The DOJ and FBI “investigated” Trump’s retention of document, notwithstanding his cooperation and his right as a president to retain documents, to attempt to manufacture an obstruction case. As with Russia collusion, the government conducted an unnecessary and abusive investigation into a non- crime to try to create a crime. Also, they apparently like the optics of the unprecedented and abusive raid on Mar-a-Lago because it creates the impression that there was a serious crime even though there is no crime at all.

Furthermore, as Julie points out, Trump’s documents were securely stored at a government-funded office (Office of Former President) protected by the Secret Service. Nor is there any evidence that Trump, unlike Biden, disclosed documents for financial benefit.

There are many reasons to re-elect Trump. For me, the best one is to put an end to the government’s abuse of law enforcement and intelligence for partisan purposes.

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Regarding the Russian collusion, Hillary knew it was all B.S. and yet she let the stupid investigations go on. To rebel or revolt against the government is an insurrection. What she did was a soft insurrection.

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They let it go on because they thought they might find something or could manufacture an obstruction case. It was a coup attempt.

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Spot on!

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Hell, she orchestrated it all.

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Very well said!

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Another- he has a working brain. Calling to attention people with cognitive dysfunction is typically rude, but not when the person is anywhere near taking over the responsibility for our nation. Biden had a moral obligation to reveal his loss of function before his name went on the ballot.

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Feb 11Liked by Julie Kelly

Beautifully laid out. People forget his aneurysm surgeries that required excision of his frontal lobe bilaterally. This creates a traumatic brain injury. That changes a person. One loses inhibitions and has difficulty with memory. I believe he was diagnosed with dementia 10 years ago. All of this combines to make him forgetful and not really care about following the rules.

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Even if Biden had never had the brain surgery you mentioned, his history of blatant lying, disastrous political judgments, and unprincipled shape-shifting made him unfit to be president.

But our betters in State Media know what's best for us, so they covered for him.

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I know and I agree with your sarcasm.

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But how about the fact that pretty much all the democrats have the same mentality as Joe Biden? Are they all brain damaged? Actually, they are but by a “mind virus” as Elon calls it rather than a physical trauma. Democrats though deeply hate Elon for so publicly insulting their Woke faith by calling it a “mind virus” and a “threat to civilization.” They will never forgive him for that and want him destroyed but as Putin pointed out, Elon is a formidable foe.

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Not sure how he wasn’t disqualified before his 2020 POTUS campaign.

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Who is going to disqualify him?

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Feb 11·edited Feb 12

There are two systems of justice in this country- one for those associated with the Democrat party, and another for all the rest of us.

Andrew McCabe lied UNDER OATH to FBI investigators three separate times. Michael Flynn was accused of lying - not under oath - during an casual chat with FBI agents. The 302 record of their conversation was altered multiple times afterward. The original 302 was never found, raising suspicions about whether Flynn actually said what he was accused of. Only Flynn was prosecuted, not McCabe. Why?

As noted here, Joe Biden took classified documents out of their safe areas multiple time in ways that could only have been deliberate. This dates back to his time as a US Senator. Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, similarly stored classified docs on her private server. She also had her staff systematically destroy records that were under subpoena. Somehow Biden and Clinton get a pass, and only Donald Trump is prosecuted.

In the Biden case, his biographer deliberately destroyed records he knew would be the sought as part of an investigation. He gets a pass for destruciton of evidence.

Kevin Clinesmith altered documents used in FISA proceeding to make them say the opposite of what they said, leading to a fraud on the FISA Court, in turn leading to a baseless investigation of a political campaign. He gets a slap-on-the-wrist $100 fine and loses his law license for a few months.

During the instigation of a faux conspiracy to kidnap Governor Gretchen Whitmer, FBI personnel told an informant to destroy text messages. That's destruction of evidence. No charges for that crime.

Rioters burn down cities and kill a dozens of people during 2020. A tiny handful of them are brought to justice. There is plenty of evidence available showing an organized conspiracy. The FBI turns a blind eye.

A few months later, people peacefully protest a stolen election in the nation's capitol. A few of them are provoked into comparatively low-level violence like breaking windows- nothing like the murder and mayhem of the BLM protests. The accused are held without bail for years without trial. When finally tried, many of those people are sentenced to years in prison for charges like trespassing and interfering with a public proceeding.

More could be written, but this should be enough to prove there are two systems of justice.

What's most troubling of all is the Republican party goes through the motions of exposing these authoritarian injustices, but actually do almost nothing about it.

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BLM participants are now receiving settlements from the Portland, OR police for injuries. Read an article the other day, that possibly hundreds of rioters are making bank on a court judgement that they received harm and injury from police.

No matter they repeatedly tried burning down a federal courthouse, when people were in there and sent hundreds of police to the hospital over the 100 day riot.

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I used to live in Portland, Oregon. It's incredibly ugly how that state and that particular city have decayed. I will never go back.

What you wrote, Diana Woodward, only compounds just how wrong and ugly the current political and presidential circus is in drunkenly stumbling in the face of what used to be good integrity, good character and good honor. I believe it will take a monumental amount of dedication and action to correct what has been authored by our deranged brothers and sisters of the Democrat/Liberal/Leftist/Progressive/MainstreamMedia/DeepState Swamp. What they put in place in the last umpteen years is egomaniacally sickening.

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Feb 11·edited Feb 11

And don't forget that the DOJ reached settlement over multiple lawsuits from BLM rioters when, on June 1, 2020, D.C. Park Police cleared out the violent mob at Lafayette Square (after several nights of rioting and attacks against the Secret Service). If you Google that incident in the MSM, the basic story is that "racial justice protesters" were "violently" removed from the park grounds by police. What is not explained to the public, however, is that the Park Police were essentially using the same methods that the Capital Police and D.C. Metropolitan Police used to disperse the crowd on January 6. In that one event on the Sixth, the cops went from villains to heroes, and “mostly peaceful” protestors became domestic terrorists and insurrectionists. There is no need to explain to subscribers on this Substack why that is the case.

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The Leftist Commies have succeeded in making the American citizen who wants to exercise his Constitutional right to dissent afraid to do so; afraid to peacefully assemble lest he be rounded up , persecuted, life in ruins like so many on Jan. 6. How many people will dare to ever do that again?

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And this was no insurrection, only a peaceful protest like the one in Lafayette Square, after the arson in the church and the break in to the WH grounds.

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The Republican Party(tm) as led by the likes of McConnell is desperately trying to destroy MAGA as they destroyed the TEA party. Time to put an end to their reign.

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Orenv, you're exactly right. Sadly, McConnell was successful in squashing the Tea Party. This time around I think he's overplayed his hand.

Let's never forget who his enablers are. In my state it's John Cornyn.

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Likewise, I am a Texan. If only Cornyn could receive what he richly deserves for his traitorous actions , betrayal, and utter arrogance. After years of making the effort to communicate my constituent views to him , to no avail, I finally gave up when all I have ever received from Cornyn is a request for money. He and many others deserve the Mussolini treatment.

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And all are devoid of any morality or decency. When you have neither you are capable of doing and saying anything.

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Very well stated!!!

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👏👏👏Thanks for the reporting and analysis. Your insightful summary is incredibly helpful for those of us who despite our keen interest do not have time to read the full report. I intend to forward it to several friends , some of who will undoubtedly thank me and a few of whom will probably want to debate your conclusions. 🙂🙂🙂I doubt that we will ever get this insight from the NYT or WaPo or the LA Times. Even though I am sure that you allow them to publish it verbatim on their front page with proper attribution. They would not even have to conduct their usual and sloppy background “ research” .

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If Biden is so feeble-minded that he can't stand trial for what he did before being feeble-minded, how the hell can he be the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES???

He was a Senator and a Vice President when he took classified documents.

Trump was PRESIDENT.

As president he had the right to declassify documents. Biden DID NOT!!!

Trump has already stated that the documents WERE declassified which should mean-case over. Other than Executive Order 13526, which isn't a law, there is no written protocol for the declassification of documents that I am aware of, so how is Jack Smith going to argue that the well guarded documents Trump had WERE NOT declassified?

Biden can't stand trial yet Trump needs to.

It's a Two-Tiered System alright.

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“It's a Two-Tiered System alright.”

It’s way beyond a “Two-Tiered System.” It’s a failed state in rapid decline unraveling and collapsing in real time before our very eyes. This does not bode well for our future.

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It seems like reality as opposed to struggling to be hopeful for our future. We must hold on to hopeful optimism and doing what we can because the alternative is too awful to contemplate. Just a thought.

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Julie, Thank you for your exceptional attention to detail on such a paramount current revelation! We, of the informed "other political bent", were at least rudimentarily aware of this continued reveal of Biden evidence. Removing JR Biden from the office of the Presidency of the USA is now a known circumstance, by world eyes.

As always, those of us who are fortunate, get to see your well informed high level coverage of all things generally and politically wrong carried out by the Democrat political machine. Your dedication to any subject you cover is thorough, in depth and well written.

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Indict Trump, indict Biden.

Trump can argue that he is entitled to the documents. . Biden cannot.

Biden should be prosecuted too.

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I’m not sure the US can withstand a feeble minded President for another year. I am serious. He’s responsible for millions of people, unable to stand trial due to “a credible jury not convicted him due to cognitive decline.” In that case, he is incapable of holding the highest office in the land. Forget the trial. Guilty or innocent, he has to lose his office. P.S. he is guilty in knowingly and willfully committing a crime during his tenure as President. It may take forever for the 25th Amendment. Impeachment may be speedier route.

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And think about it. Wars all over the world and the defense secretary disappears?

Slow Joe doesn't know?

Who is in charge?

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deletedFeb 12
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Therefore, impeachment.

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You are so correct, but Biden will not be held to account.

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I’m always struck by the timelines that you point out in your pieces. In this one you mention the DOJ beginning its physical search for documents at the Penn Biden Center, the very same day it issued its subpoena for more classified documents at Mar-a-Lago. Although these were two different cases, I would love to know the names of the Agents involved in both cases along with any emails and text of communications between them regarding these cases. Thanks for pointing out the red flags they want us to see as mere coincidences. I’m sure your astute analysis drives them mad. Your search for the truth puts you in a field by yourself. Thank you for your steadfast effort.

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Yes, Julie! The only other journalist who has read and analyzed the Hur brief that I know of is Mark Levin, so I came prepared.

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That garage photo - what a disorganized mess - probably resembles the inside of Biden's enfeebled cranium.

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The arrogance of elites.

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Way beyond “arrogance.” They are flat out insane and have done such profound damage internally to this country and externally to our global social and economic order that I think their behavior does indeed qualify as “demonic.” I am awed and appalled by what they have done. God only knows where we’ll all end up.

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FJB is brazenly criminal. The examples are enough to choke a corrupt DoInjustice and their thug-ish subordinate, the FBI. All three have obliterated public trust.

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God willing, President Trump will prevail and be sworn in. Immediately, the” FBI must be razed to the ground “ ( quoting Monica Crowley to Charlie Kirk). Drastic and painful changes will have to happen to turn this ship of. State around, if that can be done.

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Razed to the ground and salt the earth.

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The same people waging war on Trump and MAGA internally are also waging war on Putin and Russia externally. Lena Petrova is a financial analyst that I follow. She does a lot of very good reporting on domestic and international financial issues. All during the Cold War years a top priority of our foreign policy was to keep Russia and China apart. Under the rule of our deranged Democratic Party everything possible has been done to make Russia and China allies and they are now being joined by other countries that no longer trust America’s leadership due to the dollar weaponization meant to destroy Russia but which instead has destroyed trust in our financial system. This will greatly harm us and has already destabilized our global economic order.

Prof. John Mearsheimer is a political science and international affairs expert at the University of Chicago. A superb summary by him of why Russia invaded Ukraine to stop NATO from being on their border. Why did Putin so totally distrust America and NATO? Probably because he believed that we’d do the same to him and Russia that we did to Gaddafi and Libya which was to kill him and destroy his country which has never recovered from the “regime change” we did there. Well worth watching.

“Putin Warns That Weaponizing US Dollar Is a Massive Mistake That Will Backfire.” (9 min)

Lena Petrova. Feb 10, 2024


“The most important video on Ukraine.” (7 min)

John Anderson interviews Prof. John Mearsheimer. Jan 10, 2024


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Top notch reporting Julie.

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Agree 100%

I wear myself out being outraged. Not sure how much longer we can endure such evil!

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Thank you for laying out this information so clearly.

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I’ve always been bothered by the picture posted with the articles exposing files in Biden's supposed garage This man has millions of dollars and lives the life of the affluent and that is his garage?

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He does have several mansions. Not sure if the cleaning crew has access to any area where sensitive materials are, like the adjacent office.

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