I just became a paid subscriber because of this piece.

It is breathtaking to me how so many people I considered to be patriots, concerned about equal treatment under the law, and owning claimed support of liberal ideas... that are fine with the draconian treatment of the Jan-6 protestors for doing nothing that harmed anyone else except those that felt their politics were threatened. The management class abuse of power we are seeing is unprecedented. But more important to me is the number of educated and informed people that support it and are so easily programed to comply with the government-media corporatocracy narrative.

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I just became a paid subscriber as well.

Every time I see or hear Julie Kelly’s reporting on the injustices being suffered by many of the j6 defendants I become nauseous. This can’t be happening in this country. But it is and history will reflect a huge stain on the United States justice system for collectively allowing this to happen. Rep. Buck has cowardly put his head in the sand , but where are the rest of the The House Judiciary Committee members? Julie Kelly is the one lone reporter with the guts and compassion to call these ruthless judges and prosecutors out. Someday she will be vindicated and Ken Buck will be shamed.

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I think Buck is stuck in a state that has turned blue from all the Californians that have moved there and the people that migrated there to consume cannabis. I think he is groveling to his constituents to stay in power. This is the problem with our system attracting charlatans that will say or do anything to stay in power instead of taking a principled stand. But it is more difficult today as we no longer have a balanced and objective media... it is an attack arm of the DNC and left and so a politician like Buck can get wiped out by a barrage of negative press branding that, unfortunately, the electorate just regurgitate.

If the press were independent and objective, we probably would not see this Jan-6 abuse. But where is the higher power that would moderate the behavior of the Democrat controlled government when the media and them are all part of the same?

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I follow Glenn Greenwald on his locals site and I prefer reading to listening so I copied the gist of what he’s saying and posted it below. Excellent analysis by Glenn, as always. Yet more evidence of how evil the democrats are yet according to “Real Clear Politics” Joe Biden has a “Favorability Rating” of 40.1% In other words, many of our “fellow Americans” like that despicably vile piece of garbage. This is just not working at all. We have lost our internal ingredients of trust and commonality which are essential for a functional society and necessary to keep a country from unraveling.

“Let me say that again: Tammy Duckworth is refusing to allow disaster relief for American citizens in desperate need of help in the United States unless the bill also includes another $24 billion for Ukraine.”

“On CNN, with Jake Tapper this afternoon, the White House press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, emphasized that the White House fully supports Senator Duckworth's threats. In other words, in the eyes of the DC ruling class, the interest of Ukraine and the Ukrainian government is at least of equal importance to the urgent need of America's own citizens whose lives have just been overturned or worse, by several natural disasters. Indeed, the only logical conclusion one can reach is that the lives of American citizens have a lower priority than the latest demands from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.”

“If you're ever wondering why so many Americans despise its ruling class in Washington and are increasingly attracted to the type of foreign policy principles that demand the end of endless wars and the neocon obsession with sending American resources to slaughter and destabilize other countries rather than using their resources to improve the lives of American citizens, just look at what is happening right now, in Washington, and everything will be clear.”

“Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) Lets Americans Drown and Burn Unless Ukraine Gets More Money”

Glenn Greenwald. Rumble. Sept 11, 2023. (1:47)


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Yes! Despicable vile piece of garbage!!!!

❤️ Glenn Greenwald. I follow him on Locals also.

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I’m white, working class and live in Chicago. Voted for Trump twice although I’d now much prefer Vivek Ramaswamy whose campaign is based on fighting Woke race and gender ideology. Trump is too old and too intensely hated by too many due to the years of being demonized by democrats and their media to govern if elected which he wouldn’t be since the democrats will just steal the election again as they did in 2020.

Vivek though doesn’t have that extremely heavy baggage of being so intensely hated by so many plus he’s young (38) and can appeal to many that Trump could never reach. Like a breath of fresh air in our suffocatingly stagnant society that’s always in a state of crisis. Vivek’s commitment to meritocracy and traditional values will also have global appeal, especially in India. That global attention will make it impossible for democrats to steal the election from him. Watch Vivek and his wife, Apoorva, talk about God and religion. Actually quite beautiful. The more I see of both of these people the more impressed I am. He’d make a great president plus he and his wife would be fabulous role models not only for our deeply troubled society but also for our lost and confused world. These are people who really do seem to be divinely inspired.

“In its true essence, dharma means for a Hindu to "expand the mind". Furthermore, it represents the direct connection between the individual and the societal phenomena that bind the society together. In the way societal phenomena affect the conscience of the individual, similarly may the actions of an individual alter the course of the society, for better or for worse. This has been subtly echoed by the credo धर्मो धारयति प्रजा: meaning dharma is that which holds and provides support to the social construct.”

“Vivek Ramaswamy talks about his Dharma. He is running for US presidency.” (10 min)

Every Devotee has a Story. Aug 31, 2023


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"“There have been no substantial allegations that the government violated the 4th, 5th, or 6th Amendments in prosecuting January 6 defendants.”"

Where to start? If Memory serves The Constitution mentions Something about Speedy Trials. 2 1/2 years does not strike me as Speedy.

The Process IS the Punishment.

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There is a common mind-virus with former US Attorneys General. Pence is also afflicted. For whatever reason, discernment is void when a party has been arrested. It’s as if they are unable or unwilling to see beyond the charges. Worse, it is as if they are in league with the prosecutors. It is awful.

The entire J6 episode is an orchestrated sham... Here we are on the anniversary of the 9/11/2001, still exploiting the anti constitutional measures imposed to fight international terrorism to exact vengeance on political protestors, I.e. US citizens.

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The conservatives need to clean their ranks odf these obviously misinformed and/or blatantly ignorant corruptocrats that choose to opine on an open wound in our "justice" system. Odds are that Buck is not a reader of your substack posts - who knows what motivates these "representatives" to support untruths and injustices that are plain to see. This guy is on the judiciary committee!!!?? Thank you for highlighting this blatant dishonesty.

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Now am not familiar with Co. politics bu it would nor surprise me to find M. Buck involved in a Primary Fight. No matter how you feel about the Jan 6 protest (when I 1st heard about it I thought it was A Bad Idea) THIS is a No Brainier.

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I agree with Elizabeth above this whole article has made me even more nauseous . How is there only one journalist in the whole country reporting this I keep waiting for some brave soul from the MSN to see the light and come forth and speak the truth. Alas they are all cowards.

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What in the heck happened to Ken Buck? He used to have a bit of a backbone, but it looks like the DC mind virus has infected him, and unfortunately the only cure is to vote him out next time.

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We absolutely should be negotiating a national divorce now, while we can. before it becomes more of a national murder/suicide

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This is typical for Ken Buck. He should have had a primary a long time ago.

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Julie, you were way too nice! Calling this guy a RINO is a compliment.

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"big wet sloppy kiss to Attorney General Merrick Garland" - love it.

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Check out his DONORS‼️

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Here’s a video by a Republican council woman in NYC about how out of control this “migrant crisis” is there and how the democrats simply refuse to deal with the fact that we wouldn’t have this crisis if we had a southern border. This woman is frustrated, horrified and angry at what’s happening to her city and country. And if it’s a crisis now what will it be like a year from now when we have 2 or 3 times as many “migrants” that we know nothing at all about and are primarily single young men? Most of these people will never show up for a court date and those who do and are denied asylum simply ignore the order to leave the country since it’s not enforced and they know that. This though goes along with Julie and Glenn Greenwald’s articles about the disintegration of our society in real time before our very eyes. A strange and spooky feeling to watch our society becoming ever more insane.

‘He Wants To Continue This Crisis’: Nicole Malliotakis Slams Mayor Adams’ Aid To Asylum Seekers.

Forbes Breaking News. Sept 11, 2023. (5 min)


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Ken Buck NEVER does his homework. He NEVER knows what he is talking about. He's lazy.

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We are hoping for a primary challenger to buck another good old boy enforcer that cant grasp that this isnt his fbi or doj. He will get his butt kicked

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To quote the greatest President of the 20th Century, the great Ronald Reagan (in another context, quite obviously), "here we go again!" Apparently, Ken Buck is angling to replace Mitch McConnell as the poster-boy for the Inside-the-Beltway-Establishment-Statists-RINO's who occupy a prime seat in the Uni-Party. Instead of actually behaving like a principled Republican, or, rather, an American citizen with half a brain, and shouting from either the mountains or, perhaps, every rooftop in Moscow-on-the-Potomac, he spouts the talking points of the PR Department, formerly known as the Mainstream Media.

The reference to the Gulag Archipelago in the letter to Buck from the Colorado Republican Party was spot-on as we have witnessed numerous Soviet Show Trials during the previous 2+ years. And for Buck to be blissfully ignorant of the Stasi-style behavior of the DOJ/FBI is disgustingly stunning. Perhaps it illustrates his lack of intelligence that he was dumb enough to respond in writing to his State's Republican Party's letter urging him to grow a spine. Now we, and they, have no doubt that he doesn't deserve to call himself a Republican and serve in the House of Representatives as such. Although I'm certain he will be welcomed by George Will and Bill Crystal anytime he wants to rub elbows with the neo-con-never-Trumpers.

And to put the cherry on-top, he boldly claims that he won't vote to impeach the current occupant of the Oval Office, in body only, of course. This also indicates how little the Inside-the-Beltway-Establishment-Statists-RINO's think of their constituents. Despicable, for certain.

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Could you explain a couple of terms, just so we both know What we're taking about RINO, Uni-Party?

BTW You do know that Mitch McConnell's ACU (American Conservative Union) Life time rating (If memory serves) is 76. That's about as good as any reasonably can expect from someone who has been in C and operated at a High Level. Compare that number with Former Sen. Lincoln Chafee (34) THAT is a RINO. Does this mean always agree with Mitch, and think he did the Right Thing? No it doesn't, BUT He's Not A RINO.

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