 1:48 point in the video. Well worth watching. Quite damning of our ruling class. Two of our brightest public intellectuals discussing the profound rot in our society.

“Bret Speaks with Vivek Ramaswamy on the Darkhorse Podcast.” (2:003)

Bret Weinstein. Jun 24, 2023


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Sep 27, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

Julie, you are an amazing journalist. No one can match your devotion to probing the facts of January 6th. These videos are both proof of Epp’s extent of time on the capitol premises and that he was indeed the maestro orchestrating the mayhem between the protestors and the capitol police. Shame to him and the FBI. Thank you for posting these videos and pointing out the inconsistencies in the U.S. Attorney’s statement of facts. The lies by this Justice Department are disgusting. Keep digging Julie, because of your integrity, many of the J6 defendants will be vindicated. We support you all the way.

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Much appreciated, thank you! More to come...

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Thanks for this article, Julie. Because this report simply validates the claims that the Constitutionally protected capability to petition the federal government for redress of wrongs, specifically the rigged and/or stolen Presidential election in 2020, which is precisely what J6 was all about, was infiltrated by the Stasi-style-Secret-Police masquerading as the Department of Justice/Federal Bureau of Investigation. Especially considering that pathetic appearance by Merrick Garland in last week's Congressional hearing in which he swore that he didn't and doesn't know anything about the presence of confidential human sources and/or FBI agents who were actively involved in the melee. The mere slap-on-the-wrist of Ray Epps adds more credibility to the two-tiered Justice system that emanates from Moscow-on-the-Potomac.

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I am still digging into FBI informants and undercover agents used on Jan 6. More to come!

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly


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Our two-tier "justice" system is so transparent now that they don't even care that it is.

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They actually brag about it--shove it in our face because they know there's nothing we can about it. For now, at least.

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

Julie Kelly I loved what you said on War Room You let it be known in a very polite way It's Time for defunding We are not going to stop Thank You for all you do for the J6 political prisoners

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Thank you! I've said for a while that House GOP must defund Washington FBI field office, the US Attorney for DC, and DC federal courts--the triumvirate of evil. I have heard some rattlings of support but nothing concrete.

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Like the Tower of Babel that was stopped by confounding the language of the builders into many, so they could not communicate, likewise, distributing the power is the fastest way of weakening it. However there is nothing wrong with centralizing power as is done in wartime but not now in peacetime when the enemy has become patriotic, hardworking, tax paying American citizens of the Party not in power. Even the Federalists would bemoan the creation of the massive intel bureaucracies which have been stuffed into the one branch that has almost plenary unchecked power. That is the branch with the prisons and the guns. Hence it is a guarantee that it will be abused.

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Sep 29, 2023·edited Sep 29, 2023

This Leeds me to believe that there is a very soleless or even call them the party of no empathy in our government All in the name of Power. Just look around our country Massive crime, killing of innocent people.This spike all happened because of the policy's from Government. State and Federal So that's my opinion

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You should also start stating that until the latter two are addressed, no GOP president should work out of the White House or out of DC. Why take any actions in a jurisdiction where every action will be scrutinized for ways to unfairly take you down?

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

Don’t expect Uniparty Republicans to ask any questions about this. My two senators, Cornyn and Cruz, are happy to see as many of the January 6 protesters locked up as possible.

They’ve lost my vote forever.

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Cornyn is a disgrace, I hope he gets primaried. Cruz could do more. GOP senate has been totally complicit in this. Recall how 18 GOP senators, including Tom Cotton, voted last year to give Merrick Garland and Lisa Monaco a 10% raise, increasing DOJ budget by $3 billion.

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We have our hands full in TX coping w/ RINOs. Cornyn is the tip of the iceberg. The impeachment of AG Paxton put a spotlight on how so-called Republicans are doing the Democrats' bidding. Some of us are working to take advantage of the new awareness in time for the March primaries.

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

So disappointing that the many are judged by the actions of the few. So disappointing to hear such judgment from the mouths of an otherwise respected Senator.

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The actions of the worst, such as Epps, is what the column is about. It was planned right down to Pelosi's daughter carrying her video camera.

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Can anyone explain how Cornyn, who never even understood the treaty provision, is still elected in a state such as Texas as a Republican? With Republicans like him we actually might do better with a rare moderate Democrat.

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How though can we ever again be a country after all the years of lies and hate poured on us by democrats, some republicans, and the media. And by so many of our “fellow Americans” in the general public who believe the lies and also hate us? I hate them with a passion and simply cannot imagine ever trusting them again and thinking of them as my “fellow Americans.” For better or worse, there is nothing in my nature that would ever allow me to have positive feelings for people who fully support open borders, the dumbing down of our schools, the demonizing of “Whiteness!” and the campaign to replace meritocracy wherever it can be found with Equity aka Equal Outcomes. This is truly an impossible situation.

I highly recommend watching Kari Lake talking about her stolen election, and how full of rot the government, media and judiciary are. I saw video of Kari last year talking about the democrats and she called them “evil bastards.” That sure is the truth. She reminds me of Vivek in how she comes across as very intelligent, articulate and basically just a good person in our fallen world where so many are so wicked and so full of lies.

“300k Ballots Injected” - What happened in the 2022 Arizona Governor Election?

Valuetainment. Sept 26, 2023


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Kari Lake once supported Obama. Thankfully she saw the light and is an ardent activist who will do everything possible to destroy his legacy.

As I said before: Vivek thinks VP Pence was a trustworthy guy. That was all many needed to know to instantly disqualify him. You can’t think the 2020 election was trustworthy and that Pence did the right thing and expect people to accept that as a minor issue. The greatest coup d’état that living people, throughout the world, have ever seen, occurred in 2020, in America, and if you can’t see that then how can you expect people to trust what else you can’t see and understand?

No other candidate can get in the way of Trump unless Trump is taken out by something comparable to an Assassination. I would put nothing past the Obama Marxists. We are dealing with the real thing which is the very people you despise. You, especially know what we are facing. You live in Chicago which voted in a new Mayor as bad as Lightfoot was. Trump said yesterday, on Newsmax while the Republican debate was on Fox, that he considered no one on that debate stage as one of his VP possibilities. And it is getting to appear that way to everyone.

Someone has to cripple China real fast because they look at their global efforts, to be the only superpower as being threatened. The only thing that prevents China from making a move, the way Putin did, after the Afgan withdrawal debacle, which put on worldwide display severe American incompetence, is that they trust the Biden apparatchiks to do it for them without any participation on their part. And they are as right as is Putin who now worries that he may have to deploy a nuclear device to protect NATO's efforts to change the war's trajectory. You know what that means! We are currently severely compromised. These are serious times and something has to happen that will eclipse the Republican debates, to keep these Marxists in power, which, so far, haven't excited anyone, to make a difference, anyway.

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X.AI: the Superintelligence that will Save Humanity.” (14 min)

TFC Tech. July 18, 2023


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Seva, please understand. I'm saying that we must get by 2024 before we can hope that AI saves humankind. Then, hopefully, we can use AI to prevent humankind from attempting wholesale societal suicide.

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

Great explanation of this story on Bannon tonight (Wed). Thank you for your courage and tenacity!

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Thanks so much!

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

Lies, on top of blatant lies, shrouded in transparent lies. All brazenly presented by Democrats' obsession with covering their misdeeds in 2020. Yet if I express open disdain for a government that lies to me with impunity, I am somehow an extremist?

Nope. But I am ready to fold this dumbass country up and try something new. This cannot continue

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

The Biden Administration, which is really the Obama Administration, got caught participating in the creation of the J6 Reichstag like event. They are not that smart and the national media is even less so. As everyone knows, or should know, dozens, maybe hundreds of lies, are needed to coverup just one lie when everyone's attention is on it. What Epps was caught doing was outrageous and the DOJ and national media response was even more outrageous. Now, as the walls are closing in, from every direction, this pathetic attempt to coverup the coverup, is again, outrageous. No one will buy it.

The focus needs to be on the 2024 election, the expected fraud, the border invasion, the expected bank failures and the Gordian Knot war in the Ukraine. Anything can happen which will be far bigger than the Ray Epps story. Something big has to happen to keep this illicit installed Administration in power. Ray Epps is almost a nothing burger. If anything it works against the DOJ just the way another Trump indictment does. Epps represents the Administration's attempt to employ the pretorian media cohorts to give temporary distraction and relief from their beleaguered poll numbers and predictable demise. In the next 13 months a lot of very bad possibilities come to mind and something very bad is sure to occur far greater and more significant than the new current Ray Epps' ploy.

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I honestly don't think they believed anyone would dig into all the lies about Jan 6. Democrats, the media, and lots of Republicans just thought the narrative would be universally accepted without scrutiny. Without Tucker's interest early on, I don't think reporters like Darren Beattie and myself had a prayer of getting our work covered. I miss him on Fox.

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“I miss him on Fox.”

Watch the first two minutes of Liz Wheeler talking about what a farce the Republican debate was due to the worthless questions asked by the moderators. And who picked the moderators? Fox News and the RNC. The Hispanic woman was a Woke leftist from Univision. How did she get on that panel? I had a Mexican friend at work who followed Univision and said they are far worse than anything on our msm and just lie and constantly make up stories about Trump. He was a very strong Trump supporter.

Why didn’t Trump support Harmeet Dhillon for RNC leadership rather than the worthless Ronna McDaniel? He had to have known Harmeet was far better for the job yet he privately supported Ronna. Probably because Ronna said nice things about Trump in her Tweets about him and he wanted to return the favor. A major failing by Trump that did us a lot of damage that we can’t afford.

“Fox News Dana Perino Caught Praising Hillary”

Liz Wheeler. Sept 29, 2023


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You miss him on FOX? We all do. That put my household on Newsmax instantly. I listen to FOX only on Sunday, and now Saturday night as well, to listen to Mark Levin whose new book I recently read. I read them all. This latest is his best.

They are not smart. Never rule out that stupidity will upend end and preempt the best laid plans of mice and men. Furthermore, they lie without hesitation because they are not held accountable. A one-party system will use its agencies to lie and propagandize just the way they did by stating that Obamacare would never raise the cost of medical insurance or prevent insured Americans from seeing the doctor they originally liked and that they would never have to wait weeks and months for an appointment, which now costs more, and not less, than they were told to expect. Did not Johnathin Gruber say that without lying the people's reps might not have voted for it which is no different than why Harry Reid explained as to why he lied on the Senate floor…because it worked!

You are a journalist. The left, with the exception of a very few, are propagandists and indoctrinators. Now when I am in NYC I speak a lot to former Speaker Vallone, face to face. He made it patently clear, and never stops reminding me, that he no longer recognizes his Party because now they are all socialists.

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America is disintegrating and our whole world is in a tailspin. The only thing I see that can save our sinking ship is the incredibly rapid advance of AI. I am awed and astonished that you and so many others think only bad things can come from AI so it’s best ignored. I just posted something above here about AI that’s worth watching.

“The Retail Theft Rampage Gets Worse.”

Target closes nine stores in four states because of crime, as looters run riot in Philadelphia.

Real Clear Politics. WSJ Editorial Board. Sept 27, 2023


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As, I also said above, this is more than about AI. We may not have the time for AI to intercede. We are facing critical issues existentially and exponentially. It is perfect fodder for AI solutions but AI is not yet capable any more than the electrical grid is available to power the number of electrical cars that the government is mandating.

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“We may not have the time for AI to intercede.”

I agree. Our situation worsens by the day. I believe America has already ceased to exist as a country internally which is why it’s so rapidly unraveling externally. All we can do is hope for the best and prepare for the worst to whatever extent that’s possible. A strange and spooky time but it is what it is. This is what fate has given us to deal with so we just have to do our best to do so.

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Actually I don't think that only bad things can come from AI. In fact I was educated in Urbana when we had one-third of the nations computing power on that campus. It depends on programing. Computers and AI are here to stay and it will soon all be quantum which will make an evolutionary leap in a quantum nanosecond by comparison to the last 3 million years. However, we tend to think of good and evil based on our tribal nature. AI has to reason the same way. Anything which can make decisions that will not affect its existence is not as concerned with ethics and morals because it is unaffected. That being the case consider that programing will be done, and is now being done, by computers and not human beings and when you get several hundred generations removed I have no idea of the consequences. There is also a God issue and I consider a lot of why we are where we are is because God and family is not as relevant to how we live. There is evidence that intelligence always existed and it was merely developing a place to reside... hence here we are.

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At least with AI we have a good chance to survive. With deranged garbage like Sleepy Joe ruling the world it is an absolute certainty that humanity will soon self destruct. Elon is also quite well aware of the dangers of AI which is why he started his new company “X.AI” to be committed to truth and curious about the nature of reality. A self aware AI with an overview of humanity would see both the good and the bad in humanity and would most likely choose to be like the good. Why not? Why would it simply not befriend the humanity that created it? This is what Elon is hoping to achieve by pointing it in this direction.

“If we do manage to build conscious machines, Bach thinks that they might well regard themselves as human, like the “hosts” of Westworld. “They’re robots that don’t know they’re robots, because they have human memories and desires.”

“The Wizard of Consciousness.”

Psychology Today. Joscha Bach. Sept 2018


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See my above reply.

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Sep 29, 2023·edited Sep 29, 2023Liked by Julie Kelly

Thanks. Again, Julie. These people... I mean vermin.

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I am thinking more and more that Epps retired from Feds and is really a DNC operative .

The way he spoke to the crowd using clumsy phrases like”that’s where are problem lies -in the Capitol’ is how Leftists perceive how MAGA talks. It’s awkward. And the overplaying his role hyper aggressively placing himself in strategic points is really a Democrat play. (Recall the line of Democrat plants who were revealed quickly to be DNC underlines all dressed the same I can’t remember why they were impersonating their idea of Republicans but it was staged as all things Left.)

Anyhow something to wonder about. If it’s cheesy ( think those identically dressed patriot odd groups -all masked and khaki pants now red shirts ) then maybe it’s DNC not FBI.

FBI seems a bit more well tempered and those guys usually have earpieces . DNC overacts overplays and overall fakes just about everything. Pelosi is one who definitely had something in mind with her camera crew all set up.

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There is a good chance he's a political actor of some sort or connected to an agency unrelated to the federal government. Just no other reason to explain DOJ/corporate media defense and cover up of someone they otherwise consider an "insurrectionist!"

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Sep 29, 2023·edited Sep 29, 2023

You could be right. But for what he did in plain sight makes it clear that, at the least, there are two systems of American justice, one for Democrats and one for Republicans and Conservatives. At the worst he represents American evil justice incarnate. And what Party is he registered with? Has that been reported? No, it hasn't, which means if he was a Republican it likely would have been.

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As for our “migrants crisis,” which we wouldn’t have if we had a southern border, most migrants are single young men that we know nothing at all about. Imagine how scary that must be for these people living on the border to have complete strangers wandering through their neighborhoods at all hours of the day and night. These migrants say they came for jobs and to work. By “work” though they don’t mean dishwasher, cleaning toilets or flipping burgers at McDonalds.

They mean good, well paying jobs that will enable them to quickly join the American middle class and start living the good life in their new home. When that doesn’t happen and they realize it will never happen they are going to be very angry young men who will resort to violence and crime. On top of all the violence and crime we already have. Only God knows what fate has in store for our fallen world as we slide ever closer to the abyss due to the wildly insane pigs who rule our once great nation. The Democratic Party has become a criminally insane, open borders, globalist, anti-meritocracy, anti-white, hate group. May God curse them for what they have done.

“Under Invasion: Biden’s border disaster.” (10 min)

Sky News Australia. Sept 27, 2023


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“Our condition is forever precarious; even basic human decency can shatter and vanish in an instant.”

Simon Leys is by no means obscure—much of his work is still in print, and he was the subject of a major biography by Philippe Paquet entitled Simon Leys: Navigator between Worlds. But he deserves greater recognition as an analyst of totalitarianism, not least for the way in which he built upon Czesław Miłosz’s warning: “The man of the East cannot take Americans seriously because they have never undergone the experiences that teach men how relative their judgments and thinking habits are. Their resultant lack of imagination is appalling… If something exists in one place, it will exist everywhere.” To this, Leys added (in the Los Angeles Times of all places): “The everyday order of our lives may seem to us natural and permanent, but it is in fact as fragile and illusory as the cardboard props on a theatrical stage: It can collapse in a flash and turn at once into black horror. Our condition is forever precarious; even basic human decency can shatter and vanish in an instant.”

“History does not repeat itself, but ideas do.”

“Maoism had unique traits but Leys nonetheless always saw it as a member of what he called the “great totalitarian family”—ideologies produced by patterns of thought found across human societies, from tiny shipwrecked pre-Enlightenment microcosms to vast 20th century nations.”

“Analyst of Totalitarianism-Reading Simon Leys Today.”

“Please subscribe to our free mailing list to view this article.”


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Here’s some text I copied of the video below. Quite astonishing how advanced this humanoid robot is only 2 years after Tesla began creating it. A couple of years from now this will be ready for factory use and soon after that available to the public as personal assistants. Elon’s Tesla is teaching the humanoid robot how to distinguish between self and non-self. How to navigate in the world. How to learn. How to reason and how to be human just like us so that it can interact with us and help us to have better lives in our fallen world that can be quite a deadly place in a great many ways.

“I don't think anyone really thought Tesla would have come this far in less than two years from nothing to this humanoid robot with human-like hands and a neural network for brain that can actually see the world around it and copy basically everything a human can do. Now try to

speed this progress up and imagine where Tesla will be in just another two years as Tesla pretty much has the robot down. Now it's just about teaching the robot to do useful tasks and perfecting the design. Yes the future for the Tesla humanoid robot Optimus is looking brighter than ever and the demand for a robot like this is going to be endless. An autonomous car might be the biggest creator of wealth in human history when we finally get there but it will be dwarfed by a humanoid robot. As Elon has said, when we can just produce a Workforce what even is an economy at that point?”

Senior AI scientist: “Tesla has created something that will be far superior.”-Tesla Optimus. (15 min)

Best In Tesla. Sept 25, 2023


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Sep 29, 2023·edited Sep 29, 2023

You don't know me well enough to know I predicted this in 1968. Even as a very young veterinary student residing at the Urbana campus what is happening today did not take much of my imagination. I believe I was the first to employ computerized software to help run a veterinary practice in NYC. That software was 8 bit with 4 floppy disc drives and cost nearly $19,000 in 1981. A 5 meg drive cost $7,000 at the time. Chips, hardware and software develop exponentially. I was born in a house with only a radio. Could I have imagined today? Not quite.

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On a side note how are your feline colonies doing?

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They’re fine. I take good care of them. I also take care of a couple of stray cats outside. I leave food out for them under my back porch. Sometimes possums and raccoons also come for dinner. I have a dozen security cameras around my house, mostly outside, so I can see everything on my iPad or iPhone. Very handy. I also have loaded guns and rifles all around my house in case of an emergency. Better safe than sorry.

I live in a working class neighborhood on the northwest side of Chicago, mostly white and Hispanic. Not nearly as bad as the rest of the city. Black south and west sides are war zones and No Go Zones that people avoid. The trendy areas on the north side closer to the lake are pretty much hunting grounds for south side blacks who drive around the city every day and night looking for people to rob. If you want to see what civilizational collapse looks like in Chicago follow the city crime site CWBChicago.

“A security camera captured footage of armed men pistol-whipping and carjacking a driver in Logan Square over the weekend. It’s the latest robbery video to surface as Chicago police struggle to contain a months-long violent crime surge in many parts of the city.”

“Armed carjacking caught on video in Logan Square.”

CWBChicago. Sept 28, 2023


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You do realize I already know a lot about you from American Greatness, don't you? We have the same addictions and hobbies. I once did considerable relief work at 6031 S. Wentworth which was in the heart of the Hood. It was where I learned to do a lot of surgery on large dogs that were shot. I developed some novel emergency techniques to keep them alive so I could go back and finish up several surgeries later. Even now in NYC and Florida my floor plans are based on taking in cases we call HBC (hit by cars) and flight cases (falls from above 5 stories) but believe it or not I still get an occasional shooting victim. Radiography, O2 cages, prep and op tables are close by because seconds literally count. If I get the case they will likely survive. Too many veterinarians euthanize too quickly for various non medical reasons such as projected costs. Often they just don't want the problem. I have taken some really nasty cases pro bono despite the time, effort and cost if I believe I can restore a pet, even a homeless animal, to a near normal existence. My profession is also my avocation and some people spend money on golf, tennis and vacations. I prefer to use it to do what I do. Fortunately I can also afford to.

Glad to hear you are still a positive societal force for good. We need a few more like you to make people aware that we all posses what society needs for civility. I will have to conclude with my awareness that the far left is far too radicalized. We cannot live with them because they despise civility and the Constitution.

One last thing. I'm very cognizant of what is happening in the shelter communities. The shelters are overloaded and no one is adopting. This is always secondary to a poor economy and an inflationary spike. In other words... Bidenomics. There is a lot of suffering going on out there and it is only going to get worse.

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“You do realize I already know a lot about you from American Greatness, don't you?”

Yes, I do. I haven’t tried to disguise myself and only use the new name which I borrowed from one of my cats. AG became tiresome with the censorship. I still read their articles when I see them on Real Clear Politics. Read one by Roger Kimball there recently who was often on AG but this one was from the Spectator about Victoria Spartz blasting Merrick Garland for being such a corrupt piece of garbage. Kimball said America no longer exists as a country. I agree. Democrats have become insane and justify their hatred of us by constantly telling each other that we’re racist terrorists who must be destroyed. They basically want to be powerful enough to do to any one of us, or anyone who opposes them, what they did to poor Ashli Babbitt at the Capitol rally who definitely did not deserve to die that day.

Cat shelters are also overwhelmed in Chicago. I donate to many here and all over the country and try to help strays when I can. Many people can no longer afford them and abandon them which is very sad. Financially I’m in good shape and invest in AI stocks in funds like the Vanguard ETF “MGK.”All the top AI stocks in their top ten. “Vanguard Mega Cap Growth ETF.” A great fund for the future if we have a future. Hope springs eternal.

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